We're clearly at a cultural impasse when shallow...

We're clearly at a cultural impasse when shallow, edgy shit like this is praised for doing absolutely nothing interesting other than having the daughter from Homeland whore it up for the sake of her career. Kids this ain't. One star.

Thought it was good, but nowhere near Kids tier.

>Thought it was good
what was good about it? was it the stifling cynicism? the slapped-together storyline that relies on contrivance to work? the shitty acting? the fact that the director clearly spent more time picking the music than actually delivering a truthful portrayal of gentrification and how it positively and negatively affects shitty neighborhoods? Just say you liked the whore and I won't chastise you further.

I grew up in NYC in the 90s this shit didn't happen

The overdone cynicism and contrivances are there and faults of the film, I didn't say it was perfect, but I thought the gentrification was well conveyed and that the performances were believable.

But this literally did happen, it's based on a true story. Just because you grew up in a city of thousands of people doesn't mean you knew every single girl there and who she fucked.

I have to disagree with you on the performances. Morgan Saylor was perpetually overwrought and didn't really go through any development like we are expected to see in these types of films. We are forced to fill in virtually every blank about Leah and that says more about the director's laziness than any kind of ambiguity in my opinion. I also thought the lead Vato was just a vanilla bean, but I also had problems with his character seeming to go through personality changes whenever the movie called for it (seems morally upstanding, but then suddenly wants to be a hardcore drug dealer, then goes back to sermonizing bullshit, etc). Literally every other character is a worthless paper-thin cipher with equally uncompelling performances (her airhead friend and the psycho drug dealer are the worst offenders). I did get a kick out of Justin Bartha as the sleazebag magazine editor guy, he seemed like he was having fun. The movie was just a depressing Lifetime drama without any of that righteous rebelliousness like in Kids or the well-stated commentary on degeneracy like in Dons Plum. At least Dana Brodie grew up in all the right places.

>(seems morally upstanding, but then suddenly wants to be a hardcore drug dealer, then goes back to sermonizing bullshit, etc)

This was completely believable. He had prime pussy put in front of him and he wanted to earn her respect, after he realized how much of a hassle that was he went back to his default of moralizing; it's what best conveys the dynamic of gentrification in the film.

But she wasn't prime pussy in the slightest. She was absolute trash.

To some minority from a bad neighborhood she was a queen. Either way, despite personal preferences, that's pretty obviously the intention.

Yeah ok I get that. I just thought she was human garbage. It affected my enjoyment of the movie. The fact that she was the sole focus really sucked.

She was white though which automatically makes her high class for a spic like him.

I didn't feel like the film ever glorified her as some bastion for morality. The ending makes it pretty clear that it's the opposite. If you generally just don't enjoy watching shitty people do shitty things it's understandable, though.

What I think I am trying to say is that the movie was structured as a character study, but it was a fairly uninteresting character. I think Spring Breakers did this type of moral decay/destruction a lot better because it was more of an ensemble as well as visually charged.

Kids was shit too.

Young people are fucking and doing drugs. Stop the presses!

>it's a "white girl does a bunch of stupid shit and everyone pays for it but her" movie

garbage. if you want the above just watch spring breakers

You really can't beat a 12 year old girl getting graphically deflowered by a 17 year old punk in the first 5 minutes of your movie.

Reminder that the scene where she does coke off the guys dick was unsimulated

One word:

She tried so hard and it was still a terrible movie.

An actress gave a graphic, unsimulated blowjob to a lead actor (complete with swallowing) and last I heard her career went nowhere because of it.

Turns out shocking material doesn't make you famous anymore! The right kind of famous, at least.


where do i find that scene online?

Chloe Sevigny did alright.

Just look up the movie, I think it's even on Youtube.

You don't see tits or dick or cunt, but you sure do see everything else.

>everyone pays for it but her

she got raped though. she was drunk and high af at the time but still.

not to mention all the times she fucked someone for money.