Be honest, what would you do?
Be honest, what would you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
Help the man, instead of taking a picture.
I'd make America great again.
He's just doing pull-ups.
What is this supposed to be?
Climb down beside him, so that he can use my body as a latter.
hand him my resume
save him
become a honored knight of trump
Tell him he's about to make liveleak great again.
Help him finish laying bricks to complete the wall
Long live the King
>My Lord
Is everyone forgetting that Trump can float down safely with his golden parachute?
Turn 360 degrees and moonwalk away
Stand and watch. if he is a strong leader, he won't need help.
Hang with Trump for a little while, busting out pull-ups while we talk about making America great again.
donald I'm too weak to lift you but there's a black janitor around here, just hold on donald!
Help him up, and pat his noggin. To say anything else would make you a bitter, vengeful faggot.
Save him so he can save America, build wall and my country can stop spacegoating illegals and unfuck itself.
Then go live in america with work visa and enjoy no poor mestizos and beans in Texas.
fuck, i hate when i dont know if actual retard or bait.
Tell him to hold on while I go find someone with upper body strength
Fall to the ground in a fetal position because vertigo
>he doesn't know trump can fly
He was never in any danger
>implying Trump's baby hands could grasp the ledge well enough to support his weight
He is just playing around ya danged autist
I would aid his recovery to safety and remind him not to create his own babylonian mountain the next time
Even if I didn't like him I would save him hell I would save Hillary because I'm not a murderer
I like Trump, but holy shit, kek
Congratulate him for climbing that skyscraper all on his own. Impressive for an old man!
Ur rite I'm a cruzmissile now
>hell I would save Hillary
Whoa whoa whoa! Let's not get crazy.
Long live the king.
I can't wait to welcome you friend
Those hands are too big. I kick him off the wall and watch the imposter, who is probably also a Mexican, fall to his death.
I would Make America Great Again again, tell him I know this is a test, and let him fly to Trump Tower under his own power.
Thats a new auto suggest fuckup.
You know what I mean tho.
"Jesus, man, does the wall really need to be THIS high?"
a 70-story wall? that's pretty big
This thread is making those who hated for him feel for him and those who liked him to be vicious and vulgar. Methinks his handling of Orlando le blew up in his le face
Well if she wins then she will owe me
Fuckin' 5 star post right here
Save him and hope he gives me a nice reward.
For You
he turned me into dingus. just like that time i mentioned candlejack. i dun goofed aga-
c'mon take the b8 sven I got to sleep
Drop my shekels so it looks like it was an accident
Just leaving this here
>Still six hundred thousand posts away.
It would have been funnier if it was six million but you were too late for that joke.
kinda reminds me of when mr burns blocks the sun
>tfw some fag will get the GET for Shillary
>Help him finish laying bricks to complete the wall
A nice witty answer from A FUCKING LEAF?
Truly these past 24 hours have shaken up the world in unfathomable ways.
The Holocaust was fake anyway so I can make up my own numbers
I've been here all week, mec.
I would kms
I'll save ya for a billion dollars.
>oh no I can't stop stomping my feet everywhere
>oops sorry trump my bad forgot your fingers were there
It keeps getting 10 feet higher.
A week, a month... Soon there will be no recollection of time and space.
You're here forever now, mec.
we really should have stopped 500' ago, it's getting to be an eyesore. nothing can make a 700' tall wall seem beautiful
>pull him up
>shake his hand
>heroes never die
Kek, anything for the God Emperor
I would take a bullet for Donald Trump.
>nothing can make a 700' tall wall seem beautiful
Scantily-clad women painted on it.
For you
and still not big enough
Rescue Trump, throw a muslim off instead so as to satisfy the needs of Kek.
Well, hello oldfag! Shit, I haven't seen this meme in ages. fucking clever, you proved it. Thread clearly full of new reddit-tier angsty trump supporters.
Tell him "I'll save you for 1/3 of your profits from all of your business ventures for the next 20 years and a night a week with Ivanka, deal?" while extending my right hand, sealing the deal with a life-saving handshake
Stop bandwagoning this game you fucking retards, it is by far the most shilled game on Sup Forums in a long time
I'd think for just a fraction of a second about stomping his hands, reject the idea, help him up, and politely ask him to withdraw and endorse the best candidate come November. So we can really make America great again.
Slide thread.
Hide, report, and sage threads like these.
>someone actually noticed
I'm shocked. Yeah, I occasionally throw out old shit to test the waters, usually doesn't get any reaction. Board has a large contingent of pretentious halfwits that worship a self proclaimed kike cock sucker.
Tell him he's making me VP.
Then I get the CIA to assassinate him, make it look like a group of radical leftists did it to incite a revolution, declare martial law, and make America great again.
In the name of the Emperor, this post made me sin.
Mommy Mercy
Stay salty you can't afford a $40 god-tier game and/or have no friends to play it with
>posting old memes
>hurr durr im such an oldfag you guise
Fuck off faggot, Candlejack was never a fu
Love it.
A moon walk is backwards so a 360 is appropriate
Old Sup Forumsrethren on Sup Forums?
Really makes you think...
Donald wants to save you senpai
He wants to save you