Will this movie be red pilled?

Will this movie be red pilled?

>blacks need a white man to show them how to revolt

Real blacks are already pissed because of this!

more like super blue pilled
>hey white man you need to help black people revolt!

Movie announcement reminds me of Black Sails desu

I think it won't get much acclaim because some will see it that way but the WE WUZ are already in an uproar which is a good sign

MS reporting in. The history being portrayed in this film is bullshit. Jones county's secession was due to the wealthy elite of that county not wanting to lose all their wealth by disavowing their loyalty to the political entity guaranteeing their debts and obligations. It's a fun little story and legend around our parts. Many of these wealthy families built fantastic houses on a particular street in Laurel, most of which still stand today.

>le southerners are le bad guys

wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole

wait so this isn't about jonestown?

No it's bout blacks revolting in a southern state during the war of northern aggression

Interesting. Explains why Jones County didn't become a Republican stronghold after the civil war like the rest of the white unionists (Winston County AL; east tennessee; western North carolina; etc)

Those places had very few blacks and lots of poor whites.

>true historical events are racist

its a true story as long as they stay historically accurate and not try to overplay all the black shit.

but who are we kidding they will overplay the black shit.

>watching The Patriot: Civil War


Lol that's pretty funny, this movie now deserves Mel Gibson

The world is nothing without the white man. Even the Nips would be lost without him.

Will it be another one of these?

First thing that came to my mind. Yeah, probably.

I'm sure historical accuracy will mean a lot to the audience of the new Roots.

I heard they won't even have blacks selling blacks in in, and the slavers won't be portrayed as jewish

He has sex with a black woman in the movie, suffice to say more black men will be mad about this than white men

A lot of those black men are spawns from white seed in black bellies, tho.


I mean black Americans are on average 25% white, so a lot of master-slave sex was going on.

>niggers to lazy to free themselves from slavery unless a white man shows them how