Muslims in my nieghborhood

How do I show the Muslims that live in my town that they are not welcome without harassing or assaulting them? I live in an upper middle class area where if you spit on the ground someone calls the police.

I want to make them feel unwelcome.

Slaughter a pig and throw the head on their doorstep.

Suicide bomb them.

It's the only message Muslims understand

offer your boipuci to the household patriarch

just take out your sandy vagina and show them

Lol your gonna red pill Mohammedan Throw sausages or pigs feet at their house

>I live in an upper middle class
Call the police for made up reasons.

Fly both the American Flag and Saint George's Cross outside your house.

Put a Donald Trump for President 2016 lawn sign out.

And to ice the cake go ahead and slap a Mohammed Sucks bumper sticker on your vehicle.

Leave them alone. If they live there, they are likely good people.

Is this the best scene in the history of filmmaking?


I see through your Australian disguise

>put a Trump lawn sign out
>fly a giant american flag
>send out flyers for a pork roast bbq you are throwing for the neighborhood

My neighbors are muslim.

I am very fond of them and secretly admire their way of living despite being harassed by brainwashed cucks like you OP.


>"I'm gonna tear up the fucking dance floor"

Killeth those folk

daus vult

Start dating a cute hijabi

They rent. I know, because I do too.

this or you could burn korans and pictures of mohammad on your property

Two words: aerosolized bacon.

Have fun, user.

Crop dust their house with aids-infected pigs blood.

shoo shoo black phillip

get a pig head from the butcher, put it on a pole in front of their mosque, a week later burn down the mosque, bar the doors first
