What do you fags have to say about this?
Not wrong.
People can't think for themselves so they look at memes or the liberal media to get their political agenda. That's why liberals are unable to perceive reality or common sense ideas like op's pic. It's also why Hilary is doing so well in the polls as opposed to being hung on a pole
pol represents islam
I don't know, but I still bought an AR 15 today because I sense another assault rifle ban coming...
This is true. A lot of liberals would rather FEEL than THINK.
It's a shame that the GOP is nominating Trump because the Republicans had this election in the bag. There was a reason there were 100 fucking people running. Every candidate knew it was a sure thing and wanted their shot at being elected President. Hillary's only shot at being President rested on the GOP nominating someone unacceptable which they've done.
He was a registered Democrat. Just like the vast majority of the past mass shooters...
Why does everyone seem overlook this important fact?
Well that bitch hasnt been hung in a pole for a long time, thats why Bill likes other bitches.
What the hell is a pos? People of sand?
There's a reason why Trump's the nominee.....because all the other guys were terrible choices! Except maybe Rand.
islam is a religion and is also homophobic
guns don't have an ideology nor do they tell gun owners to kill things
He doesn't represent responsible gun owners, and neither do any of the other mass shooters but the problem is the ease of access for nutjobs. The only people this person represents is radicals. They are vastly different from regular muslims and gunowners.
>people can't think for themselves
>on a meme board
I think that they also live in neighbor hoods where crime isn't a problem and their minorities have been tamed. Its like saying i love canines while ignoring the threat of rabid Biomagic fueled Dire Wolves that threatens others because they have a cute doggy of their own. They're so sheltered the idea of an ignorant violent nigger/mudslim/etc is outlandish and only hateful people think that there is a culture problem anywhere.
remind them that Sup Forums is a board of peace.
>Muh gunz
He represents all the violent deranged gun-toting homophobic bigots out there. Like OP
good work
So who represents all the violent deranged homos out there? Like you.
Because he didn't stab those 50 people with a fucking Quran, he shot them with a gun.
>Implying his Quran doesn't tell him to do it.
>Implying his Quran doesn't tell him to do it.
Well he didn't have to listen?
The fact remains that these people died from bullet wounds.
nobody claimed he represented all gun owners
they just don't believe your right to own guns is worth what it is costing now, so they'd rather you find a new hobby or a different means of protecting your home or self, if it means a person like this will no longer have easy access to firearms.
Gun ownership isn't a religious/political ideology that overwhelmingly supports murder :^)
oh no, he's crying
quick, burn the constitution they all swore an oath to protect
you have to go back
Spot the Liberal
you probably voted for Trudeau didnt you, you little cuck.
Because gun owners are repeatedly driven to violence by their shared medieval ideology that demands they make war on non-gun-owners and tells them to put gays to death.
In the end, its the ideas that drive these people, not the guns.
Shameless bump
If the losers couldn't win a primary they couldn't win a a general
Straw man. Show me even one example of someone claiming he represents all gun owners.
By a man driven by religious ideology.
Everyone talking about banning guns
We should be banning Islam for being an Assault Religion
It's somewhat aged slang for "piece of shit".
The instruction manuals of guns don't include "Kill all the gays and infidels" whereas the instruction manual of Islam does.