He's right you know

He's right you know...

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I mean, how can we ban people from getting on a plane but not ban people from acquiring a weapon?

Ban muslims from owning guns. There, problem solved

Really makes you think...

No he is wrong.
It does have to do with guns.
The lack of guns in the hands of good people.

>"Don't say it has anything to do with religion."

He is. If we banned shitskins from the US we could ban guns no problem.

Guns don't have agency or free will, people on the other hand do.

Any sane person knows it has to do with giving members of Islam guns.


Difference is conservatives dont censor liberals.


really made me think...


i like you when you're not mindlessly blasting republicans though.

>showing feets

absolutely haram.

Ban all muslims, kill all guns
problem solved, its so easy

Pretty good idea desu

>appeal to the middle fallacy

It doesn't have anything to do with guns. He could have strapped himself with an explosive and could have killed more people in that packed environment.

Well we'll all hide behind you when you don't do anything, faggot

I'm okay with this

First time in my life I've agreed with him. And probably the last.

>ban high school chemistry reagants and assault scrap metal now

no you won't. you'll be too busy fending them off with a bike tire

I have muslim friends with guns who have never murdered anyone, just like I have never murdered anyone.

He wasn't on the no-fly list either.

Literally every other word out a Jew's mouth is a lie.

>He's right you know...
He's a wannabe kike and needs faggots to spam his low-rated show on pol to stay on the air.

muslim friends with guns who have never murdered anyone ...yet

Libs taking the middle ground because they don't want to acknowledge facts, which minority groups tend to get assblasted over.

Gun homicides, gun death rates, etc. all speak different information regarding guns. There is no definitive answer on the effectiveness of either policy.

Don't wants to offends the moslems.
Don't wants to offend the Faygos.

To Muslims: Please bomb the shit out of this country. We all deserve to die. Thanks, American Youth.

You don't see many Christians these days going around stoning people, do you. Islam is different because people actually believe every word. 'Fundamentalist' Christians are made fun of for preaching publicly but fundamentalist Muslims will decapitate non-muslims for sport.


Didn't know they still sold Tickle Me Negro

This guy is like the liberal equivalent to Bill O'Riley: I actually had a dream once where the two were actually fake identities created by a shape-shifting reptile.
His show is good though, and i completely agree with him here.

He says a lot of things Sup Forums agrees with: youtu.be/DDw4S8_l55w?t=4m17s


Here's the thing. Sure guns are involved. I just fundamentally don't care. It's my right as a citizen to own a gun.

It's also my right as a citizen to have a say in the kind of people I want immigrating into this country. And I don't want any fucking Muslim immigrants or refugees.

Simple as that.

British Hillary Clinton.gif

but it doesn't have anything to do with guns. Actually if this asshat had chose to shoot up, lets say, a biker bar - How fucking far would he have made it?

>Guy in Kalamazoo, MI kills 6 people with a gun.
>We should ban guns.

>Guy in Kalamazoo kills 5 people with a truck.
>We should ban trucks.





People have a right to own guns
They also have a right to their lives

Muslims believe that people they don't like don't have a right to their lives, muslims are clearly the problem here

Guns are a constitutional right. No rights are violated by banning foreign muslims and keeping an eye on domestic muslims.

Eh. I really think this wouldn't have happened if a guy under FBI investigation for terrorism weren't allowed to purchase an assault rifle. The guy's family even said that he had bipolar disorder and schizophrenia: not really the most mentally sound person. I do think we need background checks for weapons of that caliber.

ban people

>Liberals will never, NEVER have a counter to a point like this
>The best they will ever do is intentionally play dumb and deflect like, "Oy vey, so you think we should all be bikers?"

Of that calliber......yet another ignorant statement.

ar15 is a .22 caliber rifle....you can buy an air rifle in that "caliber"

Educate yourself before espousing an opinion.

(((bill maher)))

>He's right you know...
no, he's not.
Paris, France. Bataclan theater, 2015.
France a country with very strict gun laws. Tell me again how their laws kept criminals from murdering innocent people.
Radical Islam is a mental illness spread through corrupt theology. It is generally spread by wahabism and other sects funded mostly or in part by the Saudis.

It's nothing to do with Muslims stop this fucking NONSENSE

what caliber was his AR chambered in anyway?

please say .22lr


Yahwist barbarians don't belong in Civilizations

he is right, that is what the 2 sides are saying

except one is a rational position, and one is unconstitutional and treasonous

I'll let you guess which

I've figured it out everyone!

Why don't we BAN MASS SHOOTINGS???

Genius, I know.

I miss when straya used to be funny

you ok cunt? I'm worried about ya

He's not wrong.

It's harder to sneak onto a plane than it is to illegally buy a gun in a country with porous land borders connected to poor countries with an abundance and motivation to transport contraband, into a country that already had the most guns on planet Earth.

Banning guns ain't happening. Next best thing is to ban Muslims.

>I have muslim friends with guns who have never murdered anyone, just like I have never murdered anyone.
Just like how Trump isn't even president...(yet)

government is incompetent. People need guns now more than ever to protect themselves.


Shut up faggot you can say that safe and sound in UK where there's no guns in sight

Violent ideologies aren't protected by the Constitution. The right to defend yourself with a firearm is.

>if I take the stance in the middle then it has to be right!

I meant "caliber" as in level, degree, or power; it was just a bad choice of words. Anyway, what i meant was that high-power weapons like that should require background checks so that bipolar jihadists can't buy them.

Why not just ban crime?

Then no one could commit crime.

There, problem solved.

Sadly it would he easier to deport every single minority susceptible to crime than every gun.

Bill Maher is based if you people watched his show you'd know he ripped Bernie kids for wanting free shit this week too

Conservatives: "Don't say it has anything to do with guns!"
Liberals: "Don't say it has anything to do with Islam!"
Bill Maher: Total bs.. now ban all the guns


It's almost as if one is an ideology and the other is an inanimate object.

Where's that meme of the "50% of blacks commit violent crimes but here's one hes not doing anything you're wrong"

Slide/bait/shitpost thread with almost no content in the OP
Do your part to curb this filth.

Reminder that saying that there is no god is more edgy than shooting a bunch of people

Maher is a liberal commie piece of filth. It's pretty fucking weird he so openly hates Muslims and recognizes islam for the cancer it is.

Controlled oposition within their own ranks?

I want someone to answer this ONE question, it's all I ask:

If guns are so dangerous how come there's no gays shooting up a mosque right now?

yeah, it has everything to do with guns and how none of those fags had any.

Wasn't that a South park episode? I remember that as well

You can't effectively. But you can educate people on guns safety so they know what to do and how not to be a retard.

I disagree with Maher on almost everything, but he has always been based about Muslims

You better keep a copy of the Quran with you at all times.


There is a strain of kike that realizes if Islam is permitted to topple the west, the result will be catastrophic for not just the west, but its parasites too. Namely the Jews themselves.

I'm surprised more of them don't see this.

>Lib tard friend showing his power level.
we already did.
We baned them in 1934, we have semi automatic.
They are.
The same way you buy pot you fucking retard, and most likley with the money you used to buy it.

He went dead silent and started to contemplate that he may be responsible for the trafficking of illegals arms.

Flying isn't a constitutional right. Buying a gun is

You can't do either. Both are just a dog-and-pony show to make the public feel safer without actually achieving anything.

>One testicle

Gee, I wonder where jews got that meme about Hitler from.


Do 'liberals' realize that if Musllims ever became a majority in population and government, they would be like the republicans on steroids? Gay marriage? Homosexuality wouldn't even be legal, and they would punish it with death.

So the problem is...Muslims having access to guns?

>le everyone is stupid but me

I wouldn't be opposed to some actual common sense gun reforms, like better background checks and more strict regulations on the so called "assault rifles". but the reality is we would all be dead and gone by the time any regulation would have much of an effect on the US, there are already far too many guns here. If someone wants to get one they probably can.

Not to mention the terror attacks in europe, they managed to get guns just fine didn't they? I mean at least here there's a chance some citizen can put the goat fucker down before he does more damage.

They would be Republicans on steroids without all the good parts, most of them are economically retarded and gun grabbers.

Fuck off with your evil racist lies

But it does have to do with guns
People don't have enough


I was thinking this earlier. Both things are equally problematic here.

This is why neither Trump nor Shillary will help solve America. They're just puppets put in place to divide the masses anyway. Coincidence that each one disagrees about the opposite half of the problem to the other?

If voting made a difference they'd never have allowed it. Hell, they sure as hell wouldn't have allowed women to do it.

His backup plan was a suicide vest, now what?

He's a (((Catholic atheist))) you shitlord.

I think people are just happy there is something they can have an opinion about.

What would we be doing otherwise? Talking about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.

Its the same with Gays. Some of them realize that a fundamentalist cult that throws them off buildings in the Middle East is more of a threat to their existence than some Christian who says gay marriage is a sin