I used to be in movies y'know

>I used to be in movies y'know

Other urls found in this thread:



She's in Maggie Gyllenhaals JUST club now.

The Mummy: Ancient Hollywood

>implying you wouldn't

>no tits
>destroyed pussy

I wouldn't.

>I used to be hot y'know

Brad really dodged a bullet. A shame he was convinced to adopt 10 African and Asian children, but at least hes still semi-free

Fuck I can finally see her father's genes and I don't like it.


If her husband was a drug addict and abused children why was she allowed to adopt so many kids?

Holy shit I finally see Jon Voight.

except Maggie was always uggo

>She'll never be a loli ever again.

If only women aged in reverse....

so what mental disorder does she have?

She was probably getting blacked daily by that age

>I used to be Bond y'know?

All of them


She's been looking like Jon Voight with tits since Tomb Raider

>Aye yooshed tew be Bahnd y'ken?


She's starting to look like Hillary Clinton

Biopic when??

I fucked up, then again I like his films especially The Anderson Files.

And what do you know Hillary used to be the perfect loli too.

We need to make these women lolis again.

>>destroyed pussy

She's a roastie. Had a bf live with her since 14 years of age. Used up goods.

I hope you rot in hell you faggot

Uterus got removed.

I thought you were talking about her hysterectomy.

>She's a roastie
i thought that meant she was just a grill. it actually means her vag is outside in?

>Had a bf live with her since 14 years of age. Used up goods
I guess that'll do it. What the fuck was brad doing then? it couldnt have been that bad


Hey now she might actually have a chance at being class president as a loli.

Fucking degenerate. Kill yourself you waste of air, skin and space.


Did they have sound back then, or just play piano over the subtitles?

I always hated her and found her disgusting. I could never figure out what men saw in her. It was like you had to think she was hot because you were just supposed to.

Seriously what the FUCK went wrong?

>It was like you had to think she was hot because you were just supposed to.
Yeah. Literally meme magic.

OP's pic goes beyond Voight. There's something Walken-ish about it.

>Hey hun, do you mind putting lotion on mommy's legs before bed?

come on


Those stockings look uncomfortable and no I want Aniston.

I jerked off to her so many times. Sad!

Getting old sucks.

This is oficially Brad Pitt thread. Post pasta that humiliates OP's horrid skeltal.

Its a weird thing to be able to say in truth that I pick up better quality women than Brad Pit
What a fucking liberal psycho bitch Angelina is
Someone should tell these 10/10 male actors that they dont have to date famous people, they would not get kicked out of hollywood for dating/marrying a quality woman with a non showbiz life, they dont seem to realize this.

Shouldn't have left Aniston.

Who should O'l Pitt shack up with now lads?

let Angelina be a reminder that there's a spooky skeleton inside each of us and it's just waiting for an opportunity to come out and play.
keep 'em in, Anons.


J Lo? They could make a nice couple.

Celebrities are bad at relationships.

I don't consider celebrities real people. They are disgusting.


Holy shit, lads. She's nearly out of meat.

If you blur your eyes the foot on the left looks like a fucking hoof.

I clicked now where are they?

Did someone say hoof?


Newflash women get old

she'll always have those dick sucking lips tho

Edward Norton

I got stung on the lip by a scorpion once and got Angelina lips for a couple of hours.

Very few do it well.

How? Are you a camel fucker?

People here are mostly bashing her for being nuts though



I live in Florida. It's like baby Australia down here.

>I always hated her and found her disgusting
you are a fucking autistic over emotional virgin

aniston is ugly as fuck. also a pathetic psycho bitch.


Kek, I've got a niece that lives with her junkie mom down there. Enjoy your meth, cubans, and old people.

You know this from personal experience?

>Jolie wore a blood vial in a necklace
>documented drug addiction

Aniston is bat shit crazy in comparison user.

Are you purposely using low res images?


I commend Brad for staying with her so long.

>I have a higher risk of cancer so instead of getting regular checkups with world class Drs I will cut my tits off

im replying jesus!



This is what happens to drug addicts and/or people who fancy themselves vampires.

They age horribly, their inner personality reflects on their outer personality when they pass their prime.

some look good in their 40 tho

I know that hoof! Kates Playground


oh boy here we go

>Telling one of your it has more privilege
>Telling your other kids they're not as privileged

Jesus Christ and I thought playing favorites was bad.

hahaha xDDD

haha triggereed the paid shills that browse here i see

Fast Forward from 2007 to the current year.

Mommy mode Jennifer Anniston and Angelina Jolie walk up to you at a club and start making fun of your dick and spitting in your drink, they tell you YOU HAVE to fuck one of them. Well Sup Forums??

Jesus christ the tabloids would become a world super power

holy shit everything but the last sentence is real

why are all actors and actresses horrible people?

The scene she did with Banderas was hot.

These fucking names I swear to god

>figured out a way to guarantee attention from libtard parents

smart girl