OJ Simpson parole hearing game thread? Last I checked the Juice, a Hall of Fame NFL runningback, is Sup Forums related

OJ Simpson parole hearing game thread? Last I checked the Juice, a Hall of Fame NFL runningback, is Sup Forums related.

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i hear he's about to cash his multi-million dollar nfl pension

how the fuck is espn doing a broadcast "special" on this shit?

this is not fucking sports news, this shit should be on CSPAN for fuck sake

cant wait til this shit network ceases to exist

OJ Simpson is sports news.

maybe if he's a fucking current or even recent athlete

this old shady nigger hasn't been in the league in what, 30 years? yet E!SPN feels the need to hold a special on his parole hearing

they are fucking sinking bad

here's an absolute classic

He's the GOAT runningback, show some fucking respect

First for the juice being let on the loose

I thought he got away with it?

how would Sup Forums react

The mods would 404 it

Did black people even like OJ? Seems to me that they would accuse him of 'acting white' the way he talks and behaves.

got arrested for armed robbery

>acting white
doesn't matter, when you're a famous person whose skin is black and is accused of a crime, they'll get your back 99% of the time.
Plus, this was after the LA riots, which got the blacks hating whitey more than anything.

They did. All niggers will view someone who is remotely African looking and claim them as one of their own, no matter how white, so long as they're successful. If they're not, they're just seen as being white. This goes with all minorities in America though, mostly with Blacks and Hispanics though, especially the nigs and Chicanos (who are more confused than the ones they accuse of acting "white" mind you).

When OJ was arrested after his chase back in the day, upon being transferred to jail in a police cruiser, he asked the cop "What are all these niggers doing in Brentwood?" (a predominantly rich white neighborhood).

This is literally how I act around women. Body language, everything. It doesn't draw many women, but those who it does, are easily manipulated. Juice knows this. The Juice was Loose.

He better hope he gets in after the judges have just had their lunch break.
>the odds that prisoners will be successfully paroled start off fairly high at around 65% and quickly plummet to nothing over a few hours (after eating)
Robot judges when?

I don't think that stat applies to famous felons. Each of these judges already has an opinion on this case

The only sports going on rn are baseball and MLS. They have to have something ostensibly exciting to have on the screen at Applebees and this is BREAKING N E W S

This is better than like 95% of the content which ESPN shows. I would rather watch this than all of the X Games/MLS friendly/female sport shit they were showing over the weekend. OJ is clearly sports related.

REMINDER: Parole hearing will be televised on ESPN 1pm ET on Thursday

If he didn't totally fuck it all up, he would have been Governor of California by now.

The meme glove acting by OJ would destroy spee.

they'd need to make an /oj/ forum


Did he kill them lads?

Absolutely. The evidence is pretty overwhelming when you look into it. He got off because he had incredible lawyers who were able to tap into the simmering racial tensions and deep distrust of the police that existed in contemporary LA.


But what about the glove? It didn't fit.


No, he didn't. The LAPD set him up, Marcia Clark and her people knew it and subtly threw the case just enough that he would get off. OJ had two defense teams. Goldman and Brown were murdered by either Mexican drug dealers (Goldman was a police informant lol) or, more spectacularly/unlikely, OJ's son.

...did they?

With racism

Found the nog.

He definitely got accused of "acting white" and then playing the race card for his own benefit during the trial. If you watch the 6-part ESPN documentary they go into this a lot

Even most nogs in America will tell you nowadays that looking back on it, OJ totally did it. A lot of the whole controversy surrounding it was because the LAPD was involved, and they already had a horrible reuputation across america (and especially among blacks) due to the Rodney King beating and the LA Riots a few years prior. It seemed at the time that the LAPD was putting pretty much all their legal resources towards the trial so it came across like they were literally framing him (this is what people usually refer to when they talk "framing a guilty man).

That look does not deceive anyone, she clearly was in love with Darden