ISIS agent kills French police commander and his wife at their home

The hostage crisis is over, police stormed the house and shot dead the muzzies. The couple's 3-year old son was rescued.

Will look for better sources soon, but this is breaking.

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News like these don't even faze me anymore desu

ffs when will the frenchies release the name

Moar sauce:

There is nothing wrong with Islam, it's obvious we need to ban assault knives. No one needs access to a blade longer than 3 inches.

You jelly your mom gets 8 inches?

Think of the children!

They need 8 inches too....

Apparently Eurocuck media is ignoring the whole "praise ISIS allahu akbar" thing in their reporting. Go figure.

dam that kid will be our savior. The next Hitler was created today.

So tolerant.


>Grows up sexually attracted to Muslims instead

Not funny....

Unless he rapes them to death, that would be breddy gud.

Why do the mudslimes hate france so much? when are we gonna see some major attack in Germany?

France is even more cucked than germany is

you just don't hear about it as much because it slipped under the radar and nobody raised a fuss

paris might as well be a city in nigeria now

muslims are all over the country.

It's actually good.

Police are the ones with guns that usually support the government.

Nope, Sweden-tier

Scorpio: By the way, Homer. What's your least favorite country, Italy or France?
Homer: France.
Scorpio: Heh-heh. Nobody ever says Italy.


The only way to overcome the isis crisis is war at this point

>Not wanting a qt muslim gf

Impossible. Islam is a religion of peace.

not really

European police men usually vote for far-right parties, but what else can they do? The masses will keep voting for multiculti because they dont actually have to deal day-to-day with subhuman animals

According news reports, he killed the top cop. This violence needs to stop before I pop my top.

You sound like Dad. Stop that.

Maybe they're butthurt because most of frog colonies were populated by muslims.

It's some kind of cuck uprising

fuck off sandnigger

I agree but we still need to use this to our advantage of demonizing Mudshits.

Words are wind, what.matter is action. Especially from a organization focused on the well being of society

That wasn't actually taken at the nightclub. The nightclub was all beaners.

Yep , to any man living with his parents at that age, ass burgers or not, cuck definitely is a compliment. What a worthless piece of shit. I sho hope that nigga trollin'.

Jesuis france, not all muslims. stop islamophobia pls

>The chosen one

We must prepare for his coming, and train him in the (((arts))) as soon as he is ready.

Oh no, poor France.

Seriously, you faggots keep bringing this upon yourselves. Stay cucked.

repost the deleted photo please

Obongo and Shillary are both trying to squeeze in tens of thousands of refugees under the radar to be fair.

Why hasn't france taken steps to ban assault knives too!? This would have never happened if assault knives were restricted.

t. liberal logic

De Gaulle destroyed France

>Picture of mad goatfuckers in UK protesting when we banned the burqa.

Not sure why you are posting this

Not a word on the BBC homepage.

Also this 3-year-old must have watched or at least heard his parents get butchered to death by a mohammedan.

I'm sad now.

The next Dexter.

>They hate us because we are cucked

>Not because we bomb their shithole.

Ask yourself why they always target France or the US but never Canada.

Then proceed to count the number of canadian soldiers in ME.

They target "the spiteful and filthy French" for the veil ban, Sykes-Picot, etc.


lol nice

they deserved, their govt started this, i think it was the french govt who sent that "isis" guy to kill them

>police commander
>stabbed to death in his own home

things that would never happen if you had guns france

you are so stupid, please just stop posting you mouthbreather
you can have guns and still get killed
dont get too hype, pig
im pretty sure its your own people that organize those attacks

and you will sit there and take even more Syrian refugees.

your ancestors are rolling in their graves.

muslims only understand one thing, strength. They see western tolerance as weakness, hence they keep raping and killing.

France has a more severe jihadist problem because it has a significantly higher percentage of Muslims than other Western countries.

"syrian" "refugees"

Muhammed bin Muhammed, didn't you figure it out already?
