Meanwhile in bizzaro Sup Forums

Meanwhile in bizzaro Sup Forums...

the posters don't have crippling cancertism

Why don't the muslims and lgbt community just get along? Those scheming Christians must be pulling them apart for their own benefit.

Hey, Obama just signed an executive order to dissolve the NFA.

TFW: Every Indian has access clean toilets and you're forced to shit outside in the street.

wow.... something... NEW.
something.... different, but not quite what I've known.
I'm thinking.
YOU, made me think!

This doesn't really make me think at all

Get the fuck out of here with your cube earth bullshit. The earth always has, and always will be, a pyramid.

How about those Jews guys? Aren't they just the most innocent and generous people?


we wuz peasents

I guess the past few days have woken me up to how its only a minority of Muslims committing terror and that tolerance and gun control are key. Also, I am a vegan and non-binary.

While I was at a Burnie rally, I had a good discussion about how the holocaust actually happened, and how Israel should be allowed to do whatever it wants because of it.


Jews are the great heroes of European civilization

I want to move to Sweden one day.

Can you believe what Trump said? Governor Romney's right; we can't allow trickle-down racism to spread all the way to the Oval Office.

Trump is racist. I'm voting for Hilary because she seems very trusting and genuine. She's a woman too, that's always a plus.

>square pyramid earth
Get out, you shill. It's obviously a triangular pyramid.


I can't believe people are actually voting for the racist sexist Trump. It's time to have a female president.


Fucking Christians just bombed Los Vegas


these threads were always good

Fucking nigger it's an octoganal pyramid

So sick and tired of women ruining everything...

when will those shitladies learn to denounce rape culture?


I almost posted an american flag in the sign of solidarity with other countries over these isis attacks until I was enlightened tothe fact that there was no terrorist attack.

It was a hate crime perpetrated by a mentallyill gun owner who has been grief stricken by the patriarchy and white conservative policies. This valiant indiviual courageously payed back da crackers by confronting the gay latin community
