Guy, you should be more like reddit

Guy, you should be more like reddit.

Hate really is not the answer.

Other urls found in this thread:

top cuck

Neither is soaking up bullets


May I ask what the answer is then


I wonder if this means hate against gays or against islam

Hate is the question, man.



Only if we send you to a shitty island.. oh wait

>Hate really is not the answer

Yes it is.

>loving freedom and peace and doing what it takes to preserve that = hatred

So I guess we should just lie down and let bad men kill everyone instead of taking up arms and defending our people and way of life?

Who the fuck ever said simply "hate" IS the answer, god fucking damnit. Why not put "Truth is the answer"? Does the truth disturb this many people? Fucking morons.

Reminder to always inspect the flag.

Fun fact: Most of Sup Forums is just reddit now.

Fucking Trumpfags from reddit ruined this board. And I say this as a Trump supporter.

>Hate is not the answer

Sounds like a ideology for a mindless sheep who wants to be conquered

Enough hate and violence can remove any problem

And the answer is "Hell fucking yes!"

no amount of love is going to turn a radical islam to a baby loving person. so stop with the PC they hate us and thats that..


Hate is quite literally the answer.

are you sure reddit actually exists?

>Trumpfags from reddit

>tfw my city hall has put up the gay rainbow flag right next to the US flag

Or else censorship right

>Hate really is not the answer

I hate shit like that. Why can't hate be the answer? Isn't hate sometimes a healthy natural response? A survival mechanism? Isn't hate a part of living?

These fucking people are afraid of their own thoughts.

Hate fucks with your aim. You need peace, tranquility, and quality optics.

>QTs optional

Yeah, I mean look how great it worked out for your country.

LMAO get fucked bombed, faggot. Keep sucking Putin's dick. You won't even exist in 200 years.

>1 post by this ID

I hate you and your annoying convict island of faggot shitposters

Why do we even have hate then? If you need to repeat something to yourself that often, maybe you're not really convinced.

This is one of those normie phrases you're not supposed to question, like "diversity is our strength", or "violence doesn't solve anything". It's not an argument, it's an attempt at social programming.

Censorship is ok if it's hate speech!

say NO to drugs

hate worked out great, it got them their own country

ambiguous and vague impressionist crap is the easiest way to influence.

Maybe the solution is to stop going to reddit.

I will stop hating gays when gays stop hating pedophiles.

What is their definition of hate?

Leftists like to complain about painting things with a broad brush, but I've found they too are very broad with what they consider hate, racism, bigotry, and 'homophobia'.

pedophiles should be shot.

I only go to reddit for development information on games I like. Going to reddit for anything else is entirely shit, let alone news itself. The place is run by ultra-left cucks that want sugarcoated views that couldn't possibly offend the slightest person. It is the biggest circle jerk I have ever seen. The views expressed there are not genuine, it is simply a breeding ground for faggots that want attention and to be though of as having a high and mighty opinion over other people because of the voting system. tl;dr reddit is fucking cancer and going there will give you cancer. period.

oh my god i cant believe i have to explain what hate is
just ugh
this is why youll never have sex


>reddit mods deleting threads about fags
>fags getting butthurt

this is too funny


The dipshits at reddit censored the islamophobia enough that people had to rely on The_Donald. They are fucking retarded. I'm loving their backtracking atm.

"hate is not the answer"
tell that to the niggers

They're right. The truest redpill is that none of the positions that pol advocates for actually require hate. Hatred is the sign of an immature mind ruled by emotion.

Name one situation mankind hqs encountered that has not been solved with violence.

Violence is always the answer.

Fuck that.

Where in God's name did this meme come from? Where did people get this idea?

When world government need to get shit down because some fucktards are killing their people, do they send professional non violent protestors? Do they get professional angry facebook people to write angry things? No, they get professional killers to find the people they don't like and they fucking shoot them in the face.

Are the Kurds fighting ISIS with the power of love? Do the people literally risking their lives out there in the mideast to slaughter these terrorist subhumans think hate is not the answer? I think they're the experts, and I think they'd agree that this is horse shit.

Fuck that. I consider myself a peaceful person, but some people in this world just have to fucking die. I need a break from Sup Forums and the news.

I'm happy I've never visited that site. And that UI looks fucking retarded.

Thanks for the tip Master Yoda

Everyone upvote the shit out of these videos. This kid is a hero.

>hate is not the answer

>except when that hate is directed at Republicans, Christians, Donald Trump, or anyone that disagrees with me

Fucking saved. brb, sharing with tolerant leftists.

Yeah that's usually the response I get whenever I try to reason with these dimwits.

Very few of them can argue these points since most of them are just parroting what others say.

This is what happens when marxists take over public schools and turn students into unthinking slaves of the state.

Here's a link you can give anonymously to faggots on tumblr:
Just use your garden variety hashtags to search open their eyes wide open ;^)

r/news lost 78,000 subscribers because of this censoring bullshit. 8000 went to r/the_Donald and 65,000 to r/uncensored_news witch is a subreddit run by 1488 dudes and Sandy Hook truthers. Kek be praised!

>1 post by his ID

I was wondering when you faggots would catch on that we've caught on to your lazy shilling tactics.

yeah, like reddit Sup Forums should have deleted all stories about the Orlando shootings and banned anyone referring to the shooter as a Muslim.

So sick of all the racism on this site desu

that ID


Not all Khorne worshippers butcher their enemies. Chaos is the religion of peace. The Horus Heresy was an isolated incident. Don't confuse Khorne Berzerkers with peaceful worshippers of the Lord of Skulls. It's 999.M41, stop being haemophobic, you bigots. Angron is a loving Daemon Prince, you just need to interpret the Warp better.

We should indeed double down on our gays. Support our gays. That is what the Muslims don't want. We have some great republican/nationalist gays on our team, folks.

you can put "un" in front of the reddit link to see deleted comments

I don't hate anyone, I just wanted to reduce the risk of people getting killed by terrorists.

>This will not go down as an islamic terror attack
>History will remember the worst mass shooting in the US as being solely about hating gays
>All anyone will say is the wests homophobia caused that islamic terrorist attack

Hate is clearly the answer so long as it's the west.

If love can solve a problem, it wasn't a problem to begin with. Hate is the only thing that gets real results.

If you hate a person, they win.