Have you guys ever attended a Trump Rally? The one in Pittburgh was based.
Also, I fucked Trump Girl in the past 24 hours, ask me anything.
Have you guys ever attended a Trump Rally? The one in Pittburgh was based.
Also, I fucked Trump Girl in the past 24 hours, ask me anything.
Other urls found in this thread:
How big is his benis?
Kayla's clit is about a quarter of an inch long.
The first one I went to I had to go through metal detectors and get searched by secret service and shit, The last one I went to was different and kind of worrying.
>be me
>drive to Trump rally
>wait 3 fucking hours in line
>finally get to the front of the line
>people are exiting
>rally's over
>doors are locked
>people around me start pounding on the doors
>screaming to be let in
>protesters are chanting some stupid shit near us
>we're on a raised platform
>go to the side of it to escape the mob
>look down, see fire escape door
>only opens from the inside
>after a few minutes girl opens it
>tell her to hold the door
>jump down like 10 feet, ow, thank her
>waltz inside
>go straight to the stage
>small crowd, Trump is signing autographs
>mfw I'm 5 feet from Trump
>mfw I could easily have brought in a gun
>mfw I probably could've assassinated a presidential nominee
Didn't hit me till the drive home, but it kind of worried me.
i'm going to the greensboro one tomorrow
no, but I drove past the Trump Mobile in Seal Beach, Coolifornia
Does he have a feminine penis?
Did you suck it?
Post proofs you lying sack of nigger shit
>She will never crush your head between her thighs
Why even live, Sup Forums?
Went to a huge arena one.
There were no protesters and it was very low energy.
>everyone was standing
>gradually everyone starts sitting down because Americans are fat fucks who can't stand longer than 5 minutes
>I try and hold out for as long as possible but I'm basically forced to sit down because I don't want to be the only jabroni in a sea of 2,000 people standing
>literally 30 seconds after I sat down, Trump himself made a comment about how we're low energy for sitting down and that he's glad some people were still standing
Yeah, I went to the one in Eugene.
Can someone just marry Kayla and provide for her needs?
It breaks my heart to see her wallow in poverty with a berniefag benefactor.
>Went to the one in Bridgeport, CT
>VERY high-energy!
>People cheering at Trump's words practicly every minute
>Jeered at protestors who got kicked out
>Manage to snag a knock-off red hat that someone left behind
>Walking around a bad part of Bridgeport near the train-station surrounded by Dindu-protestors
>Walked with my head held high, a smug grin and my nose in the air with people getting all up in my face
I was so happy, I went to Trump Tower in NYC and bought a real hat. Fan-fucking-tastic time!
She's getting thinner lately. She's been working 2 jerbs to make ends meet.
Really makes you think...
yeah I attended one
the chicago one
Same here Sup Forumsack. May kek bless us
I'm thinking......
I went to the rally in Costa Mesa, and I had to bail out quick after the speech, because there was a riot starting. Like, running to the car, and getting the hell out of there. I saw people throw a sofa onto the 55 as I left.
where is this attention whoring bitch anyways
>implying you wouldn't
No tits, this is a male for sure
san diego
saw this faggot there but the crowd was too massive to get close enough to talk to him
Yeah I was in the one at Dayton where someone tried to rush the stage. Got to Hitler salute him and everything.
Some faggot was carrying around a make anime great again sign.
Ew, she doesn't even have a dick.
She's a fake trap.
Even in this pic there's barely any tits.
100% a guy
i'm glad you're ok bro. that one was a madhouse.
Went to one in Columbus, OH a while back
>convention center
>probably 2000-3000 people
>stand for an hour waiting for Trump
>he's about 30 minutes late
>talks for a while
>kicks out a protester
>"we're going to build the wall"
>decided to leave at that point. I heard what I came their for
Not super exciting or anything, but this was before the protests started getting rowdy.
That is a woman, those hips give it away GOD DAMN IT !
So it IS a guy. Get rekt, boner.
How can you tell she doesn't have a dick just from that?
Spokane, Washington
Helped my little brother with a film about freestyle waling or some shit, he was like 16 and needed "protection", pretty good video
>those man-hands
post the sex tape
you don't do this kinda shit without making one
Woooo, trap thread!
Hey mods, she's 17, you know what this pic means?
Going to my first one next week, just ordered this baby for it. MAGA
nice try but i went to the pittsburgh trump rally (got my hat signed) and trump girl wasnt there
Stay taco bro!
All teenagers support Bernie tho.
ehh, honestly she does look better with slim legs
would still request to get handled by those thighs though
needs more AWOO tbhfam
I'm planning on attending the Trump rally in Houston this week.
I would pay thousands of dollars for 24 hours of her "time."
>that qt tummy
It'll be just a matter of time she'll be sucking dicks in an alleyway for $1.
You need to go back to lreddit my friend.
Rare Kayla!
She could probably milk Sup Forums omegas for plenty of cash before it ever came to that
>tfw in California for the week
>tfw could be complete sugar daddy
HRT is an expensive drug
here's one more
>tfw no qt MAGA gf
just kill me now
I was at that one too. Amazing to see Secret Service in action. Bless them.
Is this rare?
I'm surprised Sup Forums hasn't given her some autism bucks already
That is one ugly girl
And these trannies never know how to put on makeup worth shit
I'd post the nude but I'll get banned again.
>>literally 30 seconds after I sat down, Trump himself made a comment about how we're low energy for sitting down and that he's glad some people were still standing
post link then
She looks like some girl I found in a Sup Forums thread that would deepthroat dildos. Anyone else know the one I'm talking about? That isn't the same girl, right?
>That male pattern baldness on the thing trying to be female
Well she's a guy so...
excuse me
bailey jay is also bald
Are these off her facebook?
She doesn't look like Holly Michaels at all
Not eggman too, say it ain't so.
Is that Gayla?
those aren't the same person.
why do Sup Forumstards always fall for obvious trapsgenders?
Can Confirm: Gayla has a penis
>implying "I have a dick xD" isn't the autismgirl way of getting guys to stop hitting on her
Don't do this to me, Mexico.
>that short, even with heels
Okay, Kayla is either one of the shortest guys ever or actually female
> Teddy bears
> Hand drawn placards
> Flags
> California Emission Standards
This guy simply DGAF
Did she slap you across the face with "her" "clit".
Don't crush my dreams
I don't give a FUCK, I need to stick my dick in it
You beta cucks are pathetic. Swooning over the new white of the month, the thing you chastise nu-males for. Sad!
Eh, the most concerning part of this pic is that shitskin
Trump pls go
>those ugly skinny manlegs
Does this look like a boy to you ?
>flaccid dick
Why didn't she show the dick, mexico?
Where's the penis?
Stop projecting, fags. Kayla is queen of Sup Forums
What's the story behind her?
It's over boys.