What does Sup Forums think about monster girls?
One day you wake up to discover they are real.
Would you accept them? Should they deserve the same rights as humans?
What does Sup Forums think about monster girls?
One day you wake up to discover they are real.
Would you accept them? Should they deserve the same rights as humans?
Protected class status desu
It would be very very VERY good to be a man with a gender imbalance like that
I will accept refugee slime girls.
My dick would.
Also horse pussy>snake cloaca.
Mero is the refined white man's choice.
>tfw no poultry subspecies harpy
Why live?
kek i think you mean avian
We have to be compassionate. Monster girl lives matter.
What about Muslimes?
No, poultry. Would be ideal gf material.
>super cute
>adorably shy
>all the eggs
Germany will be accepting Orcs
You ought to know that sticking with Angel girls is the only non-degenerate option, Sup Forums-san.
I bet she smells like a fish too
would you eat them ?
i might desu i do like eggs
u are 1 fucking cheeky kunt m8
>implying they give a fuck about mortals
>not choosing best girl
I need spooder in my life
>not horsepussy
Not even once.
Gods > Angels
Most western women are monsters. There just not as cute as 2d wifus.
It's a weeb thing and only beta cucks enjoy it.
But I would accept them... always wanted a mermaid girlfriend
I feel like since they're not ugly and cause no harm to western values, the left will most likely not support their integration into our society.
>"monster" girls
at least fap to sindoll or something you fucking casuals
eww, get out furry
>he wouldn't
Please dominate me Raptor-Sama.
Of course I'd eat them. What else would I do with them? Of course, a few of them would be fertilized and I'd hatch them to have more harpies.
You want a strong woman to rule over you?
>strong womyn
She's really a submissive housewive tho
If they aren't trying to behead me in the name of their god and are productive citizens then sure import them
>tfw no scaly lizard footjobs
They're ok, but they are strictly an outside waifu.
Clearly they would have to be some subspecies of human. Different races, if you will, or maybe a different mutation. Close enough to be treated similarly.
I'm more curious about how do you plan to please a horsepussy with a chinklet dick.
fisting always works
Not if you have... small hands.
More importantly, what about buggirls that go around killing giga niggas?
God no. They would be used as either cheap labor or used for medicinal or war needs. They would be a second class race pretty much world wide. Think about centuars for a second. How much food do they need to eat? Now what about fifty of them? Five hundred? A thousand? Feeding a thousand horsewomen, especially in the city, is another challenge unto itself.
All this talk of can't. Where's that American "fuck you, I do what I want" attitude? The goddamn rice farmer is more willing than anyone else. Just do it user, fuck the horse pussy
I think you don' fully grasp the true extent of the term "chinklet"
Absolutely. I would love a spooder roommate.
wew lad
>get monstergirl to submit to you
>sell to chinese medicine market for great price
Excellent business plan
What you need to understand is stallions, while huge, are one-pump chumps. A human man, though small, will actually be able to fuck her for a while and that's what a mare needs.
best girl
She's adorable. I want to make her relax more and melt away her hatred of humans.
You have the right idea there leaf.