I hope they take ALL guns away from Americans

tldr: white men don't deserve guns.

I'm fucking sick of listening to white men pretend that someday they're going to collectively get off their fat, lazy, asses and do something. We've been living under a tyranny for over 25+ years and white men have been whining the whole time while they piss away their lives watching sports, playing vidya, working on cars etc.

For the first time ever a Muslim man finally did something about the cancer and most of you are just bitching and whining about it.

Fuck your guns and fuck your gun rights. You cowards don't deserve them.

Come at me. You've got no fucking response.

Other urls found in this thread:



inb4 Breivik. ONE SINGLE WHITE MAN out of a billion whites actually got some shit done.

The white race is LOW ENERGY


Fuck the constitution. It was meant to be upheld. No one is upholding it....especially all these stupid welfare queens on the dole who go and fight for Israel and then come home and sit on their asses collecting a fucking check. Pic very related

That's a bb gun.

Racist pussy . Whites are waking up and kicking ass

>Come at me. You've got no fucking response.
i want you, personally, to come and try to take my guns

What on Twitter?

Or do you fucking mean this /r9k/ autist who killed some old black people at a fucking church?

Say goodbye to your guns fags. You've had long enough to organize, but let's fucking face it: 99% of you are too beta and too fucking fat to every be of any use. It's no fucking wonder white women are breeding with blacks in record numbers.

not worried about the government, im worried about niggers, sand niggers and wiggers

GOD DAMN I really really hope they do door to door confiscations in the US. I would wager a solid 10 fucking men out of 300 million actually try something and ALL of them would end up dead.

The rest would just cry and whine which apparently is all white men can do anymore. It's like watching a bunch of fat women with beards.

Lols. Come take my guns from me. Try it. I'm a cis white male, and I have many.




Oh look another fucking idiot focused on the symptoms rather than curing the (jewish) cancer. You're a smart one.

I hope they take your guns first

Click bait, but I'll play.

You don't have a gun. I have a gun.....

I think I would win.

Come at me bro

You'd get your fat ass BTFO. It's why all you lardass, loud-mouthed faggots never actually do anything but talk. You'd literally have a heart attack two blocks of marching on an objective.

Oh look another tripfag seeking attention on an anonymous board, go get laid you faggot

Want in one hand and shit in the other...

Bro...I'm not saying I'm coming door to door. We'll hire 100,000 more police to round up your guns. We'll make it 15 years in prison for every gun you are caught with.

It's fucking over. White men are never going to get their shit together.

Just face it bro: you don't need guns and you certainly DON'T deserve them.

It WILL be funny watching the YT videos of white men getting BTFO by blacks every day in hand to hand combat.

Video: youtube.com/watch?v=g4XWtZHXeb8

I love how liberals spent the past year complaining about how Trump's immigration plan would be too expensive and intrusive, and yet unironically call for a complete gun ban.

How ya going to do it, Justice League? There are more firearms in private circulation in America than there are people. Let that sink in. Any attempt to round up even a fraction of these guns would be the single most expensive and intrusive government undertaking in human history.

Grow up and stop fantasizing.


"""""""""not"""""""""" some leftist fag

Pew Pew Pew!

Poo Poo Poo in the Loo!!!

It's fucking easy...White men are PUSSIES. You haven't provided ANY evidence to the contrary.

and I'm not a liberal. I'm just sick of listening to your big mouths.

They outlaw guns, give an amnesty period to turn them in with the ammo, then we start door to door searches.

One gun or 10 bullets equals a decade in prison. White guys would scream bloody murder but then they would follow the rules like they always do.

I am not a nigger. Sounds like you are, so you can't afford to " hire police". They will not work purple drank and fried chicken.

Dude. White guys are lazy pussies. It's so fucking obvious they're all mad as fuck that a Muslim finally did something about the degeneracy.

Oh I'm sorry I forgot all about these guys...The amazing Oregon """militia""" who gave up when they ran out of snacks and then managed to get shot and arrested.

So apparently white men are also too stupid to into tactics and undisciplined to go a few days without snacks.

Lol. Pathetic.

>Let that sink in
American citizens own literally just over half of the entire world's supply of small arms
Let that one sink in.

If you assume that a civil war isn't immediately started and use the price tag of the Australian gun confiscation as a reference point the maths leads to a price tag of a few hundred billion dollars to confiscate 330 million firearms.

Likely significantly higer because the American government even if it could get away with such blatant violation of the second Amendment still has to give fair compensation for any property taken.
Considering the average price of a firearm is just over $500 the cost of paying out fair value is $165,000,000,000
This is avoiding all of the massive administration and logistical cost. Which would easily double even triple that number.

Now imagine if we took that money and out it towards police actually effectively policing

you've never met a white man.

you meet white boys at your college. nigger.

Lol angry Nigger thread!!!


>It's fucking easy...White men are PUSSIES. You haven't provided ANY evidence to the contrary.
1/3rd of Americans according to the last poll done would openly revolt against the government if they went to far.
To far being full on gun confiscation.

This number is even higer amongst police departments who would be doing the confiscating at well over 75% of cops would refuse an order

holy shit dude I think it's past your bedtime

>>We wuz chipin.

Yeah those 100,000 cops are gonna fucking get rekt. 300 million guns in the US.

You are a child. A little brown, smelly, impoverished child. I'm not handing in my firearms, period. And we both know I won't be alone. If even just 1% - just 1% - of the 80 million legal firearm owners resist, that will be 800, 000 violent incidents. 800 thousand. And that's a conservative estimate. How long do you think Democrats can maintain this nonsense before they get thrown out of office by every and any politician promising bloodshed you started?

Again, grow up. Stop being a burden on white society, get a job, and contribute for once in your life, nigger.


Moon Labe


>For the first time ever a Muslim man finally did something about the cancer and most of you are just bitching and whining about it.

Tsk tsk FBI, trying to entrap poor NEET's into saying something dumb so you can put em on a watch list.

Fatass? I'm 200 and 6'4". I work out every day and actually see sunlight unlike your Mountain Dew guzzling, Taco Bell munching ass.

You really want 100,000 more police and have them be the only gun owners, I mean there are easier ways to kill off the niggers but your plan works too.


sometimes I can't help it

>it would take me nearly 7 minutes to reload 30 times
>7 minutes x 60 = 420 seconds
>420s / 30 reloads = 14s per reload
>reload in

There will be blood. Is that what you want?

Muh nugget

>the dreams of frantic leftists
haha die of aids faggot


Gotta have one. Here's more ...


And honestly we tell the Jews to print the money and then we buy them back. It's not a big deal.


Oh please. Tough talking fag on the internet.

Okay dipshit regale me with the glories of conquest and civil unrest undertaken by the MODERN WHITE MAN.

>inb4 my ancestors did some shit hundreds of years ago that I want to take credit for because my Warcraft raid doesn't start for another 20 minutes.

*tsk tsk israel behing a vpn

I hope so

>How do we get more money?
You say you're not a leftist fag but you sure sound like one

Yeah? and 50% of white men say they have a huge dick and slay pussy on the regular. We know that isn't true.

Look bro...if white men were ever going to get their hands dirty we would have seen something by now.

I mean holy FUCK, literally nothing but a handful of autists have gotten off their asses in the last 30 years.

ONE GUY in all of Europe (Breivik) actually did something. ONE FUCKING DUDE.

But some fucking survey says white men are ready to fight? Nigger please.

If white men got off their asses who would play all the video games, eat fast food, and watch sports?


That's all you got? What are you 12?


Nigger please. Every time a modern white man gets in a fight outside of the octagon he gets goddamn wrecked except for like 1/100th of 1 percent of the time.

You misunderstand. Not THEM, YOU. Not someone else so you can remain safe and detached and risk nothing for your beliefs. Put YOUR life in direct danger.

still not had enough? whats it like being so scared of your own thoughts that you cant own a gun?

Dude 1% of white men aren't going to do a fucking thing except stuff their fat faces and rebuild their water-cooled gaming PC or build another entertainment center

>hurr durr working in the garage is red-pilled! I'm ready for the collapse and then we go innawoods! huuuuuuurrrrrr


Where's your one percent now?

Fucking fantasyland up in this bitch tonight.

And what do you plan on doing?
Nothing that's what. You are a either a fat neckbeard loser with prediabetus or a scrawny ass slav like fag with a disdain for Chads that you want to be but never will. Grow up, get the fuck over yourself you little bitch

Nice collection. I bet you're too out of shape to even carry three of those a mile before you decide to run home to your AC, tendies, and Xbox.

fuck this is pretty funny now

Oh yes. I'm in the FBI! I've been found out.


...See. As I said. White men are useless faggots. They don't deserve guns. This nigger just proved it.

White men aren't savages, history will tell you this.

It doesn't come natural to us.

Yeah right. If you mean a handful of white men having heart attacks when they finally get off their giant asses to do something and then give up after a 1/2 mile march, then yes, their will be blood...from their heart's bursting.

LOOK CHANGE OF DIRECTION: What """glories""" in real life have the white men of the last 25 years achieved? ...Other than Breivik I've got nothing.

Looks like a bunch of loud mouthed fatasses talking shit online 24/7 and nothing else.

>19 posts by this ID
I didn't read the thread but you are mad as fuck son. Good thing leftists have disarmed themselves, if shit goes down, you will be the first.

We're 19 trillion in debt moron. A few billion more isn't going to matter

And no TD. every time. Hollywood teaches them to be in safe with guns.

>7 minutes to reload 30 times

>Military hate
Nigger there are veterans dying in line at the VA. Most of the military is pro-Trump. If Obama goes full tyrant mode people will defect.

Considering your name you sound exactly like a leftist fag.

No. You're right. I'm not going to do anything.

There are millions of men decades older than me, many of them still mobile AND near the end of their lives and they haven't lifted a fucking finger.

That's my point. I WANT TO TAKE THEIR TOYS AWAY. Not because I'm some dick-sucking commie queer...BECAUSE IT'S TIME FOR THEM TO BE PUNISHED.

Pic related: white men playing make-believe that they still have testicles and use them.

how long can he sustain this god tier bait?


Tell that to the convicted felons and the mentally insane. The rule is inadequate! Stop living in the 17th century dumbfuck.

I love the irony considering niggers have been slaves to the welfare state since LBJ.

[Citation needed]

How will the police take away the guns?

By kindly asking?

Try and take them.

This isn't Tyranny you pathetic little pussy. Hope on over and live next to a refugee camp in Germany, or go live in China, or maybe an Islamic country. THAT is tyranny you privileged fucking millennia. THAT is the thing that an armed populace stops. You can't even fucking comprehend real repression and violence, can you?

Good thing the gun nuts are here to protect you then, isn't it?

If I were to sign away all American guns today, it would be for no other reason than to see you watch the world of your children, or maybe grandchildren be sealed behind mesh and barbed wire. Who will save you then? How will you fight back?

You fucking won't, and you'll be too stupid to know that this was the future you chose.

What you getting triggered by truths with no fucking response?

...I'm waiting...Tell me about the glorious battles white men have been waging against the invading hordes in Europe?

Maybe I've missed something...Did Golden Dawn go sinks some refugee boats and I didn't hear about it?

Pic related. I ain't going to lie: thinking about these men balls deep in your wives, daughters, and girlfriends makes me feel a little better that I'm stuck being grouped with you weaklings.

you are a fucking moron.
thats my response.

You niggers just have no sense. Who do you think will be doing all of these things you speak of? The Democrats. Who else? You got a third party up your sleeve somewhere, """G"""? The good old, trustworthy, super-competent Democrat Party. That's your only vehicle for action in this country.

How long do you think Joe Biden. Barbra Boxer, Chuck Schumer, Anthony Weiner, et al., can wage war against literally millions of American citizens in every corner of the country before the rest of the country says fuck this and sends these kikes packing?

You're dumb. But it's why you're a nigger.

>Obama hate

OBama this....... Obama that....just stop.

Apart from his shitty policy there is literally nothing he has done wrong.


Literally 400 years of fucking decline...Endless battles lost, OVER, and OVER, and OVER again white men getting BTFO on virtually every fucking front, and STILL white guys won't change tactics, learn from their enemies and start winning...

Instead it's

>m-muh honor!
>m-muh we're not savages!
>m-muh bullshit excuses m'lady!

You should go. Some black guy is probably fucking your wife right now. You should go film it and cry.

>for over 25+ years

LOL such a long time! 25+ YEARS. Holy shit!? where's the uprising??

LOL you're a fucking retard, OP.

there hasn't been some sort of major successful revolution yet so... we'd all be better off disarmed? real genius OP.

Good thing you are just some pathetic little shit. When push comes to shove you will revert to a child. When push comes to shove, the American gun owners will rise up. As I have said before, we aren't living in tyranny yet, you are just a deluded millennial who thinks he is being oppressed when his welfare check is worth a few less cents.

>defends Benghazi
>pussyfoots around actual world threats
>spends all of his time working on SJW laws rather than actual economic or political shit

GOOD. Fuck them. They don't honor their oaths. They take my fucking money and go wage wars for Israel.

I hope they got their cocks blown off from IEDs.

Pic related: shit was so cash.

Answer the question: Tell me of the glorious battles the modern white man has won?

I'm waiting.

Oh none? Literally nothing at all? Then those faggots don't need their guns.

Holy fuck I mean seriously white men aren't even trying to get organized. I mean literally they've done nothing to prepare. Nothing to show for all their shit talking and bravado.

There is dark cloud rolling in...

>defends Benghazi
defends what exactly?

>pussyfoots around actual world threats
got a better solution that doesn't involve sending Americans over to die?

>spends all of his time working on SJW laws rather than actual economic or political shit

>He supports groups I don't like
Hes in the last years of his presidency, he hasn't and will not get shit done

Don't be angry all your life kid, you might have a stroke.

I know this is shitty bait and summer, but goddamn I hate you faggots.

That's just the nigger stink wafting off OP.

10/10 bait

Defends the decisions and the fact that they didn't send help. He defends Benghazi.

The fact that he waited until literally less than a year ago to even address the issue of ISIS directly, and still hasn't owned up to the fact that the CIA is STILL funding the FSA which has been an ISIS front for almost 4 years.