Why do people choose to live in this shithole?

Why do people choose to live in this shithole?

So we dont have to deal with pussies like you who cant take the heat and bitch about everything

>abandoning freedoms for a light breeze

the energy sector boomed, which created a lot of other opportunities. financial incentive to move to texas is at an all-time high.

I live here because I'm a pussy who can't take the cold and bitches about everything.

>roommates have the air conditioner turned all the way down to 76 degrees F
>tfw have to wear a sweater indoors

>sweater at 76°F

its awful
please dont come here
californians that are conisdering moving here, please stop you are all faggots and drive like retards

What the hell sweater at 76°F are there really people this sensitive to weather. It's not hot unless it's over 95°F and it's not cold unless it's under 45°F

It's actually a really sad reason.

Education in Oklahoma is absolutely terrible and it has been for decades. So people simply don't develop the skills to leave the state.

Texas advertises excessively to bring the few Oklahomans educated enough to be useful south to them, which just exacerbates the proportion of uneducated people in Oklahoma. When you live in Oklahoma even a complete shithole like Texas is a major improvement.

I went to my undergrad at Texas Tech and my Masters at OU. The vast majority of people at both universities dream about graduating, leaving, and never looking back. There's no freedoms here, only poverty and an active effort by state governments to keep the populace to dumb to realize how shitty their lives are.

Oh and there's oil. But the oil market is so deep in the shitter right now that it's clogging the pipes. So they're laying off basically everyone.

I was just born here. I love muh clay. the heat don't bother me, the cold does.


Shut your fucking mouth, Oklahoma and Texas are fantastic places. Only people who can't handle life outside a huge city would think these places are bad to live in.

>no freedoms
You're full of shit.
>only poverty

Because not all is lost.

i live in the south near mexico

its been hot as fuck all year (((winter))) lasted for 2 months

its literally hell

Having spent a summer in New Mexico, I'd rather spend a 110 degree day in that climate than a 90 degree day in New England.
Fucking humidity.

Because they're pussies who can't handle a bit of snow.

>snows 1/4 inch
>schools close
>crashes everywhere
>drive 10 mph on highways

Don't die of heat stroke when it's time for the crusades.

>Confederate flag
I see you have never lived in the deep south. I used to be the same way until I moved out of Texas and into this shithole. This flag is better.

>tfw this is true
We are not prepared for icy winter conditions at all. That shit fucks us up.

Hey I was born and raised in California.
Just bought 15 acres in Georgia.
I've got a lifted bronco on 33's and shitty paint.
Timber rattler and a copperhead in my freezer I need to skin this weekend if its not raining.
I've already found my inner-redneck, can I stay?

>implying florida isnt THE worst shithole

to fight in the upcoming race war instead of being a sheltered yankee in a 99% white neighborhood

100 at no humidity is actually not bad, slightly warm but not bad.

ill take 100 with shade and a mister over 90 and humid any day of the week

>T. Phoenician Barbarossa

> We tried to give it back to Mexico, but even the drug lords weren't interested

>Hey I was born and raised in California.
and you are a huge piece of shit

austin is the only non shithole city in texas

Why do you think they are all either hipster faggot liberals or bible thumping brainless morans? The heat fries your brain down there.

>praising Austin

Because nu males will never be welcomed here

yeah its super cold compared to 105

Air conditioning

Greetings from New Braunfels

Send help

Is this an error? How are you still alive over there?
Texarkana is well over boiling point

Wore a polo on my 4 block walk to work today. Was 54 as the time.
Texans are dumb

Lol at that dead bird

First post best post

Never change, straya


That Birmingham heat index is a lie. It's constantly over 95 here in the daytime. 90% Humidity.

>well over boiling point

I like you

I fuckin' love 'straya- you cunts are actually funny, the leaves not so much

>make 200k at 27

>no state income tax

>can choose to buy large acrage home in superb or nice metropolitan townhome or condo

>size of Chicago

>never gets cold

>will secede if/when the Jews finally take over

I love how you New Yorkers and east coasters can barely pay for your 550 sqft apartment because of your jew overlords and try to rip on Texas

I don't know, man. I live in Houston and I went running today around 4pm. Almost had a heatstroke.

>inb4 fat jokes

I'm 6'5" 115lbs

Arizona here.

That's nothing compared to what's coming for us next week. 123 F predicted.

>to dumb

>That's nothing compared to what's coming for us next week.

You would think so but our humidity is so high, especially in Southeast Texas. It feels like a literal sauna outside.

hey man I'm cajun. the heat and humidity doesn't bother my blood. but when it drops below 60f I feel like I'm dying

>in Louisiana

Fucking when?

Eh, true.

Didn't factor in the humidity. Nice not having to deal with it here.

tfw 100% humidity 24/7 here

i basically live on the coast in the south

it fucking sucks

word nigger. try driving from katy to hobby airport area at rush hour with no air conditioning and only one working window (rear driver side). I'm pretty sure i am being tempered for the upcoming crusade.

>6'5", 115lbs
You poor hungry skeleton, please for the sake of your love ones

You see that city called Brownsville, and that little part at the very tip of Texas?

I can get large avocados for 40 cents a piece, the best fajita mix in existence.

former los fresnos fag here, greetings senpai

Winter sucks. I wish I lived somewhere where it didn't get -30.

>try driving from katy to hobby airport area at rush hour with no air conditioning and only one working window (rear driver side)

That's fucking hell man. My old car's ac broke but never had to drive that far. The guy at the shop was surprised I hadn't died yet. A surprising amount of people in Houston have broken ac though. Live in Katy too btw

And seeing as how I've never experienced winter, I'd love to live somewhere where it got -30.

>I'm 6'5" 115lbs
I'm skinny myself, but holy shit eat some food dude.

Yea, you really don't know how bad it is until you've felt it first hand. People scoff at Houston purely because of the weather.

beautiful painting

>West Texas is the coolest

muh nigger

Aw, look guys. An edgy canadian that finger-fucks his tree for maple syrup.

In the 90's it was paradise.
I went back there last year and cried.

I applied to work on Border Patrol, and would get stationed in Southern Texas. What's it like down there?

lel was just meming. I'm 6' 195lb

Better to be hot and free, than cool and controlled by commie kikes.

yeah it sucks but I'm getting a new car in a few months, might as well save that compressor money. i would like to move out to katy just so the drive wouldn't kill me.

AZ Resident. There's lots of Mexicans, but there aren't a lot of niggers here.

Atlanta reporting in. It was 97 today, with high humidity and no breeze. I'd rather live in Texas or Arizona where it's hot but at least it's not humid.

Only time it ever gets humid here is right after a storm. Sometimes it's jumped back up to the mid 100s right after one, so you get a comination of that and 90+ humidity, and it's miserable even indoors.

Can't imagine being in that 24/7.

Damn, it feels good to be Canadian.

all the white girls there are taking superior latin dick. Stay very quiet on one of your night patrols and you might just be able to hear their screams of delirious pleasure

>he can't afford to run his AC at 70F all year long


I've heard that in some places in canada you have virtually no insects and in other places you have misquotes the size of horse flies
what is the truth??


>might as well save that compressor money

True, we're having a relatively "cool" summer, too.

in alaska too they have those giant mosquitoes

cuckoldry is the ultimate redpill user. Life become much easier when i just accepted that black and brown men can give my wife what I cant

if I survive to september, I think that means i cannot be killed by conventional means

>Sometimes it's jumped back up to the mid 100s right after one, so you get a comination of that and 90+ humidity, and it's miserable even indoors.

Yep, that's probably as close as you'll get to our weather

I know that feel. Az is toasty.


It sounds like hyperbole but Houstonians know it's not


The Brisket


If god isn't pissing in our faces satan is trying to establish his realm here

>not living in a state with 4 actual seasons
>-20+ in the winter, 90+ in the summer
so many pussies ITT

Noticed. Should have been around for spring break, I counted 5 pulled over out of state vehicles within a 2 mile stretch of the intersection heading toward Padre.

>tfw chilling in 8 degrees celsius while amerigos fry like the pigs they are

It's because of global warming

Get it? GLOBAL

Don't think that chart is accurate. Fort Worth here, the highest it gets is 97 or so.

i jack off the fantasy of black and arab men making me watch them fuck my wife raw and then they beat me o within an inch of my life and then finally deliver the death blow just after my wife cums all over their thick brown cocks

that's los fresnos cops. that is about the only time of year they make any money around there. shit i stand corrected, the actually have a wing stop and a walmart now so they should be swimming in shekels

Texas had a shitload of rain and then temps in the 90s, so it's humid as fuck right now making it feel a lot hotter.

Usually the humidity here is low to moderate and it's not so bad as long as you stay in the shade. Dry 100F is way more bearable than humid 90F.

I live in Arkansas because it's cheap. I moved from California.
California was full of cucks and commies/ illegals, whack gun laws. Way too man people in general.
Arkansas is the most underrated state in the US.

I don't know if it's the hormones from all the Tyson chicken farmers but the women are so thick and delicious. Southern accent turns me on like crazy for some reason.
I have a major bobber for Arkansas.
>don't move here
>you'll hate it

tattoos are degenerate you fool

Depends on what type of heat it is. If there is low or no humidity at all then 115 isnt a problem.

The development of the modern Sun Belt would not have happened without the invention of air conditioning.