Conan joins the gungrabbers

>Conan joins the gungrabbers.
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he's half jewish half Irish

>be gungrabber
>concealed carries himself

licking jewish asshole won't get you a better time slot/channel conan

Face it burgers it's over, they're coming for your toys any day now.


That's pretty fucked up. He's a smart guy, yet he goes and says something as stupid as this.
It doesn't matter if the guy uses an AR-15 or a pistol. He'll kill just as many people.

Not if I unlock my forbidden jujitsu.

You're right, it certainly took them long enough to figure out the Minor Irishman Who Shall Succeed A Somewhat More Successful Italian clause of the Constitution.

well, looks like i won't be watching his shit anymore. maybe if they replaced him with jordan schlansky

Only said this because his views are down along with all his competitors so they dont care anymore


Why were u watching in the first place? Guy has sucked for at least 10 yrs now.

What stands out to me is that he says "semi auto assault rifles" what does he propose then because he's implying that he's not for a complete and total ban, just semi auto rifles. Which includes bolt action but he probably wouldn't understand that. I want someone to show him pictures of rifles that don't look scary, yet are still semi auto and see if he thinks they should be allowed and I guarantee he will say yes if they look like a hunting rifle

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.


>comedian's opinion somehow relevant

>The uploader has not made this video available in your country.


watch it here and there, really liked him years ago, old habits die hard, like my addiction to massaging lactating chipmunks

Remember when Leno cucked him out of his show?

So how are they going to take them?

Sounds like the gun grabbers will be the ones silenced

> implying that anybody watches Conan O'Brien

>watching conan after his move from late night

He can complain all he wants about NBC's "unfair" treatment of him, but he sucked on the tonight show and he sucks on CBS.


Yeah his best stuff was before he took over for leno. I havent watched since

They'll take selfies for awareness.

Conan was always a liberal shill.

I feel like Craig Ferguson took note. Don't fix what's not broken, and don't run a good thing into the ground. Conan did a little bit of both. Craig went out on top.

Those 2001 to 2008 years were good. Today's monologues are an average 4/10, but remotes are still fun to watch.
Also>taking a comedian seriously

hollywood tv yuppie doesnt understand what guns are for.
this makes me hate so many celebrities when they chime in with no place to push political bullshit
fuck conan obrien fuckin send him back to ireland.

>my addiction to massaging lactating chipmunks

This bitch couldn't be any more self absorbed even if she had 20 tampons applicated.

munk milk is sweeter than jewish wine

did you hear about this? Conan sucks.

Conan is quite literally a loser. I think the life of a homeless person would be a more bearable existence. Anyone who finds him funny is clinically insane

>Next selfie

"Out front guys house with rifle pointed at me, him threatening to shoot me if I come any closer"

#Selfieshoots #WillTakeABullet

dat nose

He's not funny just talking, but his remotes and bits usually have been.


I thought he had jumped on the trump train. Never supporting him again.

As they say, around potato, never relax

Based Conan, Trumpfags on suicide watch.

It's a mere coincidence

what a faggot

Leno is a fag who's never told a funny joke in his life. He tarnished the great legacy of the tonight show, lowering the bar and making way for even bigger faggots like jimmy fallon. Letterman was the rightful heir to the show, but he refused to kiss the jews' ass at nbc, so they gave it to that faggot instead. Johnny Carson is still turning in his fucking grave.

Doesn't Conan seem like a closet fag?

I wonder if anyone else noticed

2nd place shooter used pistols. Pistols by far kill more people than rifles do. Trying to ban scary assault rifles isn't really going to do very much. There will still be mass shootings, and once they've already banned assault rifles they'll just keep trying to ban more guns. The killer had a weapons license which means that he passed a background check, yet you keep hearing liberals say we need universal background checks to stop shooters. Liberals are just going to keep chipping away at gun rights because none of their policies will work.



I caught a bit of Carson and he was letting... who's that lesbian from Silence of the Lambs? He was letting her drone on and on about her education.

Craig Ferguson may have gone for the easy shots, but the only boring interview I remember of his was with James Spader who told this "hilarious" cab story that lasted like 15 minutes without Ferguson getting a word in. Other than that, Craig always controlled the show, because he was the guy everyone tuned in to see. Most late night guys don't get that.

No, but if you saw his documentary "Conan O'Brien Can't Stop" you'll realize he's a bit of an ADD riddled cunt. Remember that kid in middle school who was always punching people when he was bored? That's Conan, all grown up. Also, at one point he goes on about how difficult it is to pretend to care about your fans, which I thought was funny given his situation at the time.

I generally like Conan and clicked on this video earlier today on YouTube. I physically cringed when he started talking.

I wish more "media personalities" would lay some blame on radical Islamic terrorists. Do you think someone like Jimmy Fallon will say anything about the motivations of the person?
Hell no.

>assault rifles
>it's a weapon of war

Yeah, that's the point dipshit. In case the government tries to go to war with us.

take our guns, see what happens

they used to have 7 or 8 murders at a time every night in Florida

Conan your career is over

bye bye Conan

you was one funny mofo back in the day

but we will never remember your name treasonous bastard

>So how are they going to take them?

they'll tell the cops to take them, cops will do what they usually do and disarm black people

all problems considered solved at that point


Leno was widely regarded, even by David Letterman, as the best comedian working.

He went in on Obama.

I think a lot of schtick was lame and tame, but he seems like a good guy who got thrown under the bus by jealous hipsters Letterman/Conan.

>NY Safe Act requires you to register your "assault weapons"
>the people AND the police largely told Cuomo to go fuck himself and didn't register despite it now being illegal not to

No you're right we're going to give up our guns


Why is Canada the only country that gets this shit?

That brave man. Hollywood will never let him work after this.


Letterman only said that because he didn't want to seem bitter about not getting the tonight show. Notice how no other good comedian has ever said anything good about leno. Carson himself thought Leno sucked and he always wanted Letterman to take over after he retired. The jews obviously had different plans.


So why do americans have such boners for weapons?

m-muh 2nd ammendment isn't really an excuse considering 95% of you probably don't even know what it really means

Not as much of a boner as Mexicans have for beheading their own people.

I'd provide in Spanish but I don't care.

Yeah meme all you want, I'm still expecting a serious answer.

>spends his free time huffing freon
>can't cross the street to pick up a rusty peso without getting hit by a cartel bullet

That sucks. He endorsed Trump the other day

They have a boner for it because they can. The 2nd Amendment guarantees the right of the people to keep and bear arms.

I liked Conan all growing up right until Jay Leno assholed him for the job. Jay is a prick, fine, but Conan acted like a complete child. It become kind of emblematic to me of a generational attitude that is very weak and pathetic. Also Andy is a liberal fag on twitter.

Dat nose

he owes Obama. Obama invited him to white house correspondents dinner after he had lost The Tonight Show. he's a sellout

Nice point but..

>bill of rights

Oh ok.

True, the elite always think they're exempt to laws.


>he doesn't worship guns

Nobody cares what you expect pablo. Nobody

that wasn't an endorsement you idiot

Why the fuck are the Irish such leftists? Is it because of their centuries of getting shit on by the English?

Ever shot a gun? Do it and you'll know exactly why. Better than sex. I've had sex. Three times.

as someone who supports gun freedom but doesn't own one, answer me this, what do you think is going to happen and what would you like to happen? however, realize that you can't answer "nothing"

1 and 3/4 here

Haven't watched conan in years, the trend will continue

>Is it because of their centuries of getting shit on by the English?
Funnily enough, yes. Socialism was the rebellion against the monarchy. Having said that, the Irish have lots of fucking guns. They're farmers after all.

>what do you think will happen?
Nothing. If they didn't do it when literal MUH CHILDREN were shot, they won't do it now. They missed their chance to grab all the guns.

>What would like to happen?
Crusade against Islam.

Yes I have. It's fun sure, but I don't see the need as to why you need these assault weapons. That ammendment (look up what ammendment means btw) was made in a time where people shot each other with muskets from 30 feet away. It took like a minute to reload those things. With these automatic guns, you can waste like 100 people in that time.

>Anyone who finds him funny is clinically insane
I'm schizophrenic and I've been watching late night shows for about 15 years

It's not about need. It's about rights. A common mistake made my gun-grabbers.

thank you based brit, those both satisfy me

Guess who his best friend is?

Look at the laws for fucks sake. Look at every other stupid shit that's illegal and people don't cry about it, but when it comes to muh guns, oh boy we wuz militias n shiet

Look at other countries who have banned guns. The USA alone has had more death by guns in this year alone than all of those countries combined in probably the last decade.

>we wuz militias
You don't understand how commas work. The 2nd Amendment doesn't apply to militias only. It is explicitly stated that it is the right of THE PEOPLE to keep and bear arms.

Look at the countries that haven't banned guns. Look at Switzerland. Where's their mass shootings? Since we all know guns are responsible for mass shooting and not people, right? So Switzerland must have mass shooting every day of the week, right?

Notice any difference between the US and Switzerland? I'll give you a hint. It rhymes with diggers.

Yes, he does. He's always in bathhouses with his guests, always touchy feely and shit. He's definitely bisexual at the least.

>1 post by this ID

Nah Letterman wasn't lying. Leno was like the best friend that grew up to sell out everything they had once believed in. Letterman wouldn't have been so bitter for decades if Leno hadn't been the king of the stand-up hill at some point, which that generation of comedians were in general agreement on. However that doesn't change what everyone knows, which is that Leno's Tonight Show quickly became extremely middle-of-the-road and stayed that way.

Personally I have trouble squaring Letterman's abrasive and shallow leftist politics with his perfect misanthropic comic edge. Most lefty comedians are like Marc Maron, which is to say insufferable.

I'll continue to not watch his show.

This is all Jordan Schlansky's fault.

It rhymes with Switzerland requires everyone to serve time in the military.


Damn, I had never really looked into this. However, they have guns, but still AUTOMATIC FIREARMS are banned.

He was full grabber during sandy hoax if you were paying attention.
>suck up to Hunter S Thompson for years to get him on your show
>he takes you shooting
>be the sort of gun grabber Hunter S Thompson legitimately despised