So today I found out that a person who wasnt born Jewish can become a Jew, although it is a difficult process...

So today I found out that a person who wasnt born Jewish can become a Jew, although it is a difficult process. Has anyone here done this? Its seems like becoming a Jew could be very beneficial. Seems sort of tempting. What do you all think, especially those of you who are Jews?

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>willingly becoming a kike
Just kill yourself now

Why? Theyre very influencial and powerful. Whats bad about that?

A cousin of mine converted and basically some Rabbi cast Jew Magic on him and suddenly he was a Jew. But considering this was America and he already got Jewed as an infant, you can imagine why didn't have to go through something more painful.

>Keep believing a convert will ever get into the inner circle.

What inner circle, friend? We are all equal in the eyes of G-d.

Are there any Jews that can comment on this? Are non Jews who convert accepted into the Jewish community?

Only if you can sing.

Revelation 3:9 “I will make those of the synagogue of Satan who say that they are Jews and are not, but are lying—I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and they will learn that I have loved you.”

If a nigger can become a Jew, why couldnt a perfectly good white man like myself become Jewish?

I've already got my circumcision, Rabbi, when's the Rothschild barbecue?

My female family friend married a Jew and converted. Neither her or her husband have anything to do with the religion. She did it so her child could be a Jew and go to really good Jewish day cares and private schools. Her husband is a tort lawyer.

Jews hate the convert goyim, they hate the mixed goyim, they hate the nigger goyim

If you are not ashkenazi don't even bother, judaism is the religion of satan

Yeah I converted. What would you like to know?

Jewishness is an ethnicity in addition to a religion. You can always convert and be a Jew religiously, but you'll never be considered a true Jew unless your mother is also an ethnic Jew. You'll remain an outsider, be unable to marry, and will be denied certain activities when serving in the military (e.g., you will not be allowed to have a gun).

I was born and raised in Israel. That's how it's like there. In the Western world this would be considered racism, I suppose.

So you admit that Israel is not Western?

Geographically it's a Middle-Eastern country. Culturally and economically it's Western, but so is Japan to some extent. It's all a bunch of meaningless technicalities.

>be unable to marry
>you can literally marry into Judaism

You fucking relativists.

I can't wait until we you go into the ditches right along side the muzzies you forced on us.

Why are you so angry? What did I ever do to you, user?

You perpetuated savage insanity. It's nothing personal.

And there's always time to change your ways.

im not a jew but i talk to people from israel sometimes

you will not be treated like other jews they basically will treat you like niggers and give anything to a natural born jew over a convert

its basically not worth it

Convert Jews aren't real Jews, just a lowly servant caste, not any better than neutral goyim.

You can't.

You actually could, if you got married to an ethnic Jew in a different country and then went to Israel. You can't get married in Israel, but Israel will recognize outside marriages. Of course, that just means your kids will be considered ethnic Jews. You yourself will remain out of luck.

Btw, Jewishness is passed down maternally only, in case the wife cucks the husband. Jews were always obsessed with their bloodline more than anyone else.

No. You can marry into Israeli citizenship (something many Muslim and Christian Arabs have as well) but you cannot marry into Judaism.

Well germanic, its a fuckung religion, so whar would expect?

Why germanic are so stupid?

They cant think very well

My dad converted. He did a year of classes, got circumcised, and then after that regularly attends temple.

Its not a race, pigskin, its a religion

I think is germanics jews that want it to make like a race

Fucking germanics are cancer

It's not, shit-colored pigfucker.

Jew here. Torah says to accept converts like your brothers, even saying that they must be treated better than other Jews. Making fun of converts is strictly forbidden, because "you used to be strangers" too.
That being said, your acceptance will depend on the community you will be joining. Certain communities, generally the more Orthodox but not ultra Orthodox, will never even mention the fact that you are a convert. You would be in good hands with them. Ultra Orthodox communities would probably shun you the same way they shun other Jews unless you adopt all their customs. I can't speak for reforms or conservatives, as I don't know them.
Also, converting is not supposed to be easy. You have to be able to convince a Rabbi that you really want to.

What kind of massive psychosis did your dad have to voluntarily do that instead of just getting institutionalized?

Ive heard this recently as well and have been seriously considering it. One of my close friends has a dad who is a Rabbi, and me and his dad get along very well. He says that converting could take upwards of three years but that he thinks I would be a great fit.

I'm a non religious jew. Why would you want to go into a literal cult? Conservative jews are tolerable, but black hats re really amish lite. Sill, the religion is literally a cult. You need to learn hebrew too to read all the books. The girls suck, and there is literally no money in any of this.

The rich jews go to the temple to essentially try to get away with shit that's forbidden. The whole religion is about finding a way to do shit that you can't do. So they do mitsvahs to get on god's good side.

I'm basically a heathen to the religious jews, but it's mitsvah for them to get me to go to the temple. Sometimes I go with my friends to help them satisfy a mitsvah. They don't really give a shit what I do in the temple. You on the other hand will be swimming upstream. It's cult lie religion, and they would have been dangerous had they not been so self absorbed. They are harmless if you stay away.