Are the libertarians right or left wing? What about greens?

Are the libertarians right or left wing? What about greens?

Are there any other relevant third parties? From what I've seen basically libertarians are republicans with a freedom/small gov emphasis and greens are just environmentally focused liberals.

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they are both far leftists

libertarians just pretend not to be leftists

those thot nails

greens are communists

The economy is more important, therefore libertarians are right wing.

Do you consider the USSR to have been right wing because of strong nationalism?

Libertarians are right wing. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Praise Hans Hermann Hoppe

Libertarians promote fiscally conservative policies.

You can't accurately judge political views on a two-point scale.

Libertarian "economics" is essentially left wing globalism

Yes "conservative" policies like globalism and open borders


"Globalism" is a statist creation and inherently non-libertarian

Open borders wouldn't be a problem if welfare didn't exist


>Are the libertarians right or left wing? What about greens?

Libertarians and greens are both on the left.

>Are there any other relevant third parties?


What did you mean by this?

How are libertarians on the left? because they don't hate "muh gays!"?

>Open borders wouldn't be a problem

except all the cheap labor and outsourcing, not to mention flooding the country with non-whites.

libertarians believe in dissolving the nation-state for their globalist race mixed utopia ruled by multinational corporations.

Is she really thicc, or is it just the angle and body position?

whats up with all the fucking traps?

>Open borders wouldn't be a problem if welfare didn't exist

I don't want shitskins in my country if they work for their stay either.
And they would come. They'd come to be criminals. They'd come because we can create societies that are better than theirs, in environments that are more comfortable than the hot and sandy shitholes they crawl out of.

This. They just scapegoat fossil fuel companies instead of all companies.

libertarians are against the nation state and collective action in the interest of the nation.

They are autistic individualists who ironically share all the same end goals as collectivist communists, that is one world free of nations and governments.

Libertarians are economically and socially liberal even though economic liberalism eventually goes back to being or turns into economic tyranny.
Greens are just far left with a friendly environmentalist facade.

libertarianism is probably better described on the autism spectrum than the political spectrum.

after uncle joe took over yes. USSR was a classic eastern depotism.

>being a cuck to left/right wing mantra

>libertarians believe in dissolving the nation-state for their globalist race mixed utopia ruled by multinational corporations
I think you're confusing libertarians with anarchists.

It was big government EU that let shitskins into your country, not libertarian policies

>collectivist communists
>one world free of nations and governments

That's a trap m8

>Are the libertarians right or left wing?
They use to be on the right, but they've since shifted towards the left.

>What about greens?
They are definitely on the left.

>Are there any other relevant third parties?
Those two aren't even relevant in the scheme of things.

letting a bunch of spics in will raise crime drastically

*tips fedora*

Modern green is left wing militant. They are also a protest party, their leaders have a toy said they don't want to win elections.
Libertarians are just retarded, till they move the goalposts so far they just become republicans

The only real difference between libertarians and communists is that libertarians can't even comprehend society as a whole because it doesn't factor into their autistic outlook on the whole

They can only perceive "individual" issues like "the state says I should pay taxes therefore it is evil, let's abolish the state"

You mean like what is already happening with our entirely non-libertarian government?

>"let's abolish the state"
Libertarians are not anarchists.

>he's never seen a political compass before
Look at Ron Paul and Gary Johnson to see the left and right differences when they're on the same authoritarian/libertarian positions.
Look at Hillary Clinton and Ted Cruz to see they're both authoritarians who want to shit on your freedom from the left or to the right.
Social conservatism is a cancer that has rotted your brain into thinking YOUR rituals should be law for some morally sanctified reason.

image unrelated

These days libertarians are all about feelings, so left.

watch this video cunt.
He explains that the difference between right and left wing is race realism, therefore libertarians must be right wing

closest I could do

>It was big government EU that let shitskins into your country, not libertarian policies

Yet libertarian policies would let them in just the same, if not more so.

>confusing libertarians with anarchists

The logical end point of libertarianism is just ancapistan

and if ancapistan is ever implemented it just becomes feudalism.

libertarians and communists want to destroy the nation state

lol this fag doesn't know about sabina altynbekova.

Central Asia = Best Asia

>slight indentation on her thigh

2/10 would not bang

yeah, libertarians have definitely shifted towards the left, which is why i abandoned the party. green is 100% left, just libs who really like trees i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A basic Left Right analogy is based upon freedom vs security.

Security is right wing, freedom is left wing. Obviously this breaks down in the complexity of actual reality, but for the sake of the analogy, Libertarians are leftists.

welcome to the modern libertarian party

You clearly do not understand the reasons why shitskins are flooding your country.

>The logical end point of libertarianism is just ancapistan
That is a false assertion.

>libertarians want to destroy the nation state
This is also a false assertion.

I'm sorry to break it to you, but if you're attracted to that then you are a faggot.

>is one of the trap fetishists that call actual women traps

nothing to see here, move along boys.

Autism confirmed. Ouch.

The problem with Libertarians is that they don't have a coherent message. Some are dyed in the wool anarchists, others believe there should be a Government, but then argue as to how it should perform its governing function.

>You clearly do not understand the reasons why shitskins are flooding your country.

They want to be here and we allow them to come.

None of this would change under libertarianism.

Libertarians are a variation of anarchist

>implying the wall wont keep them out

saved. Thanks mate

Libertarianism is a pol meme, but its actually the final red pill. Screaming nationalism and ranting about immigrants is only going to make a political movement smaller and smaller and pegged as racist.

Cut off the government gibs that nourishes the sjw parasite and a lot of the problems fix themselves.

Do you really think that 100% of immigrants in your country are there to find a job? That certainly isn't the case here in any case.

Would you be against libertarianism if it was more restrictive on immigration?

Statistically speaking, immigrants, from whatever country, have a much lower crime rate than their native counterparts of the same age and sex. The high crime rate among latinos comes from those born here. The same thing applies to Muslims, by the way. The ones that moved here know the kind of crazy shit they're leaving. Those born here are three times more likely to be sympathetic to terrorists.

In other words, the come-here's are fine. It's the born-here's that are the problem.

It would change under anarchism though. If all property is private then they have nowhere to land without being shot and no property to buy without permission from exisiting races.

I don't see any wall m8, and judging by Trump's poll numbers it's not going to happen.

>libertarians are anarchists
That is a false assertion.

>Do you really think that 100% of immigrants in your country are there to find a job?

The first sandniggers (Turks) came under the guise of guest workers. Why take any chances? Even if they don't work, they could still make a living as criminals.

>Would you be against libertarianism if it was more restrictive on immigration?
I'd be less against it. How would it ensure this?

What's stopping them from just marching into your country like the refugees are doing at the moment and taking your shit?

there is no immigration under libertarianism. All private property is already owned so you can shoot them for crossing the border; private property

Is that really a man?

If you think that Govt will ever need to stop expanding and have to retract some then I consider you libertarian in that aspect. To be generally libertarian your opinion, as I see it, reflects being upset with a govt that has done too much and is too big. All parties drag you in a direction. We don't need the theft of welfare or handouts. We don't need bathroom laws! We don't need speech laws for libel or for hate speech. We don't need laws on our preferences or on "crimes" concocted by some unnecessary laws that are by definition victimless. We don't need a drug war primarily based on tame ol' weed while maintaining a oligopoly of dangerous drugs to our public. We don't need cronies making our college arbitrarily more expensive under the ruse of "making it affordable". We need income mobility to be possible. We need to allow a meritocracy.

so we give all immigrants the snip then?

>if ancapistan is ever implemented it just becomes feudalism.

Anarcho-capitalism, at a practical level, results in panarchy.

We still have the remnants of feudalism today. You can see it most clearly in the concept of eminent domain, which means "Supreme Lordship." Who is the modern day "Supreme Lordship"? The government. The government owns all of the land.

no you don't fuck men don't get cellulite that young or any at all

Most Libertarians believe that government power is limited to what's in the Constitution. Luckily, the Constitution allows for the restriction of a certain class of people from entering the country if it serves that nation's interests. So basically, Libertarians would be down with a Muslim ban because it is Constitutionally valid.

No it results in feudalism

a small minority of mercs just take over whatever territory they want and name themselves king.

>They want to be here and we allow them to come.

They're fleeing a war zone because half of the Middle East has been destabilized, largely thanks to western governments toppling dictators, creating a power vacuum and incentivizing extremism.

>stop being racist
>my small government society will work as long as we bring in enough brown people

brilliant """"logic"""""

yea his insta is realestjennycarter

There are both

They can move east and south. Yet they don't - they come here. Even to countries like mine that did nothing of the sort.

What if someone comes in anyway - how do you get rid of them, who's going to enforce that?

>thanks to western governments
>using this level of leftist narrative

No it's thanks to jewish interests corrupting western countries and having them act in the name of Israel.

I would still prefer fuedalism to democracy everyday

Law grants police powers to the Federal government. So Border Patrol or ICE would probably be in charge of immigration still.


How's that any different from the current system then?

Do you not understand what panarchy is?

It's unbridled autism just like all libertarian ideology.

You still seem to be under the misapprehension that they are moving to Europe out of revenge. That's not the motivation.

It was still western governments, even if you believe Jews control them.

>the Constitution allows for the restriction of a certain class of people from entering the country if it serves that nation's interests. So basically, Libertarians would be down with a Muslim ban because it is Constitutionally valid.

Which part of the Constitution does that?

It's not. Libertarians still acknowledge that the government should do some things and do them very well. The problem is that the government does a whole lot of things they have no authority to do. National security is definitely something the federal government can and should be doing though.




Technically US foreign policy is controlled by Israel and Saudi Arabia along with the Sunni dominated gulf states.

There's nothing western about US foreign policy besides the white soldiers used as cannon fodder for the kikes

Greens are left. Libertarians are right.


The reason WHY they're moving here is a non-issue to me. They shouldn't be.

>The problem is that the government does a whole lot of things they have no authority to do.

Who decides what authority they have though?

8 US Code ss 1182

"Whenever the president finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

Which is how obama could legally temporarily ban Iraqi immigrants in 2011.

Green party are fascists fyi

muh libertarian principles

And all it takes is a leftist president to let in everyone.

>The reason WHY they're moving here is a non-issue to me. They shouldn't be.

It's not important TO YOU. But they are moving for a reason. And that reason occurred because of a world that rejected libertarianism.

That was the entire point of our Constitution. It was meant to limit the power of the federal government. The idea was that the feds could do a few very important tasks and the individual states would figure out the rest. So, for example, if you were a stoner you could move to a state that allowed weed if you desired.

>And that reason occurred because of a world that rejected libertarianism.
So that libertarianism of yours would only work when the entire world embraces it? Sounds familiar.

reality rejects libertarianism

I have another definition of libertarians: communists in denial

>Which part of the CONSTITUTION does that?

>a Socialist caricature from Nazi propaganda shouting Libertarian explicits
What did /lit/ mean by this?

Very true. Guess that's up to the people to elect a president that reflects their opinions on immigration.

>The logical end point of libertarianism is just ancapistan
man what happened to Sup Forums

Well she does fuck niggers..

shit tier stirner worshippers coming through, time to endure pinpoint nihilism to whatever seen fit

>still believing in the left/right false dichotomy

you can't make this shit up senpai