Asian Women are NOT Fucking TAKING IT anymore you MotherFuckers!

Look at them right now! That is happening!

You will stop treating them as the fetishized and fantasized sex toys and start treating them like individuals. They are all strong women of color, and they are NOT Fucking here for your amusement!

>nigger in the woodpile

K, keep me posted.

>several hours later, takes her white bf's cock while calling herself an asian whore

Every time.

Why is Sup Forums trying to create anti-Asian sentiment in this board recently?
most don't align with SJW

what is the nigger and white girl doing in that pic

if they are asian, they must be applying the one drop rule or some shit


Godfuckingspeed. They really need to change their image. Asians in the US have submissive image in several generations. Add to that opium wars in China, Japan, Korean, Vietnamese trophy wives and reputation that created. As a man with Irish-Japanese American wife I'm tired of stereotype that our relationship based on love is a fetish. That's just bullshit.

>Asian girls

>Asian American

There's your problem, user.

at least these women seem to have reasoned arguments for their feminism (their humanity), whereas most just feel traumatized because they hear an opinion they find offensive.

Latinas is where its at. Your kids wont come out looking weird.

those attention whores will ruin whatever good is left in Asian American community

Yeah, it's kind of like how Sup Forums openly bashes on white women dating niggers, but they masturbate to cuckold porn all the time.

The actual stereotype is that the white guy is a weird usually racist beta and the Asian girl is self hating status digger. Both stereotypes are usually true, which is why you get Elliots.

>implying I want a slanty-eyed gook gf

They look like mogwais

this pic is like 2000 years old

No she Fucking doesn't! You Motherfucker you! None of these Asian women have white boyfriends!

They don't Fucking take white cock!

Let's be honest, blacked makes supreme videos and bmwf is hot as fuck

>Asian American

Who fucking cares

My girlfriend's from Japan and she makes jokes about yellow fever all the fucking time. PC cunts can go fuck themselves, they're just bitter the "right guys" don't want to start a family with them.


>6 gook
>1 white
>1 black


WWII, Vietnam and Korean vets weren't beta, that's sure.
>marries Asian girl
That doesn't work like it???
Don't know, my wife looks western, nothing like something rice fetishist would chase. maybe something in the eyes and cheekbones gives a hint.

like all of those are ugly 2 of them had dyed hair which shows mental unsuitability and ones a fucking dindu

WMBF is hotter desu, I don't find nigger men attractive at all unless they're twinks.

>Day 47: The chinks still haven't realized I am a nigger

Lol. My roommate was in Pi Delta Psi, and they would do events together with that Asian sorority.

These "greek" organizations on America college campuses, especially the minority-based ones, are retarded. This one is basically a social organizations for Asian-Americans to get together and whine about racism.

Incidentally, most of those Asian girls complaining about "yellow fever" would only ever fuck white guys.

To be fair, I do feel a passing bit of sympathy for Asian SJWs.

They're not obnoxious and omnipresent like the whiny white cunts, they're not worshipped like the super-special kangs and kweens, and in fact there don't seem to be many of them.

If I were one of them, I'd probably be pissed that nobody listened to me or cared about me either.

Yep. Get yourself a pure Japanese waifu. Asian Americans suck.

>I don't find nigger men attractive at all unless they're twinks.
Not even surprised Canada

They do it because it gives them a sense of dominance/power for taking another race's women.

Western Asian girls are shit tier anyway

Just go overseas to feed that yellow fever family

Then I don't want them anymore.
Why do they want me to treat them like niggers?
Jew tricks?

>Boo hoo! Why do so many people fantasize about me and want to fuck me!? If only I weren't so physically attractive and desirable! Boo hoo hoo!

>americanized leftist asian women
Dont worry they weren't fetishized at all.

Because they see through your beta shit, "English teacher" Carl. Ruv you rong time lady over in your tier 2 Japanese city will fuck ya for the green card, realize you're a beta in about 20 seconds once you're back in this glorious country, and secretly resent you while you hide her away in your midwestern nest.

They take big black cock instead.

Isn't feminism code for loving BBC?

>shrimpy flips and jungle asians
>SJWs to boot


Never got the appeal of azns. The ones I see here are all weird, flat faced and dressed super weirdly. The better ones usually wanna look white, but then we do have white women around who dont act like nigresses (yet)


Asian Americans stepping up the SJW before Canadian Asians...

Didn't think i'd see that happen.

Women do not like men anymore. No reason to cry about it. Why would they need to try hard to please somebody they have thousands of, its just supply and demand.

What the FUCK I'm going o be single forever REEEEEEEEEEE

>>marries Asian girl
>That doesn't work like it???
You see racist Asian fetishists on Sup Forums all the time.

I don't like black chicks, but I like skin contrast. Plus not me not my wife cannot really relate to actors fully, so blacked is a good choice. It's like a erotic spectacle.

Asian fetisist here, literally wouldn't fuck any of them except maybe the one on the left and even thats a stretch. Plus theres a guy in the picture, plus a white girl and a nog.

Literally wtf?

All I see is "no decant men wanted us, so we'll drink box wine together and talk about our cats in feminist circlejer- circlerubs and complain about everyone/thing but us

What's his name?

This. There is a saying "AKDPhis, spread them thighs" for a reason. They are a joke sorority. My GF joined and ended up hating the entire thing. They spew "muh asian culture" and yet for real 50% only date whites, 25% only date blacks, and the other 25% that date the asians, only date the rich ones. They are completely unregulated because they aren't real sororities so they haze the shit out of pledges. They do more harm to women then "mu patriarchy" ever could.

the hilarious part is I guarantee at least half of them are fucking a white dude. Almost every Asian girl I know has a white boyfriend. I'm currently fucking an Asian girl. My ex-girlfriend is Asian. They can keep making these posters, but at the end of the day, they know where to come if they want it. They just do this shit for the LiKES.

When did being attracted to someone because of how they look become an insult?

Ive never spoken to an asian girl, not couting the vietnamese shopkeepers. how are they actually?

Those whores would be so lucky to be fetishized.

They are like most people except they have funny looking eyes

Usually, they're really nice with super cute personalities. Their second-language English is adorable and they are very enthusiastic about everything.

Same time that the female fantasy of a take-charge guy who unapologetically initiates things became a criminal nightmare, except when blacks do it.
You have put your finger on it. All of their new requirements just happen to contradict known needs. It's as though sex requires nudity so they demand that from now on it happen clothed.

so youre saying american asians are pretty "westernized", right?

Who let that nigger sneak into the picture? Sneaky little crack whore she is.


stop giving them attention

At their worst they are materialistic and pushy

At their best they are cute, enthusiastic and eager to please

Are any of these people even citizens of any asian country?

They all look like American citizens to me.

Meanwhile me and my asian g/f and our 24/7 master-slave relationship

1 nigger, 1 white girl, 1 asian dude in the back

The message is very confusing here

So... most women then?

Essentially, yeah. The reason so many guys like Asian girls is because they are classically feminine

lana they think they're people

There's a black girl

and a white girl

is that a dude in the back?

They were most likely, all born in America. They're just spiteful because they're not pretty so they never get WHITED so they hold up angry signs implying it's their choice.

Feminists have hormone problems. The world is less loving and more prone to war because of feminism.

Mine Hibernian Nip wifey is tomboyish, a lot of her Jap American friends are. She wears practical clothes,make-up, bras and heels are non-existent in her wardrobe.

if you not good looking, be funny, if your not funny, have money. if you dont have any of those, you better be slutty....i dont think saturday night are real wild with this bunch.

badly constructed sentence. She doesn't use make-up, bras and heels.

>Jap American
Found the issue

But obviously there are exceptions. I'm talking about general trends

No room in this country for hyphen Americans!

>if you don't like them, you're racist
>if you like them, you're racist

It's usually because they fail with other women and Asians are easier to get. Reasons like yours come after the fact (ie, are rationalizations). Path of least resistance and all that.

>we wuz azyns

Tomboyish in practical and health-preserving way, not tumblirina fashion statement. It's more of a Scandinavian quality.

First post best post

Sure, that's why some guys do it. But they are the guys who end up with the plain Asian girls anyway

I don't blame them though, I'd take an Asian 5 or 6 over a Western one for sure

That's how professional victims keep their jobs. There is no right answer and there will never be a right answer. To stay relevant, they literally look for things to be offended over. This is how feminist issues devolved from "We want the right to vote and get jobs" 100 years ago to "Stop making microaggressions and male privilege takes up too much space on the bus" today.

>They're just spiteful because they're not pretty

That's the case for most feminists.

A white, a nigger, a fat, a fail trap, three hideous gooks and one normal waifu.

Asian cuties are sweet little fucktoys.

Black dick looks hot in white pussy, cmon. Interracial is inherently hot, people love contrast.

Had multiple american gfs
End up arguing all the time because american grills can't accept being treated less than royalty.

Meets asian girl from asia, treats me like royalty from day one

Has happy long relationship.
Weird right? Idk what's wrong with me to make me not want American women.

She's a Fucking Asian Pacific Islander you Motherfuckers!

She's Fucking Fijian or some shit.


Asian women are just as vapid as Western women, I don't understand why anyone would think otherwise.

>We have no traces of our original culture

Thanks Uncle Tao

Fucking cuck

You're not appealing because you destroyed our entire society...Fuck white women. You are all traitors

Because Asian women didn't open the gates to a horde of third world invaders.

The mail order brides are going to be pretty pissed about this. Do they not care about poor people in third world countries?

Depends on if they live in the city or not and their upbringing can differ but, for example, Filipinas tend to be submissive and believe in traditional roles.


I've never seen an Asian girl marching with niggers chanting about Asian male privilege in the streets of Japan

I've never seen Asian women holding signs saying refugees welcome as thousands of Muslim men get off trains some of how want to kill me

Asian women are objectively better women

thats "Asian women" in the west?
top kek you guys get the worst of them

>Caring about people who are not themselves

Unless they are poor people in third world countries, rest assured, they do not care about poor people in third world countries.

The stupid thing is that women here are catching on to this and i see them reblog '''''female oppresshun''''' shit on kikebook all the time.

Ha ha ha and all of them have NEVER actually had irl contact with the white mens before! except when they were too busy taking instagram selfies on their europe trip at the big ben or eiffel. And even when singaporean girls do visit white countries, they only travel in groups and don't interact with anyone outside their protected azn bubble.

So why the fuck are they complaining about this shit when they don't even live in america it's so fucking irrelevant to them

literally no one says this. Also, that girl on the right is black and the tall one in the back is a dude.