Seth MacFarlane:

>"These shootings are a regular occurrence. You don't get to be 'shocked' anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban automatic weapons"

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When is someone going to shoot Seth? I'm sick of hearing him talk.

>Ban automatic weapons
they've been banned for quite some time :^)

Reminds me of the time a Muslim committed an act of terrorism.

Oh wait, that was today.

The irish really are niggers. It was right to ban them along with the kikes.

This cuck should have died on 9/11. Why did he miss his flight?

It's just a coincidence that he was supposed to be on one of the planes hijacked on 9/11 :^)

What automatic weapons?

did he use an automatic weapon
or is this just celebrities thinking any rifle is automatic

You need an extensive background check and expensive licence to have automatic weapons.
No shootings have used them.

macfarlane is a scottish name

doesn't matter though, white bois all have microdicks

He said he had a hangover.

>"These shootings are a regular occurrence. You don't get to be 'shocked' anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban MUSLIMS"

Based Kang

Basic ignorance of firearms. Blaming automatic fire is less than meme tier at this point.

God fucking dammit, can we PLEASE start a campaign to inform people about automatic weapons, the laws already in place surrounding them, what one would have to go through to obtain one, and how many mass shootings have used on?


>assault weapons

What about assault knives?


Why are all those people so dumb? I DO LIKE GUN CONTROL, I like the way it is here in Germany, I never have to fear someone could draw a gun and just shoot me when I'm in a fight and I actually do feel somewhat powerful as a tall, fit man. That's amazing.

But how can you not realize you can't just ban something people had access to for as long as they can remember. Even if police in America would literally seize guns, probably more than 1/3 the registered guns would "disappear" and people would just keep them anyway, illegally. And that's just registered guns. You can't get rid of guns at this point. It would literally lead to nothing but civil wars and cartels becoming more powerful.

How can even your fucking president, your elite, be so dumb he bring this up every time?

This genuinely confuses me.

Im really confused on this subject.

Do these people not understand that banning guns is just going to open up a market for people to sell them illegally? And the only people who will have guns are the criminals and police?

>I made dick and fart jokes for 20 years so now you should listen to my political opinions

Why are men from New England such liberal losers?

people who want to ban all guns are as dumb as the people who go on murderous shooting sprees

neither know how easy it is to make bombs

I hope you guys don't change, America.

Reading up on american shootings daily is just too amusing. You guys are doing great

Someone should stab him if they do, don't let his funeral be posted all over media alongside gun control.


he's a comedian

>assault knives
What about assault shaker?

Seth got what he wanted already


lol he thinks automatic weapons are legal. what a pleb

no because clearly if you ban guns nobody can get them retard

Exactly. Funny how everyone who wants to ban guns also want to end the drug war... because they know banning shit that people want is never going to work.

He'll say anything to keep getting hollywood jew money and films made.

On a Tuesday morning? Who goes out drinking on a Monday night when they have a flight the next morning?

well, i guess full auto shotguns with drum mags would do as much damage

>no because clearly if you ban guns nobody can get them retard

The same way that banning meth, cocaine and heroin makes it so no one can get them right? They just disappear from existence because the government says you cant have them?

>I never have to fear someone could draw a gun and just shoot me when I'm in a fight and I actually do feel somewhat powerful as a tall, fit man. That's amazing.
Nigger detected

It confuses me that they think banning something will prevent a criminal from getting it. All kinds of drugs are banned, yet people still buy, sell, and use them. Banning guns would only prevent any possible bystander from defending their self from a psycho with a gun. If they are determined to shoot up a gay bar, they will get a gun, legal or not.

you can get heroine in prison. how the fuck would you keep me from buying a gun with open borders and some based contacts.

Ohhhh my god, you guys, this quote line is totally the kind of conversation seth would write in one of his shows, I can even hear Seth's whiny voice acting in my head.

The star wars girl has a Jack Nicholson face.

>How can even your fucking president, your elite, be so dumb he bring this up every time?
Because it causes strife. I wholeheartedly believe that most liberals just want to start fights the way women do, just goad you into hitting them and playing the victim when it happens. Thing is, if push finally comes to shove it will be so much uglier than anyone could imagine.

yeah but obviously you can put heroin up your butt and get it past metal detectors, you can't do that with a pistol and a clip.

I wonder what excuses they'll make when gay bars get bombed instead of shot up? Because that's a lot easier than shooting them.

>not muh islam

They've been heavily regulated since the 30's when they passed the National Firearms Act. Automatics are hard to find and taxed out the ass and ATF wants to know everything about them and will call you up unexpectedly to tell you they're going to stop by and "check things out " matching guns and serial numbers to their records in the same fashion as gun shop owner . They're a pain in the ass . The family guy jew probably means semiautomatic and I would be willing to bet that the Florida sandnigger had semi and was pulling that trigger like a mad man one pull at a time





Because they think they'll be in charge.

Cut to some totally random pop culture figure sitting in bar. Bartender turn to the person and asks: "Don't you have a flight in the morning?" Random pop culture figure responds: "Who are you, my mother?"

You guys are dumb. Did you not learn from the Boston Bombing? Ban pressure cookers. Now.

eh fuck it.. even if they ban them, they can't have them.

But they will be literally useless in a socialist community.

They're not strong, they're not smart, and they're not charismatic. They won't hold any kind of good position.

It's not the gun, it's the person. Nothing can stop a dedicated person from killing.

I thought he used an ar15? Literally semi auto..

>Ban guns

Why don't they convince some congress man to start working on a bill and try to pass it on as an amendment to the Constitution?

Most tyrants are, user. They're just as dangerous. They have to be stopped same as any other tyrant.

First by voting. If that fails and they try to force it then by violence.

This guy is a fucking faggot. Like the rest of the Irish.

I swear, letting Irish in America was the third biggest mistake after Negroes and Jews. Roman popery, drunken fatherlessness, and continual undermining of the nation's hegemony (i'm looking at you Ted "Kennedy") has no place in America.

Yeah you can.

And assault clips

Let's say guns and knives and any kind of lethal weapons were banned, and people started murdering with their bare fists.

What now? Remove the knuckles from their hands?

Also checked

See England for examples


the 5-head on this chick is impressive as fuck.

Breaking the record for people killed in a mass shooting is a regular occurrence?

>butter knife
>jerry can

What the fuck is this

if this keeps on they will be ban on being too muscular I swear to God almighty

It's really frustrating to see people call over and over again for laws that already exist, but ultimately it's encouraging to know these people are that ignorant and ineffectual

He probably masterminded the whole thing.

Liberals are retards.

Anyone familiar with the greatest loss of life from an attack on an American school? It wasn't Virginia Tech; it wasn't Columbine. Perpetrator didn't use firearms.

Happened a long time ago, and none of these stupid fucks are probably even aware of it.

Where there's a will, there's a way.

>These shootings are a regular occurrence

>43 in 10 years
>4.3 "mass shootings" a year in last decade
>300 million Americans
>about 1 in 69 million chance of dying in a "mass shooting"

>banning guns is literally prohibited by the Constitution
>banning people from Muslim countries was done until 1965 and was never ruled unconstitutional

MacFarlane is a Scottish name, the Irish do not accept this cuck in the racial draft

Boy am I thinking.


All day I've been reading about automatic weapons and assault rifles. Why is it that all of these fucking tards don't realize that the shooter used neither an automatic weapon or an assault rifle? None of these crimes have used a weapon that would fall under either of those terms. They wonder why we don't want them to choose which weapons we can have; its because they don't know what the fuck they're talking about.

>Listening to Seth McFartland

ban niggers and hispanics. There you go the gun death rate just dropped by 90%.

But why wont Seth shut the fuck up? Why is he being an irrelevant cunt? You might ask.

His jews are making him campaign for Hillary. He doesn't get a say in it. He can have only one opinion: the one they tell him to have. He doesn't play along? He'll get Bill Cosbey'd or even worse Pedowooded.

This is the case for most annoying celebrities.

Because bans do a great job of keeping people from getting things. Just look at how well all the drug bans have worked.

The Irish.

Fuck Seth. He wishes he was Tray Parker and Matt Stone

Automatic weapons are already banned.

Islamic terrorist attacks are a regular occurrence. You don't get to be 'shocked' anymore unless you take action to stop them. Ban Islam.

> got rich off a cartoon depicting gun violence in nearly every episode

Will you be giving some of that money back Seth?

Not reading the comments: the gun was a pistol (semi automatic) and a ar15 also semi auto (but possible to mod it to full auto). IDK if Seth forgot his meds or what?

>Ban automatic weapons
kek that finish

I like when they bring up Australia.

>Be Australian
>Change gun laws
>No more mass shootings

They ignore that when Port Arthur happened we had no gun laws beyond "it would be nice if you showed a license when buying a fully auto AK-47, pls".

And after the strict gun laws?

We have MORE privately owned guns than we did back then.

>It worked in Australia

Yeah, it worked in a country with about 300,000 guns total, compared to, what, 300 million on the U.S.?


Dont project user.


>Tyrone wants to be hardcore but his broke-ass homies wont let him

>scene in the clam
>reminds me of that time we were a victim of terrorism
>no cutaway
>where's the damn cutaway?
>joe whispers to peter "shut up you'll get us killed"
>oh hey Muhammad whats with the ak?
>Muhammad shoots up the clam

France banned guns. Then look what happened in Paris.

Like all celebrities he should just stick to the role of entertainer and jester but unfortunately like a lot of them are lot are so egotistical and opinionated they think they're hot shit.