They're going after Canadians now!


The hostages are old news, lad.

What's do you think his last words were?


Looks like Canada has already won.

>I'm sowry

If you escape your enemies, they win.

>If you rescue hostages, the terrorists win
t-thanks weedman

Really makes you think

Ramadan is getting spicy this year, lads

The religion of peace strikes again.

He's dead because we didn't negotiate and outright refused to pay the ransom. I'd say good call.

>If we don't let them behead our people, they win.

Justin Trudeau, 2016

Sup Forums was right

so that means the hostages won right?

Looks like Canada wins again.

we just keep winning. trump btfo


Our government asked Canada for help in rescuing the hostage, Canada refused since they don't negotiate with terrorists.

Also if they rescue the hostages the mudslimes win.

seriously, mudslimes areonly 5% of the population and they cause so much trouble. I hate those fucks.

>I should've been more accepting

thats fucking bullshit

they should atleast help you guys kill them

But flipanon, if you rescue the hostages, the terrorists win.

Whatever they were, I bet it was proper English you faggot.

>a fucking leaf

Jokes on them they just made that Canadian win

Could Duterte have prevented this if he came into office earlier?

dude weed

Oilers will take the cup, 'eh!

Trudeau said that the Government of Canada will not negotiate with terrorists. So I advice Canadians to avoid potential breeding grounds for terrorists.

>Muslim's killed Canadians
Canadians just won

I'm not really sure about his stance on muslims. I just hope he recognizes that they're also criminals and let the army attack them.

"I don't want to sound like a racist or anything, some of my best friends are Muslims, but I think that..."

Jokes on them! When they kill me, I win!

if you kill me, i win

I half expect the guy with his head cut off to stand in solidarity with the rest of his self-hating country.


>if your enemies kill you, you win


umm you forgot your passport estonia, dont ever post without it again or i will ban you



It's a win for liberal Canada.


Good... We need to see a little blood to get back to our realistic roots.

You all gotta remember what the fuck we were for in the beginning. Skinny wild fucking animals, trading them back to Europe for basic supplies, cucking the Native population.