See this shit? Stop this shit. We need to start vigilantly shitting on these groups like National Action, Golden Dawn and CasaPound. Just mock them back into their fucking basements.
They go out dressed in black looking like literal fucking super villains to normies and scare away all potential support.
The alt-right has made serious progress with respectable figures like Richard Spencer and Jared Taylor and these naziboo morons are fucking everything up. Look, its not time to go out into meat space and engage normies face to face yet.
Stay on twitter and facebook and meme hard. Don't be a fucking skinhead wannabee and paint the perfect fucking Hollywood nazi portrait that the left has painted for them all these years. You're proving the left right. Stahp.
I'm OK with skinheads of all tipe, they are bro tier, they scare away muslims and niggers so I can go to the park with my kid.
Asher Carter
They also scare away any respectable political support.
Anthony Myers
In my country politics is not considered respectable at all, both right and left wing is corrupt as hell. But I like right-wings extremists cause they keep the streets clean.
Caleb Thompson
No enemies to the right, idiot. When you shit on other nationalists and pander to your enemies, you only undermine your own credibility. Thugs like NA give weight to the words of peaceful activists. This nonsense of "disavowing" our allies is a leftist pysop to keep a monopoly on the tactics they've been using since the 60s.
Jaxon Anderson
You can't be this stupid. How the fuck are thugs running around in skeleton masks beating people good for us.
Mason Cox
>meat space Now there's a term I haven't heard in a while In all seriousness it is time to go into meat space, but we need to find a way to do it that seems acceptable to normies. These psychos just confirm all the negative preconceptions people have of the alt-right
James Ortiz
Carrot and stick, my friend. This has literally been the leftist playbook for half a century. While MLK was preaching love and tolerance, the black panthers were showing people what would happen if his peaceful demands weren't met. When Irish republicans were proposing diplomatic ways for us to give them what they wanted, the IRA were blowing people up every time negotiations stopped going their way. While the multiculti politicians are saying "please open the borders" antifa are chanting "open the borders or else." Politics is not a tea party, it's a struggle for dominance. To win, you need a moderate front to state your case and a (officially unaffiliated) radical movement to be the big stick to your soft speaking.
Austin King
I think memeing is actually doing much more damage to the alt-right. It's sealing people in an autistic bubble that's going to pop for half of them as soon as they get into a real world argument and realize they can't use Carl the Cuck memes in a face to face political confrontation. I don't like NA in particular for their retarded "HITLER WAS RIGHT" shit, but they're doing more than that. They go out and engage with people, they help build networks of real trust, and they help provide a rhetoric testing ground. The vast majority of memers on the so-called alt right would crumple like tinfoil in a real argument. We need more real life stuff to toughen ourselves up. It doesn't have to be as extreme as your examples are, but people need to engage with real people instead of posting increasingly esoteric memes that normal people can't relate to. Plus, I think you're giving these groups too much credit. They're visible to us, but normies usually have no clue who they are and their memberships are in the low thousands, at best (except for Golden Dawn but they're literally got seats in the Greek parliament so they don't really belong on your list.) Basic bitch democrats or even bernouts don't feel compelled to apologize for antifa and black bloc retards, so why should we apologize for NA or some skinhead group that we personally have nothing to do with?
Jayden Carter
these fucking morons used a Hitler is right banner in a public march
FUCK THE 14/88
Nathan Hughes
>so helpful
Evan Nguyen
Yea these guys are really going to change things in favor of our people. What a godsend.
God bless the ADL.... I mean the NA
Connor Wright
>idiot detected That name suits you Shlomo
Chase Watson
>MUH PR >Respectable figures like Dicky Spencer >Jewish Taylor >"Stay on the internet goy!"
Top fucking kek, kys
Jackson Price
thanks. You sure showed me.
God bless the SPLC neonazi alliance in its efforts to make everyone pro-White look like a fucking extremist lunatic.
Jose Perry
They're on our side, and you will never convince the left otherwise. You only drive a wedge into the right which the enemy can exploit. Jesus man, I'm trying to make this as simple as possible. Please understand that attacking your own to appease the enemy is never a sound strategy.
Thomas King
2/10 Too obvious. Get good, kike. No more (You's) for you.
Leo Phillips
>Basic bitch democrats or even bernouts don't feel compelled to apologize for antifa and black bloc retards, so why should we apologize for NA or some skinhead group that we personally have nothing to do with? Yo dude,
Fucking antifa don't flash signs of Stalin did nothing wrong and do gulag jokes. They just don't. They all mouth the same equality bullshit at the end of the day. The left got popular with cool music and slogans about revolution. They cranked communism down a lot to get normies to like it.
It's not the same thing.
Caleb Nelson
the media will call us nazis anyways might as well go balls deep.
National Action and the American Vanguard the the future of the Right, we cannot afford to be PC, because that the the Left's home field, they have the advantage. Only when we go all out do we have a chance.
Christian Turner
OK well I'm on the right and if you think waving a Hitler was right sign in fucking York, England is helpful or OK, you're shit. Sorry man, but that's PATHETIC.
Utterly pathetic. I didn't ask NA to have a FUCK HITLER sign either, but why that?
Fucking stupid. Sorry for so many fucking fucks, but this is fucking ridiculous!
Blake Foster
Kek, OP thinks he the political system route can solve the current demographic issue and struggle between civilizations.
Parker Smith
Go to sleep Tib Tib
Luke Evans
>My public relations
David Collins
>the media will call us nazis anyways might as well go balls deep. Being non-PC doesn't mean what these wackos did. Jesus Christ.
The SPLC is very happy you just said this.
"O so they'll call me a fuckin' nazi anyway, so I may as well fly the swastika and goose step all around town in a fucking NS outfit, right?"
No idiot. Hitlerism/NS=/=White identity. Stop pushing this dangerous White race-killing meme.
This is disgusting.
Gabriel Hernandez
"Hitler was right" is a 100% true statement.
Why shouldn't we speak the truth?
Brandon Ross
>derp derp if you don't believe the political system can fix it, you must therefore be an open neonazi skinhead with swastika tats shouting heil Hitler
Implying the NSDAP was fucking ever PR-less
Dominic Lopez
do you honestly think there is any other way to unfuck our nations? We have a major existential threat to our race. Nothing short of revolution will save us. There is no way we can "beat the system" and vote our way out of this mess
Grayson Cooper
Do you know how many leftists didn't say Stalin or Mao were right at one time?
Fuckin' idiot. This is just so fucking stupid. You have no mind if you think what NA did was at all helpful.
>implying telling the truth is always the best option anyway.
I can defend my race just as well without trying to defend Hitler. Whether Hitler was THE MOST EVIL MAN EVER or THE BEST MAN EVER doesn't matter a fucking shit to me.
Stop thinking that defending Hitler helps us. It just confuses normies. I'm not offended, it's just fuckin' dumb.
Juan Hernandez
>Fucking antifa don't flash signs of Stalin did nothing wrong and do gulag jokes. They just don't.
This is in the UK....
Camden Barnes
It. Doesn't. Matter. No matter what, the left will consider you just as bad as them. Appeasement doesn't work. We will always always ALWAYS be evil racist Nazis in their eyes, nothing will change that. The choice we have is this. Would we rather be viewed as weak and divided racists who they can safely ignore, or would we rather be a united front? You don't have to condone the skinheads, but condemning them is for useful idiots and controlled opposition. Unofficially, they're doing our dirty work. Officially, they're nothing to do with us and we can't be blamed.
Robert James
Yeah, lets be the flip side of that stupid fucking coin. Great idea.
Henry Nguyen
to be fair nobody really likes antifa
Robert Morgan
That is not at all what implying. I am asking what is your ideal movement, your plan, how will you market it? How will you attract people? Do you honestly think you can just get into office playing sound minded politician and then all of a sudden carry out mass deportations or whatever you want your faggit alt-right movement to do? What are you doing to achieve political power? Have you even done anything other than whine about other movements?
Oliver Lee
There are no successful nationalist groups or parties that don't at least privately 100% endorse Hitler and National Socialism.
Isaac Hughes
Antifa smash up locally owned businesses, steal private property, block traffic, and vandalize public places. They do plenty of reprehensible shit routinely. I agree with you though, people need to be less autistic about their messaging. But we can only do that through positive internal growth instead of open factionalism.
Kevin Thompson
They're just extremists, op. I really hope you're not asking me to condemn these extremists actions. Sup Forums is a board of peace
Adam Jackson
Fuck off (((you))) damn pussy. NA is based as fuck
Oliver Lewis
That stupid fucking coin is winning, in conjunction with the "moderate" parties that fund them. You can stay on your imaginary moral high ground, or you can put up a fight.
They don't need to be liked (that's for the mainstream parties) they only need to be feared. It's good cop bad cop, and it works.
Luke Richardson
Yea but the media doesn't put that shit all over the place. Most people don't know it exists. They don't have a stereotype of a crazy Stalin loving roving gang group of scary people.
No one knows these fuckers exist, even.
"O they will always call us racist Nazis, therefore we should fly a "Hitler was right" banner"
Tyler Thomas
looks pretty fucking based to me.
they would beat the fuck out of antifa too
David Phillips
You're a fucking faggot cuck. I bet you haven't even done anything. You're probably too scared to even speak your views in public. Kill yourself.
David Perry
three words:
lowest common denominator
it exists everywhere, can't be erased until we live in a moral society skinheads, though somewhat ham fisted and lack nuance, are intuitively right, moreso than say degenerate pinko leftists.
William Richardson
So you're aren't denying that national action is doing the right thing and that hitler literally did nothing wrong, you're just upset because you think its going to make it harder to attract normies?
Anthony Wright
Hitler is becoming a popular meme between the edgy teens. The large display that extremist make of him can be beneficial and attract young generations, which are contrarian by default, to think whit their own head and do some reading. Really, Hitler, right or wrong he was, can save us.
Asher Thompson
Generation identity seems to have the right idea. Look man, if I thought fucking NA would have any good or helpful effect, I'd support them.
I never said the way all the alt right people do it like Spencer is perfect, but NA just sucks dick.
Have some standards. Be offensive. Say nigger. Say some dirty words and be tough and street-smart, but don't fly an autistic Hitler was right banner, come the fuck on man.
That's why there are NO successful nationalist groups. Neo nazis have been the biggest gift the Jews ever got.
All they have to do is destroy us is flash scary images of neo nazi losers and say "this is what white nationalism means".
Fuck that.
It also doesn't get publicized. They also don't USUALLY use "Stalin did nothing wrong" banners. Fuck, it's just dumb.
NA causes the factionalism by flying that autistic dumb self defeating banner.
Jonathan Cooper
>mfw this thread >mfw I thought Jewish Psyops were just a meme sage goes in all fields
Ian Bennett
>That's why there are NO successful nationalist groups. Neo nazis have been the biggest gift the Jews ever got. >All they have to do is destroy us is flash scary images of neo nazi losers and say "this is what white nationalism means".
well when people figure out the jews are behind everything that won't seem so bad now will it?
Landon Richardson
>meme hard The best memes are physical
Gavin Barnes
Are you aware that 97% of people are lemmings and will only do what they think they should do? They're irrelevant. We want to separate the awake and aware minority to win back our lands.
Henry Cook
It doesn't matter who I am. I don't matter. NA is autistic and retarded whether I'm a king or a peasant.
I don't have to go over everything Hitler ever did. He was a guy. He's dead. I would be pro-White if he had never fucking existed.
Tying White identity politics to Hitler is destructive and stupid. Counterproductive.
Fun, ironic Hitler memes are good. A serious humorless 'Hitler was right' banner is autistic and stupid.
These guys suck.
Daniel Cox
Anyone who actively speaks of violence IRL is mr FBI or ATF etc
Dylan Reed
>Look man, if I thought fucking NA would have any good or helpful effect, I'd support them. I don't think NA gives a flying fuck if people like you support them or not.
Joshua Parker
Fuck off, Antifa.
Dominic Ross
So you don't like that they have different ideas than your own?
Colton Kelly
>"X"X"X"is autistic and stupid. You never get to the why part. Fuck off shill.
Sebastian Gonzalez
Are you aware that leftists have strategically seemed less radical than they are, all the fucking time? Tons of communists have been pretending to be just social democrats or socialists.
The lemmingshits won't join us with autistic NA style. I don't want to be polite or politically correct, either. Choosing not to use that banner is just smart, not politically correct.
I want to say 'Fuck you our race matters'. Hitler just gets in the way and confuses normal people. They don't understand and it only attracts weirdos and outcasts.
I don't care if they care. They suck, that's fucking all.
This. probably, yea.
I don't like that they're an embarrassment and counterproductive. They make us look like fucking morons.
Yes PR matters. The NSDAP didn't let pleb-tier people speak on behalf of their organization, either.
The smartest people should drive the message.
NA are people who can't think beyond "Hitler" for their identity. It's dumb.
White identity=/=NS/Hitler.
Fuck that Jewmedia made myth. Fuck.
Henry Rodriguez
I actually knew one of the founders of NA, Alex Davies, at school. He used to read Mein Kampf in the library. I was a libertarian back then and we used to discuss politics. I always thought he was sort of trolling with the racism. I never thought he was 100% serious.
Camden White
'Hitler was right' will offend a lot of joos and libtards, and teens love to be edgy. If teens start to use Hitler, they will soner or later, start to read about him and the joos, this will open their minds.
There is literally nothing wrong with teens who question the established powers. There is literally nothing wrong with Hitler meme.
Jace Hall
>'Hitler was right' will offend a lot of joos and libtards, and teens love to be edgy. What fucking kind of teen? The smart ones? The ones who will be good leaders? Seriously?
I don't think so.
Most teens even highly motivated and smart ones will be totally turned off and think you're crazy.
Ryder Richardson
but do check if they're funded by jews and keep them relatively quiet about their views that'd be golden
Wyatt Gomez
>There is literally nothing wrong with teens who question the established powers. Yea, but it's wrong to make it seem like the only way to question the establishment is instant NS. It's not. >There is literally nothing wrong with Hitler meme. Yea, but this isn't just a good humored meme, this is serious and bullshit.
They could be edgy as fuck and offensive but not be this dumb. They're pathetic and probably controlled OP.
"O look they're NS" is what will be said to explain away rounding them up and shooting them. Hurray!
Blake Price
Yeah Alex Davies definitely was an edgy teen when I knew him. He used to revel in upsetting lefties at school but I never knew how serious he was.
Lincoln Perez
Caleb Edwards
the left demonizes all of its enemies, and through control of the media programs people to control what they think, to control the narrative. why is hitler so horrible, while soviet crimes, much greater in magnitude, are almost apologized for? we have spielburger making 3 emotionally manipulative holocaust movies a year. this is really quite obvious, we need to avoid these key indoctrinated items until people are willing to engage with them seriously. you can't just fucking meme your way into a better world with an autistic hitler was right banner. imo we need to look at the world as it is in the here and now and go from there (immigration is killing the national culture, etc). let the historical revisions happen on their own, they're not fucking important. somebody like evalion or milo is interesting because they serve as an access point -- but they won't take someone all the way. PR definitely is very important
Alexander Scott
Are you aware that the leftist rise to power was completely different to our situation and is practically irrelevant?
The lemmingshits are only going to join the authority. You can't make yourself their authority by pandering to them. Seeing people espousing Hitler's views, especially people who are fitter and better than them will make them question their entire worldview if they are capable of that. The states need to be delegitimized and this is one way to do it.
Triggering people causes a huge scene and a fuss, and that's exactly what we want. You'd rather people look like the typical "respectable" conservatives that haven't done anything in 50 years and no one takes seriously?
Adrian Robinson
All the way is not Hitler dude. I would be pro White if Hitler had never existed.
White identity=/=NS/Hitler. That's a dangerous myth created by the Jewsmedia.
I want radicalism, but you don't get there by being stupid.
Jaxson Hill
I for one support NA but that's probably because they decided to get off their asses and take action against the destruction of their country. They're one of the few groups willing to take antifafags head on. Sure their appearance might scare some, but with how fucked up the west is becoming at an ever increasing rate, sooner or later normies with a little common sense will look to these youth as the only hope to secure their existence.
Now if only the USA could have an organization like National Action
Easton Barnes
my point isn't whether or not hitler was right but rather a deescalation of the hysterics that are associated with it. that's the only way to go towards a sane world -- to look at it with sober eyes. questioning the status quo can't become stupid but it can't be this ivory tower inconsequential minority either.
Nicholas Johnson
I really don't say this very often but seriously fuck off JIDF. National Action, GD, Identarians are all good. Kill yourself and stop posting here because you aren't welcomed. Ethno-nationalism is the correct answer to mental disease of progressivism.
Nicholas Ross
its too late now. We have already grown too strong. The left can no longer demonize us. Let them call us racist so that more people fill the role of racist. The left has been playing us for fools this entire time. They have us backed into a position where we need to constantly defend ourselves from looking like racists. However if you come out and say yes I am racist so what, they will be baffled. The only thing they can do is call you racist and you've already acknowledged it. Embrace what you are and show your strength. Remember, people prefer the strong horse.
Gabriel Foster
>Are you aware that the leftist rise to power was completely different to our situation and is practically irrelevant? It was somewhat alike our situation, somewhat unlike.
>The lemmingshits are only going to join the authority. You can't make yourself their authority by pandering to them. Seeing people espousing Hitler's views, especially people who are fitter and better than them will make them question their entire worldview if they are capable of that. The states need to be delegitimized and this is one way to do it. Not using pro-Hitler banners and swastikas is NOT pandering to them, it's just being sane.
Normal people who are scared shitless of increasing mass immigration need a safe pro-White place to land. The first landing is the scariest for a nooby. I don't want us to be soft or apologize for everyone.
I don't apologize for NA, I say they're hurting our race. If a lefty tries to tell me to feel sorry for nonWhites offended by NA, I'll say I'M offended by them hurting MY PEOPLE.
You don't delegitimize the state that way, either. That's like trying to delegitimize the pope's power in 1500 with Satanic banners. It's the same thing. You ease people into rejecting the mainstream view.
NA means well, but they're mostly just edgy kids who will never get anything good done for us.
I'll be shocked if they help us, at all, ever, in any way. No offense, man.
>Triggering people causes a huge scene and a fuss, and that's exactly what we want. You'd rather people look like the typical "respectable" conservatives that haven't done anything in 50 years and no one takes seriously? Trigger people just by having a "White people need a voice" sign. They could use that edgy cool looking NA symbol too without the gay Hitler banner.
I don't expect to be respectable. I expect to get normal people who deep down want to defend our race to join us. You won't get that by flying Hitler banners.
Isaiah Ross
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.jpg
Christopher Ross
99% of people who might have sympathized with NA will stop sympathizing the moment they see that Hitler banner, dude.
I openly call for every fucking nonWhite to be shipped out of Europe. I'm radical as I can get. But flying that banner hurts our success. Come on.
It's not strong to fly that banner, it's autistic and unrealistic. It alienates everyone from you.
Your arguments are very old and very typical. I've seen them all before. They're not helpful.
Angel Thompson
you seem to have some concrete plans and want to "tame and direct" the people for your goals. You also seem to believe a change has to be obtained using politics. I think is better to have many different fronts of combats, not one monolitic right-wing party. Many people, many organizations, different views and opinions and let's see what emerge as the strongest. Maybe a bloody revolution or a massive cultural change is what will happen, not a fucking democratic election.
Oliver Phillips
This desu
Cooper Ward
Someone who doesn't want our race to be flushed down the neo nazi drain prepared by the Jewish media for us.
White identity=/=NS/Hitler
That's a Jewish manufactured myth. Get it right.
Nah you have me all wrong. I think we can get a change to happen. I think that all reference to NS hurts our ability to revolutionize how people think.
A time can come when a majority of all Whites hate multicult and think anti racism is the enemy. That time is not going to come any quicker through NA-tier bullshit.
I don't have faith in democracy, either.
Christian Lopez
user, I totally agree with you. People should be proud of what they are.
Jose Gonzalez
Does is show strength to fly a Hitler banner, or just social retardation?
Why should I as an Irish American try to use Hitler or NS as my identity? I can understand for Germans, but even for them it's dangerous and stupid, and extremely socially retarded.
Most normal people will look at NA like they're creepy trannies. Total freaks.
Nicholas Gonzalez
>D-don't you dare look strong and nonconformist! T. Keyboard warrior pleb
Thomas Bell
Jared Taylor is legit fuck off
Ryder Reyes
they don't really look strong, they mostly look stupid and edgy and immature.
Gabriel Nelson
Any other good flags to fly with Sig runes?
Robert Reed
Strength. Evidence: You're too much of a faggot to do it.
Juan Garcia
You should not, and me neither. But if some group of youngster show an Hitler flags, you should not blame them either. Their are not you, but they can be your future allies.
Parker Richardson
Sold me, thanks for the evidence friend.
The problem is that this shows a huge lack of judgement. I would not have done that at any age.
They are basically working for the enemy. This is dumb.
I can forget about it later. I don't expect an apology. But I hope they realize how bad it is.
Angel Hill
They are nothing to do with us. We have made it pretty clear already that there's a distinction between the "alt"-right or "neo"-right or whatever you want to call it and this sort.
This is corpse of the old far right rising up to the surface again. They are like National Front from a few decades ago in Britain.
They can say we are the same but they can't prove it as long as we have nothing to do with these idiots.
Michael Cruz
But it's a good idea to say "fuck these people". We're not them, but some in the Alt Right are desperate to get us to accept and support groups like the NA.
We should reject it.
Leo Rodriguez
We do reject it whenever it's brought up though, addressing it further just harms you further.
Are Nige is the best example of what to do. State your claims with facts and evidence, if someone calls you a racist or says you're affiliated with groups like NA then once again show evidence that you're not.
The days of the "reeeee'ing SJW" are coming to an end my friend. Just screaming "RACIST" at someone isn't enough today, because almost everyone has had it happen to them at some point.
What I meant to say is addressing it further makes it look like you have something to prove. Saying "Hey I'm not a Nazi" all the time looks suspect.
Levi Carter
queeny cameron is a fucking schizophrenic youtube cunt, you idiot
Kayden Collins
wn-ists support Spanish and German and Italian and Greek and Polish nationalists.
NO we don't want to mix all Whites into one single ethnicity. Fucktard
Isaiah Brooks
>Stay on twitter and facebook and meme hard. this is why Sup Forums is laughed at most of you faggots come here to be edgy and post maymay.. but let me tel you,no meme is gona no let abdul al kanbula blow up somewhere in your town. i am starting to think that this board is a hugbox for closet faggots.
Carson Gonzalez
Well lets see will they fight? not spend their time talking about what needs to be done but actually doing it? Your respectable figures will not. So they are useless, and those guys you hate so much are your best bet.
William Cook
Yea guys let's all take advice from this Moroccan. Great idea
they're shit, no one with a brain likes them.
Nathan Campbell
I want to see a radical sect of Norse paganism. I want to see some Vikings blood eagling some infidels. Come on norway/iceland, for the first time in history you can exert dominance over Sweden/Denmark. Come on I just wanna see some awesome Norse action.
Matthew Nguyen
im just saying to whining on the internet is useless.
Sebastian Morgan
>hugbox that's why your on here right?
Anthony Lewis
Yes goy.. errr.. guy.. stay online. Don't join a real life organization. Stay online. Meme harder, that will work!
Join a group guys. If you live in the US, join Reaction US, or Atom Waffen, or True Rebellion.
Why let all our momentum wither and die? Now is the time to strike.
Mason Hernandez
implying not liking NA means you have to stay online