Let's be honest, is WW3 happening soon?

Let's be honest, is WW3 happening soon?

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>implying it hasn't already started.

I hope so

Yes, but it is / will be an insurgency


Russia and US vs EU

I'm ready.

>it ain't me starts playing


One year at most. Most people here will be dead by then.

Nope, prepare for another decade of nothing.

>t. butthurt belt

they can't be objective.

not with nukes

It will under Trump, but he will ally with Russia and Syria and lead a multi-Muslim country coalition to wipe out ISIS in the Middle East

In war you want to not be totally annihilated. So no country would risk going to war with a nuclear power. That said we have asymmetric warfare all over the globe now thanks to imperialism, power hunger and greed. But that is nothing new. So will there be a war of total annihilation, which world war three will be? Only if we get mad men with the keys to the nuclear stockpile into office. Till then we fight over what's left to fight over. Mainly the countries of poor defenseless people.

>tfw Ididn't enlist when I turned 18 because I was a soft bitch
>tfw going to basic at age 24

>missed the wars
>going to miss whatever happens next
>80's peacetime all over again

Uh guys, you remember that prophecy about the second coming of Hitler 70 years after 1945?

As crazy as it sounds. Very feasible.

Patriots vs Terrorists vs Communists

The Total Happening

America appears to be on the verge of another economic collapse...does this mean history will repeat itself?

Shush my brother. We will rise again


Yes, the signs are obvious.

I'm not even memeing right now

what the fuck is going on?

Yes you are, memes are everything


No and it never will. Nobody has the balls to declare WW3 due to the implications.

Instead we just have thousands of small battles going on all over the world at any given time. We've really been in a world war for decades now.

i dont see how

with nukes itd be over in a day

History books will say the third world war began in in summer 2013

>i wish i wasn't serious

can already tell it wont happen

das reich komt wieder



>implying its even begun

The strategy of globalism and proxy wars exists because people wanted to prevent the "next big one" by venting aggression on third-world punching bags. People have noticed that this creates constant war and isn't fair to people in those countries, who become insane radicals and refugees. So the question is if we can return to nationalism without causing WWIII.

The challenge how to manage the decline of American power, which is happening inevitably. There are a few responses. Neocons want to keep pretending we own the world even though we can no longer back it up. Progressive globalists want to continue the same strategy but admitting that we have a weaker hand, so they want to work together with other progressive internationalists. The new rising forces of nationalism want to reject that globalism and the aggressive neocon position.

I am skeptical that we can manage such a big transition without nuclear war. Nuclear arms pretty much mean the current boundaries of power can never change, but that's impossible. 50 years without destroying the world is a nice achievement, but it's nothing. We'll be alive for that long again ourselves and then what, the weapons will still be there. The formula is, (amt of time is takes for a nuclear war to occur, as it will definitely given enough time) - (amt of time it takes to nullify the possibility of nuclear arms destroying humanity). If the answer is >0, we survive.

this is the 19834875838495384975348573485th happening thread


WW3 will be fought through corporate and economic subterfuge with mild proxy scuffles in third world shit holes

you could probably make a strong argument we are in it right now if you tried hard enough

large scale war similar to WW2 will likely never happen, because its just not cost effective or worth the time anymore

WW3 will be the last war, so it will never happen.

We got plenty of proxy wars to look forward to though.

No, never. The kind of war that would harm the warmongering countries themselves isn't profitable. The only wars that you'll keep seeing are the small and isolated ones. Prime example is the mid-east. But since that area of the world is cooling down, the US might be looking forward to the potential fragmentation of the Russian Federation, so that they'd be able to take sides among some of the the ex republics that are more pro west. That's one of the reasons for the sanctions.

>World War
>Going to be an insurgency

What do you mean, are you implying that countries will try to overthrow America or what?

Hopefully, but warfare is weird.

It's all proxy shit now.

at least the Vietnamese will be on our side this time

we will start the 3rd liberation of europe, arabia and africa

god bless the imperium of man

How do you know it'll never happen? Are you saying none of the nuclear powers will ever fall or lose a war? Or that it just won't reach the point where they'd use nukes and they'd give up instead?

>80s peacetime


russia will go to war before that

US and allies are fucking cancer
nah they dont

US control EU,do you know that, right?

Yes mate.
UK is going to wreck the European Union.
9 days to go until annihilation.

We are the most hated nation in Europe and we don't give a fuck because we're arrogant cunts.

As long as resources are easily available for all wealthy countries, there is zero practical reason to fight a large scale global war for anything other than ideologic reasons

its not impossible, but its VERY unlikely

Yes, major powers will never go into total war because MAD exists. Even if they somehow went to war only with conventional weapons, unconditional surrender would be preferable to a nuclear exchange.

In the event that it did somehow happen, it wouldn't matter because we'd all be dead.

No economic collapse probably this summer

bond market is flat-lining
major bond holders like Bill Gross the Bond King in terms of calls are taking short positions

oh no, how horrific!

sorry happenings delayed

do you think russia would agree and surrender?

The current war is NOT WW3 its a large country (merica) fighting small country's not 2 massive country's.

>After his arrest, Ramzi Yousef is alleged to have said to investigators "this is only the beginning."

the debt bubble is about to pop
and people (regular people) are getting fucking agitated
war very soon lad

>As long as resources are easily available for all wealthy countries, there is zero practical reason to fight a large scale global war for anything other than ideologic reasons

Unlikely in our lifetime you mean. As soon as our generation is gone the world fucked. We're living in the golden age of human history. It's all down hill from here

Ok texas

hey americans but you know that most important conflict incoming in ww3 will be your country vs. China? all other conflicts are just preperations of both sides to win in this one

We can expect war in Europe, like it happent in the Balkans, Islam never spreads peacefully.

Okay, I get it. I fucking get it, you love Reddit, whoopty fucking doo, but let me set one rule here. You are not a fucking redditor, you're an user. Your autism and cuckolding is long from gone, heh... there was once a time when I thought myself as a redditor, I normally shared posts with my wife's 23 year old son. Come to think of it, she was only in her early 30s, no idea how but I think she was culturally enriched, aside from that though.You SHED THE TITLE OF REDDITOR, no more memes, we want real memes. REAL MEMES, do you fucking understand? I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THESE AUTISTS SAYING HAHAHHAA "MUH TOKEN BLACK MAN LOLOLO I'M SO FUNNY HERE HAVE A GOLD" I JUST WANT YOU TO STOP JUST FUCKING STOP I HATE REDDIT EVERYTIME I GO ON THERE ALL I WANT TO DO IS TAKE SOME MORE OF MY DEPRESSION PILLS AND END IT ALL, YOU ARE FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT. COMMIT SUICIDE OR I WILL. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

The fuck is this copypasta

We came multiple times already to complete WW3/nuclear armageddon/apocalypse scenarios.

We were just extremely lucky that the people/person/thing that was the decision maker in all of it chose the right one and didn't bring us to doom without even a warning or a heads up.

So most likely there's gonna be more scenarios in the future where through sheer unfortunate events someone or something is gonna choose the decision to bring us all to WW3.

You won't get another world war until another major power arises. China could feel threatened if Trump purposely devalues the US currency, but its a small fry in the world, and it's economy relies on foreign export stimulated by western investment. Trump/Clinton will likely wage war on some poor third world country, declare it dangerous, a ludicrous concept considering the balance of power, bomb it to shit, plant a flag on its ruins, call it victory.

US civil war is looking more likely every day

Economical war has already begun, US and EU are attacking Russia

Bet ya didn't realise that those are aussie troops in that photo of the Vietnam War.

Note the SLR rifles...aka FNFAL

>13A US Army burger
>2 tours in Afghanistan
>get back
>mandatory training at Bragg
>doctrine completely shifts from IED attacks and ambushes to full-on conventional warfare
>more Jade Helm exercises
>low morale, my enlisted guys are all Timothy McVeigh wannabes
>massive training, day after fucking day, of how to lethally and non-lethally pacify hostile crowds
>buddy whos an 11A and another buddy whos 11B do brutal house-to-house warfare training
>thinking I we wouldn't see Civil War 2.0 coming

la resistance!

Actually that war started in the mid 90's after Russia began to realize it wasn't being welcomed in its post communist glow into the partnership of nations but rather back into the third world and a hostile military alliance which was founded in a cold war dialetic was not decreasing but rather expanding into its traditional sphere of influence.

>Bet ya didn't realise that those are aussie troops
It was pretty obvious, not one nigger

If we had a civil war, who would the military side with?

Whoever pays its bills and the soldiers salary

Me too, fellow leaf.

you really think we dont know you helped us in vietnam and ww2?

the south half the military is from the bible belt florida and georgia contribute more people to the military than any other state in the country by far

My unit is full of Timothy McVeigh wannabes. The entire Army is voting for Trump. Every one in my unit, fuck man my whole platoon, is from a gun-wielding red state. Money doesn't mean a fucking thing if the nation is in civil war, does it? Everyone is so angry about the cuts Obama has done, the boosts to the reserves instead of active duty soldiers... people are pissed.

And I'm an officer. I can't even imagine what my enlisted guys, 18-22, are feeling. Getting back from Afghanistan to a nation like this... The defections would be off the charts. If Clinton clinches the election... I mean it wouldn't be far from a mutiny.


>tfw you will probably die for no reason and be forgotten by everyone

>doesn't understand that the US and China have committed war against each other in every single form except for armed force.

The West (enlightenment era derived societies), but more specifically the US, has been at war with China in everything except formal conflict for almost a decade.

WW3 won't start with a shot fired between Russia and America

It will start as an American civil war and in the midst of the chaos, foreign intervention will be inevitable.

Civil war and gun confiscation is on the horizon. It's not a matter of if, but when.

Its never been acknowledged in any of plethora of nam movies nor the U.S media that there were allies in Nam.

Heck even former defence secretary Mcnamara didnt mention there was allied help in his biographical film 'fog of war'

Im pretty sure 99% of muricans have no clue. But not like we nor the South Koreans care anyway.

Bullshit dude. I'm in too and people talk a big game but no one is gonna mutiny. You gonna lead it, Sir? Didn't fuckin think so.


We need another war to feel good about ourselves.

Goverent is full of bootlickers who don't want a dishonorable discharge. Only the biggest idiots will defect. While I will applaud them, they won't be of much use.

Army has already had its soldiers training for Martial Law and there have been dozens of reports of US military doing training exercises over our major cities.

Unfortunately due to certain circumstances it seems inevitable. There's a variety of ways this could play out but its wholly dependent on who takes the white house in 2017 (the U.S president having title of leader of the free world, is for a reason. They generally hold the major cards).

Honest opinion is:
>trump takes the white house
>allies U.S with Russia/China/NK/assad
>makes moves such as withdrawing U.S from NATO, putting troops in middle east, dropping ties with south korea/japan
>Bexit turns for the worst and as a result of not getting trade deals with EU becomes an ally with U.S/Russia/China etc. Basically joins the new axis.
>Trump/putin/china begin heavily pressuring EU to have their economic way with them, simultaneously committing war crimes like mass deportation of Muslims back to mid east (or worse, executing them on homeland). Aiding Assad kill his opposition and isis
>UN attempts sanctions on U.S causing trump to say fuck them as well.
>EU/NATO/UN combo decide to do some shit about the new growing axis, its ultra nationalism, and generally fucked up way of dealing with shit.
>cyber attacks on infrastructure begins and shit escalates from there

Clinton is on the EU/NATO/UN side so tragedy maybe averted for another 4 years. Like I said, U.S holds a good portion of the cards due to economic and military strength so whoever has the U.S on their side has more confidence they'll get their own way.

If nukes do actually start flying though, we're pretty much done as a civilization.

Overall I'd say its a 50/50 chance because this falls entirely on who takes office in 2017.

You underestimate the hatred for the brass and Obamas """"Army"""" is right now. We do dude training for martial law so we know the best way to combat it.

Do you know the demographics that make up the military?

now this seems feasible

is this what liberals actually believe?

or just a meme post

This guy gets it


bullshit dude. National Guard went through in Katrina and nabbed guns from wealthy people and little old ladies. Where were you guys then? Where were you guys in Watertown when police shut down the entire city and violated everyone's 4th amendment rights?

Bundy's militia all punked out at the first sign of trouble.

The police, the FBI, and National Guard have already proven themselves statist bootlickers.

>pic related
The Army prepping for Martial Law against """""""""""""""ISIS""""""""""""""""""

Depends how gracefully America shares/gives up it's title of #1 super-power

> isolationism

Pick one

Sadly I dont even vote nor have any political inclinations. This is just the general overview of how things may go.

America wont fall into civil war. Anybody who actually believes this can happen is an idiot.

America wishes. No, I'm afraid there will be no more wars except for very small-scale things in very backwards areas of the world. Wars were a thing of nations and we no longer live in a world of nations, we live in a world of corporations.


watch this Martial Law video on US military youtube.com/watch?v=7cWG8uuAbRI

Katrina gungrabbers weren't military at all it was all ICE, Border Patrol, and DHS who are too pussy to go overseas and fight. And I wasn't in the military then but I'm assuming morale was higher.

If you think for one second that the majority of the military will be attacking US citizens in the street you are mistaken. McVeigh is becoming more and more of a hero every day. Not all would defect, your right, but there are quite a bit that would. And that number is serious among officers and enlisted personnel.

Nothing has been serious enough to start shooting people in the street. But I'm assuming that will happen very soon. If Bundy's militia started shooting they would have been put down instantly. It's about picking your winnable battles, user.

Preaching to the choir dude.

The NATO war party believe, thanks to the Rand Corp 2012 paper, that they are immune to the Russian nuclear deterrent, and can therefore attack them with impunity.
Sadly, it was just telling them what they wanted to hear so they would continue investing in their technologies.
The wakeup call will be violent and leave many millions dead.

Honestly, yes.


They are. Russia would be obliterated should they launch a missile anywhere, as the return fire from all NATO nuclear states would be immense.

Putin may be crazy, but he isn't suicidal.