Mail Owen Jones your favorite dildo

Mail your favorite dildo to:

Owen Jones
62-D Liverpool Road
London, N1 0PY

Cuckboy Extraordinaire Owen Jones did what so many lefty cucks dream of. He took a mass shooting carried out by a Muslim terrorist in another country and made it all about himself. He stormed out of a tv interview when the other panelists tried to acknowledge that Islam played a role in the shooting in Orlando. He then said that the panelists were homophobic for silencing him. Really he just didn't want any other narrative than his own to be heard. So, since he's a proud and out homo and a world class Islam loving cuck, we should all show him our gratitude for being such a hero to us in this time of tragedy. I don't know how we would process this terrible event without his brave television stunt that made all the headlines about him. Never mind the work of police and first responders or the people in the nightclub that did what they could to save people's lives. The true hero is a London media queer for throwing a hissy fit on live television. So show him some gratitude and mail him your favorite dildo to the address listed above.

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Have you sent yours OP?

Poster child for the Left is a barren bottom boy twink whose future dies with him (in his 40s from AIDS).

Links plz, and not in Arabic

I don't know if I should send him the Bonnie Rotten:

The American Bombshell War Daddy:

Or the Mr. Marcus:

Which do you think he'll enjoy the most?

The Bonnie fucking Rotten

It's a shame you can't buy kebab flavoured lube

He'll finds a safe space in a coffin after one of his beloved refugees cuts his head off.

I can't believe how many times I've seen this guy's face and name in the past week.

It all started about a week ago when I saw him for the first time on Press Review on sky news, and now every place I turn I see him.

This is just bizarre.

Here's the link because OP is a fag

Its quite funny to see this ponce flouncing off on behalf of the LGBTQIP+ community


What a flaming narcissist

This reminds me that I never finished Millennial Woes video about this. Here it is for anyone interested

He also seems quite sad lately. Send him a nice message.

He's not sad. He's thrilled with all the attention he's getting off the back of 50 people being murdered. Here he is doing an interview with Channel 4 News discussing his famous flounce from the night before. Look at the huge, creepy smile on his face in the photo Channel 4 posted. He couldn't be more pleased with himself and with what this mass murder is doing for his career.

Here's the interview:

If this was in response to me, I was talking about MW being sad, not this faggot.

I support this.

Rage you lose

Watch the video.

They weren't just acknowledging the the role of Islam.

They were explicitly saying the attack was;t homophobic. I hate mudslides as much as the next guy but this guy did literally nothing wrong

why so tldr, I mean plz

"SNP is full of gay people"
Who would have guessed.

Write "so that you can go fuck yourself" or maybe you can think of something better.

this is ridiculous.
That MP looks like a bogan who just walked off the street

SNP woman
"that is was a homophobic attack, is fantastic"

Didn't Millennial Woes also come out of the SJW closet just now?

Why would I buy him a fucking dildo?

Is he going to buy me a flesh light?

Hmmm. This one squirts. Do cucks like squirting? He could fill it with refugee tears.

He lost it because it wasn't all about him. He was aggressive for no reason, which put the other 2 on the defensive even though mostly they were trying to agree with him. What a narcissist

Reminder to live a moral life

Here you go:

> current year
> not having a favorite dildo already