explain yourselves Sup Forums
Explain yourselves Sup Forums
One happened in the past and one is happening now.
I'd do it all again no hesitation
This time we'd actually do the 6 million
None of those even come close to the 270-590 million deaths caused in the name of Islam.
One I share a race, history and culture with and the other is a hostile invading force
The day of the rope won't come soon enough.
Friendly reminder the crusades were the results of the religion of peace declaring holy war on Europe then getting absolutely btfo by Deus Vult
I love how people ignore the shit Islam did that led to the crusades. You don't spread across all of North Africa and into nearly all of Spain by peaceful interactions. That's even ignoring the eastern conquests.
>implying islam never had slaves
im chuckling that theyre pointing to AMERICAN slavery, neglecting modern muslim slavery
>The Crusades
Defensive war against invading Saracens
>The inquisition
>Literally less than 20 people were killed during the entire inquisition. Look it up
>The holocaust
>Salem witch trials
19 people in total died.
>Native American slaughter
The VAST majority died from illness, not being killed
>American slavery
Organized, financed, and ran by jews
>The Ku Klux Klan
Only defended white communities from feral niggers
1. The holocaust wasn't a christian thing.
2. Muslims killed more human beings than any modern war in the last 60 years combined in that last decade throughout the middle east.
3.The crusades were started by islam raping the country side.
4. The holocaust was a lie, and it wasn't carried out by christians.
5. Who cares about natives? They were non-country and were too busy in-fighting and sucking on diseases, and hundreds of years later and millions of dollars wasted on their communities, nothing has changed.
6.Western slavery was relatively safe and not as brutal as most muslim slaves.
7. the KKK in total killed less people than the last 3 big terror attacks on Paris, Orlando, and Boston combined.
8.Salem Witch trials was over 400 years ago.
9. The Inquisition was Spanish and hasn't existed in over 100 years.
10. Muslims suicide bomb or kill one another in the name of their religion daily around the world.
Get fucked Ackbar.
current christian violence in the name of religion? next to none
current muslim violence in the name of religion? many such cases
Hillary Clinton - "Jewish people historically owned more black slaves than any other group, Bernie Sanders being Jewish is why Afro-Americans are not voting for him."
Blacks wouldn't be in America had it not been for the Jews.
Jews owned the boats.
Jews owned the plantations.
Yet, white rednecks get the blame for slavery.
Check and see how many Jews owned all the old country stores in every area of the US back in the old days. Jews gave other Jews money so that they could buy everything up and gain control.
I can't even joke, how on Earth do people still think the crusades weren't justified?
also on this list only 2 of them were religiously motivated
>Crusades (pic related)
>holocaust wasn't religiously
>killing Indians wasnt religiously motivated
>slavery wasn't religiously motivated yet forgets to mentions many Arab nations had slaves, while said slaves on both sides were SOLD to them
>KKK is a racial ideology rather than religious one
what the fuck would it take for people to open their eyes and purge every Muslim off of this damn planet?
Muh holocaust lel
they werent christian
>Hillary Clinton - "Jewish people historically owned more black slaves than any other group, Bernie Sanders being Jewish is why Afro-Americans are not voting for him."
god, i wish this were real.
Crusades were defensive, and were practical in nature. Religion was the rallying cry. It was a direct response to Islamic violence.
The inquisition existed to stop the public from killing people without trial. Mobs would roam around killing anyone even suspected of decent, especially Jews. The inquisition introduced order to this, and likely saved lives.
The holocaust is not only not even fucking real, but if we assumed that it was, it was not motivated by Christianity, and in fact, there is doubt as to whether or not Hitler was even a Christian.
The Salem Which Trials hardly compare to the others on this list. They were products of paranoia harbored by stupid people. This act could have just as easily been committed by pagans who believed in witches as they are never mentioned in the bible. If you want to talk about public burning and hanging, look no further than any Islamic country who do this EVEN TODAY and without relent in Islamic countries.
Native American Slaughter was again, an issue of practicality, not religion. Explain to me the connection between the two in terms of causation.
American Slavery was riddled with Jews. This is objective fact. It's true that some use the bible for justification of slavery, however again, on the whole this was an act out of practicality, and plenty of non-christian cultures took part.
The Klu Klux Clan could have been of any religion and killed dissenting criminal niggers of the time. Sure, it might not have been justice, but black rape, murder, and theft were a real thing, and you don't need to be Christian to want to stop it.
KKK had a very protestant identity.
and don't those arabs still fucking have slaves to this day?
Saudi Arabia only made it illegal in the sixties. They still have de facto slavery, of black people no less. As well as Qatar.
>Bernie Sanders being Jewish is why Afro-Americans are not voting for him
>hillary suggesting that blacks would think that deeply
kek. they dont vote for him because he's a boring old white (they think so) man
Their identity didn't matter, their actions were separate. Funny how they will say that these events are reflective on Christianity despite not even being motivated by it, and at the same time ISLAMIC terrorists are said to not be related to Islam despite it being core to their hostility.
Damn, that one QT was responsible for all of that? What a total badass
SAGE this shit.
>Literally less than 20 people were killed during the entire inquisition. Look it up
>García Cárcel estimates that the total number processed by the Inquisition throughout its history was approximately 150,000; applying the percentages of executions that appeared in the trials of 1560–1700—about 2%—the approximate total would be about 3,000 put to death. Nevertheless, it is likely that the toll was higher, keeping in mind the data provided by Dedieu and García Cárcel for the tribunals of Toledo and Valencia, respectively. It is likely that between 3,000 and 5,000 were executed.[105]
Not literally 20. Still 5000 at most, kek. Thats nothing compared on what happens on Syria because of islamic extremists.
damn australia you really have your shit down, like you let in loads of wogs and gooks but atleast you fucking scrutinize those fucks at the border properly, Nothing to Declare is like the most redpill show for faggots that deny its mainly those turdhole countries committing the crimes.
Christian violence
>hundreds of years ago
>hundreds of years ago
>70 years ago. not ideologically Christian in its motivation, either
>hundreds of years ago
>hundreds of years ago
>a hundred and fifty years ago
>fifty years ago
vs Muslim violence
>tomorrow, too
Defensive war to fight against Muslim invasions and reclaim land lost to them
Weren't the primary victims of that time period other Christians? Didnt the Germans slaughter each other over who was Protestant and who was Catholic?
I've never read anything about the Nazis using Christianity as a justification for gassing the Kikes
An outlier and condemned by the rest of the colonies
Smallpox and Listerine have no religion
What about the Africans selling them into slavery or the Ottomans buying slaves from said Africans?
>The Klan
Was a drinking club for ex-Confederate soldiers, all the people who actually killed people were all prosecuted
Seems as though Islam is currently killing people and Christians aren't
Bill Warner
Bill Warner
Bill Warner
Bill Warner
>Explain the difference
The one on the left is a qt3.14 whereas the one on the right is "ehh maybe if I was drunk" at best
Let's just race war and get it done.
A war of resistance against an invading force.
See Crusades
>The Holocaust
Not in the name of Christianity :^)
>Salem Witch Trials
Also not in the name of Christianity, and also under the influence of psychedelic mold.
>Native American Slaughter
Not even close to being in the name of Christianity. In fact, Christians fought against it.
>American Slavery
Started by blacks, perpetuated by jews.
Not Christian.
Self-Interest is the driving force of real politics, I support the Christians over the Muslims because I am not a Muslim.
someone beat you to it
Hitler was pagan. If you read his turgid tome, he goes on about Christianity as being an evil Jewish religion. So no, the holocost was primarily designed by pagans and atheists.
As for the klan, it is estimated that during the 150 year life of the klan, less than 3000 people were murdered. About that many Americans were killed in one day by Muslims.
One lets gays live, one does not.
It's true. We don't let in "(((refugees)))". We let in refugees. Most of them are eager to become good citizens. They frequently develop business and once they settle in are not uncommonly developing a sense of Australian pride. We mostly get Syrians and Kurds, which is a massive plus, considering Syrians are genuinely fleeing, and the Kurds are entrepreneurial as fuck. We get all the good refugees it seems. You guys are stuck with economic migrants.
The holocaust is a fucking spook. But yeah, if it actually happened, it would be the design of atheists and pagans.
>tomorrow, too
What did he mean by this?
imshallah, brother
don't go to work tomorrow
I Muslims blow up division head quarters I will be impressed.
But maybe they'll get that shitty captain that won't shut up about how bad Trump is. Silver lining?
And only two of those have anything to do with religion.
>implying muslims haven't been violent for thousands of years.
not sure where I implied that, famalam
I'm actually triggered.
>explain yourselves Sup Forums
>Crusades were justified. Islam was spreading like cancer. The Crusades started when Emperor Alexis asked the Pope for help after the Seljuk Turks started rampaging.
>The core of the National Socialist movement was based around a non-Christian, Nordic mysticism. It was supposed to be the new religion. The Holocaust has nothing to do with Christianity.
>Native American genocide was not due to Christianity
>Slavery wasn't due to Christianity, it was mercantilism or some shit
>The Ku Klux Klan wasn't founded because of Christianity. It was a recreational club for Southern veterans that became a reactionary group against Reconstruction.
fuck ya