What will he do if Trump wins?

what will he do if Trump wins?

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continue to be a nigger

chimp out

Congratulate Teflon Don

Probably do what He always has done. It's not the fault of the smartest man to have ever lived if the idiotic American populace hire a stooge to replace Him.

join ISIS as a muslim



Cry like a baby for 8 years and try to make everything racist.

Probably climb back into that gorilla cage at the zoo. That was him in the video right?

tweet provocatively

He'll be told that he's fired.

He will be like if if if if if if if if if if if if okie doke

Stage martial law

He's going to do nothing, like he did as president.

Obama just wants to nig with Beyonce and Jayz

Hopefully it will be the an hero we all need.

He will feel like shit. Obama obviously cared about his legacy, but a Trump presidency will obscure what he has done.

He will probably get over it though.

What every nigger does when they get evicted from a house:

Steal all of the appliances and pipes

And btw no real black man ever said "okie doke."

He is a fucking fake in every possible way.

probably this, dude is cuucked beyond belief

Loot the white house

Roll his eyes, and retire as planned.

Get super ass-blasted

Continue to criticize him and complain about him for the rest of his life probably.

He'll probably write a book admitting he was a Muslim and a socialist. He'll inspire a generation to rebel against trump.

He'll be a petty faggot about it and skip the inauguration.

Jesus tap-dancing Christ

Go back to snorting lines of coke off of men's boners.

He'll go on talk shows and talk shit about Trump.



Write a book, and give speeches back in Chicago for like 600k a piece, bitch about Trump, and push the "yes we can" narrative.

I also bet Michael, er, Michelle, will be a much bigger player in his dynasty and legacy afterwards

Get arrested for high treason. He has undermined this country every step of the way.

>thinking he will go down without a fight

If it looks like Trump will win, Obama will declare martial law and extend his presidency to a third term.

What is our Sup Forums plan when this happens? I must be with my brothers when the time comes.


That's why I think Trump is purposefully keeping the poll numbers down by saying slightly inflammatory things. He has to be aware Obama would try martial law if it looks like he's gonna landslide.

Michelle Obama 2028
Can you imagine. The first black woman president directly after the first woman president.

Trump will never be president... the republicans and democrats would never allow it

Do you have the quote version by any chance?

>If it looks like Trump will win, Obama will declare martial law and extend his presidency to a third term.

This shit is said every time a two term president's final term comes to an end.

It appears though that BLM niggers are going to try to blockade both conventions and bring about martial law by chimping out.

Dunno man we will have to play it by ear. Nobody would really know what action to take.

Declare himself King

Riot for trump to win


Lawyer up.

> looking forward to the day of the rope

King Of Nothing

Actually in Big L's 2002 song entitled "Ebonics" he says:

>"Your bankroll is your poke/ a choke hold is a yoke/ a kite is a note/ a con is a okey doke."

It's the only other time i've ever heard that phrase.


shrug and golf

This is exactly what he'll do. He has no respect like that. Ex-Presidents aren't "supposed" to do that, but Democrats don't obey that rule, so there's no way Supernigger would either.

Man, what happened to him?

>OP posted once

> Be me, Obama
> Trump is inaugurated into the White House
> Pack up my stuff and leave
> Ready to get back to ordinary civilian life
> Refuse a ride on Airforce One, stay a night at Trump Hotel to leave on a passenger flight back home to Illinois instead
> Early next morning
> Malia is crying- we left Bo back at the White House
> Take a cab over to the old house
> There's now a giant wall preventing anyone from even seeing the White House
> mfw

flee the country

just be really pass aggressive and faggy about it

Luckily for us, I think Moochelle is far too much of a lazy nigger for that.


Full liberal for the rest of his time locking in as much shit as possible. Expect non stop bitching about the supreme court vacancy.

>VLC media player wants to update

Move back to Kenya


This is why I didn't have any sympathy when I learned about the shootin


My nigga gon get #woke. Using the secret teachings of Ascended Master Yakub Ali, he will unlock the power of his third eye and burn that ice devil motherfucker to ash.

Then he will reign as the Black God of prophecy.

>God is a black man
That explains why he abandoned his son.

Hang for treason.

Won't be a supreme court justice, that's for sure

At that point he will realize his entire presidency was a disaster, which it was. And he will slip off into the shadows and be forgotten like the failed president he was.

this... nothing will change with him.

The Clintons stole all the furniture. They returned most of it when they got a bill from the government. kek

Go to jail for corruption and treason against the People

Probably cry when his 2 billion dollar website gets taken offline.