Was Smaug a dragon?
Was Smaug a dragon?
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No you dunce, he was a wyrm
Yeah I'm pretty sure that big lizard with wings and fire breath is a dragon, user
He was a big guy.
Did Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh eviscerate the book by making it an action movie for young people aged 15 to 25?
Has the commercialization reduced the aesthetic and philosophical impact of the creation to nothing?
I don't know, but he was the only decent part of the Hobbit movies (aside from Martin Freeman's performance as Bilbo).
What the fuck kind of question is that?
Who let you off the train?
>philosophical impact
it was a kids book senpai
he's a big dragon
He's a dragon, because they refer to him as a dragon in the movie, and in a fictional universe, a fictional creature can can have whatever made up name the storytellers choose, and autists have to live with it.
Gif related, a boggart that is not a mischievous thief spirit or in any way related to a brownie, and yet is still just as much a boggart.
There's some group of autists that always freak out whenever someone draws a wyvern and calls it a dragon. They also threaten to kill their parents when dragons can or cannot talk depending on their preference. It's really sad that people like this exist.
We'll he wasn't a fucking cat.
for you
Smaug was kind of a cross breed. Dragons usually have 4 legs with wings on their back, while wyverns have wings for their 2 front arms.
Smaug had 2 front arms but also had wings coming off those arms and not off his back
Why, Vern, do you keep asking this question?
Filthy racemixing "dragons"
In Monster Hunter terms, he's a Flying Wyvern.
Wyverns are dragons
Yes. A wyvern is a dragon, whereas a dragon is not necessarily a wyvern. Fuck you.
No, he was a wyvern
He's a humanoid considering he can talk
Nah ... it's Cumberbatch !!!
In most old myths dragons were described as having six limbs but with further research into Game of Thrones and The Hobbit and phylogenetic analysis we've found that dragons actually have four limbs and the distinction between dragon and wyvern was unnecessary. Like how brontosaurus turned out not to be a species because it was just a young apatosaurus
In the first Hobbit movie he was, but they cut off his front legs in the subsequent ones
No, that's bullshit. Dragons have six limbs and are considered intelligent. Game of Thrones, Skyrim and Lord of the Rings all had Wyverns.
Smaug was even described as a wyvern by Tolkien.
also the people who described dragons as having six limbs also thought elephants looked like this
They don't?
rumors say that Smaug was Tom Bombadil's wife's son, but hey, don't quote me on that
The Hobbit was written with small children in mind, user.
>dragons are the ONLY six-limbed vertebrates
>the ability to breathe fire appeared separately in two COMPLETELY unrelated animals (wyverns would be further from dragons than you are from a frog)
>your source for this is people who thought giraffes looked like pic related
According to Jackson this was all due to studio meddling and he wanted to make it closer to the books.
seems a legit elephant to me
Why are you arguing about the accuracy of medieval sources pertaining to real animals? You do know that dragons don't exist in the real world, right?
Why not? Can't be any gayer than this shit
>this thread
death to wyvernposters
>All the fucking retards in this thread.
The difference between dragons and wryverns was just bullshit made up to differentiate between heraldry on coat of arms.
> In English heraldry, a wyvern is a creature similar to a dragon, with two legs (whereas the dragon has four legs) and two wings. This kind of creatures is often simply called a "dragon" in heraldry of other countries. For example, in French heraldry, a "dragon" has generally two legs and two wings.
It doesn't fucking matter
What's a wyrm then?
>for (You)
Yes it does fucking matter. Wyverns aren't as sexy.
>wyverns are dragons
that's like saying spiders are insects
Why he wanted the gold?
>you in charge of getting the point
I'm just suggesting a soothing headcanon for wyvernfriends. If you get upset over the fact that medieval doodlers defined dragons differently from modern CGI artists just assume the medieval doodlers got it wrong, just like they did with literally everything else. Here's a winged giraffe.
In Monster Hunter terms fucking everything is a wyvern.
Or at least 80% of the creatures drop Wyvern Tears
why is he so fucking Smug?
only a total nerd would refer to movie dragon as wyvern or wyrm.. even though I know the difference I would never say it out loud
In the book, Smaug is a dragon. He was drawn by Tolkien with four legs and two wings. Even in the first Hobbit movie (prologue) you can see he has two front legs, but they removed them in the sequels because two legs and two wings are easier to animate.
Was this a dragon Sup Forums?
>Even in the first Hobbit movie (prologue) you can see he has two front legs
They changed this in the Blu-ray release to reflect the later movies
>muh Monster Manual
It's a wyvern. If some fuck decided to make a movie with a unicorn in it and call it a pegasus he would still be wrong.
>It's a wyvern
According to what reputable source?
>ywn be in charge of depicting exotic animals in the middle ages.