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reddit is shitting up this game; come play, Sup Forums Current Events

Other urls found in this thread: Current Events

wut dis

Some of the most fun I've had in weeks, when we actually get enough Sup Forumsacks in one room


it's a game; easy to pick up; click on the Help?

>This app will be able to post tweets for you
>update your profile
>Access DMs

you dont need to actually use twitter or facebook to make an account, I think you have to go to the front page

you don't even need an account to play

My sides still hurt from last time

>please use the latest version of chrome

Nobody's even in the Pol Incorrect room

Shit post on the regular room

got timed out for asking was hitler wrong
what is this faggotry

You have to be subtle until we have enough to break the room and the cuck mods.

I got kicked for saying
>Gib Shekels.
Fucking anti semitists

>My chat has been locked

0/10 room mods are commies

don't be super obscene and you're fine

how long does this fucking timeout last

Well, I just got muted for asking if muslims should get banned.


Got chat locked for saying Deus Vult.

Mods seem to have just disabled chat

yeh ive noticed holy fuck my sides are in orbit


You can sign in as a guest

i am justin trudeau who trolled last night asking questions like "if you screw my gf but i end up cuddling her at night, who wins"?

and "honor killings shouldn't be called barbaric"

as soon as i entered this happened, never even chatted before

they locked chat, lmao

wait but i see chatting there is it not for us?

these faggot mods. we need a new room

its back now, some people just got muted

I'm heertler. They kept deleting my questions about kikes


I couldn't and I didn't even say anything.

Go into the Pol Incorrect room

everybody got muted

we're still winning the game tho

no fuck that

>designated speech zones

Oh, your magnet PULLS, not pushes.

Fuck the little sprites were misleading.

Bumping for fun

Top kek, mod has muted the people.
So this is what it's like to have a conversation in an SJW environment.

bernie mod is harassing justin trudeau


>Enter for the first time
>Kicked before I can even do anything

this is actually super fun. join the pol room guys


>got b& for asking how to protect ourselves from the jews

Literal jew fest in there.

they censored the conservatives

everybody vote "bad question" on every single one


it's the only way

ok except on ours ;)

This is hilarious, i can't ask questions tho

how does this work?

Agreed. We killed the entire game for redditors.

> Current Events




fuck their couch, nigga. fuck. their. couch

That was created because pol stormed it a couple days ago and the mods ended up just giving up.

They tried to create a containment board.

What the fuck is on the second god damn screen? I keep getting beat when I just want to submit a question.

The site was working for me 2 days ago, now it won't load

Send help

Mine won't either

It's probably better they get their data from here than from reddit if they want to use this to build an AI

Vote yes on christian ones to trigger reddit

room is full

I can't load any lobby's or anything. Won't even let me make an account

I can't sign in period

The page refuses to load

What a fucking tedious waste of an evening that was. You fags should read books or lift instead of playing this shit.



>You need to sign in or sign up before continuing.
>fb tier

>australian threat

I am still mad we didn't answer 12 for age though, come on new fags.


I dunno

it is becoming quite tedious

the mods are destroying their own site

How do you guys type this shit this fast? I can't even punch in a question because it disappears and resets back to first screen.

Got banned yesterday for having a winning suggestion

>these STAY over LEAVE, EU cucks

>all these pol users unironically have chrome installed

Got kicked for saying black people kill people not guns lads

>this mod


why is the chat locked

Got kicked for having a subpar internet connection. This is discrimination of the highest degree.

nvm i just got muted for putting jews as an answer

You guys are genuinely fags and these questions are horrible.

What's the point of asking questions you know the answer to? All more suggestion questions for stuff like "how can we be more progressive?" Or what not

how come my chat was locked right when I entered the current events room? I literally didn't say anything in that room.

>finally get enough points to make an answer
>faggots slide the question to the most faggotty one available


Isn't it past your bed time, Sup Forums?

>sign up

subtlety is something they don't understand

This is basically just an electronic Ouija board.

If anything we should Troll the fuck out of it so their data mining AI is useless - Like Tay.

Dont have to use your email

>mfw reddit doesn't know who anders brevik is and agrees

> Current Events


Get fucked.

well, I guess the mods are gay


I got permabanned or something

How many points to ask a question and how to get unblocked ?

What is this stupid we can top that shit?

Starts at like 3000 and goes down every second if you can click the button fast enough.

Chat is on permanent lock down because mods are fags. Only mods can talk.

thing pops up on the right after you answer a question

hitting the we can top that button votes to re-do the question

finally got my question asked, picture didn't show up -.-

You gotta leave the picture window open when you ask the question

How long is it going to take these dumbass mods to realize that we aren't going to go to the NSFW room.

they should stop being fascists/communists and unblock the chat

Fuuuuuuuck we should keep spamming open chat

got banned for jews did 9/11 question
looks like it's filled with Sup Forumstards anyway. no redpilling opportunities