ISIS' golden child was a repressed homosexual and regular of the gay club he shot up

ISIS' golden child was a repressed homosexual and regular of the gay club he shot up.


the armenian genocide never happened,

He was only assessing the tactical layout of the building.


lol, all these goatfuckers fuck dudes all the time, They call it a "Sexual emergency" They're very confused.

>escorted out drunk
>several times over a 3 year period

Took him a long time to get that layout memorized

I bet he got buttmad some Bear Poz'd his neg-hol

Jesus, they do realize that he was CASING the joint, don't they?

It is like jews want everybody to think that Hitler was a jew too. Don't believe this shit, man. It is western propaganda.

>repressed homosexual
>regular of the gay club


He only wanted to make more glory holes!

Based on the fact that he was going there repeatedly over the course of three years and getting belligerently drunk it seems like more than reconnasainse. The theory that he was making his muzzie attonement for being a closeted cock worshipping faggot seems entirely reasonable.

>Took him a long time to get that layout memorized
Well, this WAS the worst mass shooting in American history.

Hahaha, liberal BTFO.
They blamed homophobia for the attack instead of Islam and the killer was a flaming faggot bahaha.

They're throwing everything on the wall now.

The defense is "gays are mentally ill and guns should be banned" now?

He was 'penetrating deep' to gather useful intel.

'scouting the perimeter', so to speak.

He was often 'undercover' if you will

This shooting is obviously the fault of racist, oppressive, white male gays who refuse to date anyone who isn't white. Looks like the libshits were right after all.

White males, BTFO!

Those savage faggots tricked him into being gay. He had to make them pay for it.

Gay people are so vindictive, just a bunch of bitches.


it's spelled "cruising"

He probably finally worked up the nerve to suck a cock after three years and then the cognitive dissonance required to be a literal muslim faggot was too much for his simple mind to process and he flew completely off the rails.

>believing this pro establishment crap

You have to be kidding me guys, holy fuck.

lovers spat


>shit, we can't blame the muslims for murdering the gays

Jews are goddamn brilliant.

Stuff like this makes me really believe the event was staged.

>Remembering some random drunk faggot from three years ago

Of course he was a faggot. They always are self hating people

The 911 hijackers did a bunch of degenerate stuff before doing what they did. Suicide attacks rely on these types of people

>if you hate gays you're closeted!!!1

This paradox is actually the main reason gays make normal people uncomfortable.


Wasn't the guy in LA also a faggot?


Smokescreen. Don't fall for this kikery Sup Forums. Obama and the MSM were getting control with the homophobia angle, then it came out that he had been scouting Disney World and other theme parks as well as Pulse before making his decision and now it comes out that he went there regularly?

Don't believe it. It's obvious kikery meant to try and get the narrative back on track since they can go back to proclaiming homophobia and now add the "suppressed" angle to it as well. He was likely not a fag. Do not fall for the jew ruse.

CIA gets them all sorts of fucked up on drugs and tells them to blow themselves up or allah will smite them.



Taqiyya is a Jewish invention, you ignorant little blue pill.

suck my duck

Lol horee sheet dem bantz

What if he was gay, but that he later on felt bad about it, started focusing on religion, and then shot up the club in an effort to even out his sins?

Under rated.

Why do homos accuse everyone of being homo?
Reminds me of all the times people accuse hitler of being part Jew.

Why is this an argument used by the left?

STFU Milo shill
Omar "blew out a drag Queen Spleen" Hateen wuz a gud boy

It's called character assassination. It's exactly why people make fun of Donald Trump for his hair, for his failed University, for his way of saying the word "HUGE".

Smart people disregard such comments, no matter who they're trying to humiliate with them.

Called it, dude's just a self hating fag!

That's disappointing. I had a lot of respect for the bloke before (I mean, 50 fags in body bags is no joke), but turns out he was a sodomite too. At least he got shot as well.

Listening to eye witnesses he tried to get in the restroom with 30 men in it, but they baracaded the door. Keeping all the glory holes for themselves.
Then the massacre began.

Makes you think

People make fun of the way he says "huge"? He says it "yuuge" just like comrade bernie

>getting drunk at a gay bar

Absolute horseshit.

>all fucked in the ass as young boys
>fuck young boys in the ass when old themselves
>surprised they are secretly faggots
All muslims are faggots, literally

I need that one graph with a bunch of Muslim states on it ASAP. the one with all the numbers about how many muslims want sharia law.

They really do have warped perceptions of sexuality. They can't even be in the same room as a woman without implications.


Thank you user, I dont mean to be a asshole, I doubt you have it. But what I was remembering had this, as well has a bunch of other stats. Posting all of this on FB.

You just had to be more specific user. This one was in my Germany folder so it mostly applies to refugees.

what, lol


This is even better then the one I wanted. Thank you so much

He got drunk at a gay bar that wasn't even in his city. Yeah, repressed.

>Absolute horseshit.

Found the sandnig

FYI I've been to the middle east and dealt with your people. Homosexuality is very common among your savage culture. Expect its always on the down low like american nigs

Reprobate sodomite detected.

Romans 1:
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.


Us Aryan racists hate the gays, they told us so all this morning.


Praise kek


A fucking faggot.

Quit terrorist shaming.

>Kek is in the dendera light carvings

This meme god is beginning to scare me

roach detected

Instead of just assuming he went for being a faggot maybe he was scouting the place before committing the act.

I can see where they're pushing the narrative. He was driven to radicalization because of such an intolerant American society that ostracizes and made him afraid to live as a proud gay Muslim xir. We should all take time check our privilege during this time of mourning.

>Took him a long time to get that layout memorized
Of course it did, he was drunk.


This. Sounds like bullshit to shift the narrative.

Because they refuse to accept the humanity of their enemies. Refuse to accept being thought of as scum, so they rationalize the reasons for being attacked as the attacker losing his mind.

They're often confused