Red Pill Me. Why shouldn't we ban assault riffles in America?

Red Pill Me. Why shouldn't we ban assault riffles in America? Why shouldn't we have more background checks before purchasing a gun?

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Because we're done compromising with those who would seek to disarm us.

>Why shouldn't we ban assault rifles
Shall not be infringed.

>Why shouldn't we have more background checks?
Who decides what is a qualified background?

How about we ban and deport muslims, instead of shredding our constitution even more.

Because it would have prevented NO MASS SHOOTINGS.

I'm fine for rules being changed, just pick ones that will actually affect things.

AR-15s are not assault rifles and per the FBI if you combine all types of rifles, they account for less than 3% of gun crimes.

The orlando guy used a legally purchased gun senpai. And so did Adam Lanza but well we all know sandy hook was a false flag.

because it's expensive do nothing bullshit that doesn't improve anything

what you need is high school rifle training classes

wouldn't it reduce overall casualties per shooting if we banned assault rifles though?


if most gun crimes are committed with handguns why do they want to take your rifle? is it because it is effective at range?

Liberals want to solve overpopulation.

So why not with guns OP?

omg like do you realize its 2016 and we cant tolerate background shaming like that anymore you fucking bigot shitlord

between 1994 and 2004 assualt type rifles were banned in the US. It had little to no effect on gun related homicide rates.

Writing words on paper doesn't prevent murderers from finding ways to kill people.

>wouldn't it reduce overall casualties per shooting if we banned assault rifles though?

no, it would just increase the number of mass shootings

the only thing that would decrease them is elimination of government



implying i cant get a shortened assault rifle with a pistol grip classified as a handgun while owning a 3d printer capable of creating my own parts and having a way to cast bullets or cast whatever

fucking normies i swear

Lurk more.

This, if we were to ban anything based on its danger, we would want
Illegally obtained
With original magazines.
That is what almost every criminal uses because you can't hide a Dragunov in your pocket or glove compartment.


because they don't want you to be able to hunt food when they cut off the food supply, or have hardware similar to the military

Because if you give an inch, they take a mile.

Don't be fucking faggots.

>assault rifle a meaningless term. How are you going to ban something if you don't even have any idea what you're banning.

Thanks for the input everyone.

Red pill yourself. Why should we?



Who doesn't want to solve overpopulation?

That's exactly what I said, baka.
No reason to add more rules that won't change ANYTHING.
It didn't help Paris, and it won't help us.

>orlando guy used a legally purchased gun

No he didn't. He illegally acquired them.

Also the radicals that shot up the "no-guns-allowed" vet club also illegally acquired their guns.

>adam lanza legally acquired his guns

also false. He used his mother's guns

Criminal intent doesn't stop at the law

Why shouldn't we ban Muslims in America?

Why shouldn't we have more background checks before accepting an immigrant?


Jesus, Correct the Record is in full force today.

>He was under 2 investigations by the FBI
I think that may have helped

No he didn't. He illegally acquired them.
Source? from what I know he went right into a store and bought em.

also false. He used his mother's guns

sorry yeah I was just saying that they were legally purchased I know they weren't his.

Here, have a red pill, on the house

He's wrong, and you're an idiot.

Regulating the MANUFACTURE AND SALE of weapons is needed.

Regulated the OWNERSHIP of isn't.

You can't stop someone from making their own weapons in secret. That's implausible.

However, you can stop people from selling weaponry.

Liberals want guns taken away / no rules. Not regulation.

Conservatives want manufacturing and sale regulated.

Rednecks are not conservatives. They're as liberal as any dumbfuck SJW.

user, I could find another twenty references that the Orlando shooter legally purchased his guns.

Just let me know if you can't figure out how to use Google.

>Why shouldn't we ban assault riffles in America?
It's the AWB that's been around for some time now.
We already have. That's a simple polymer civilian variant of a military rifle. It's not an assault rifle, it's a rifle.

m8, you also posted about "assault rifles." The media you use doesn't know enough about guns to properly inform you.

>all other boards have trolls & shitposters
>but Sup Forums doesn't, Sup Forums only has shills, PAYED SHILLS


>Regulating the MANUFACTURE AND SALE of weapons is needed.

what do you plan to regulate? civilians already can't buy full auto and burst fire weapons.

As aptly demonstrates, the gun used wasn't a scary "military style assault rifle". It was just one variety of semiauto rifle among hundreds of other semiauto rifles

it was all legally obtained and was using very common ammunition

If by "assault rifles" you meant magazine fed semi-automatic rifles....then we could have a proper discussion. Until then I'm not going to dignify your ignorance with an argument.

Because it accomplishes nothing.

If you want to stop crime you ban niggers.

If you want to stop terrorism you ban mudslimes.

>No he didn't. He illegally acquired them.

Kek, the whole point is he bought them legally because he was in a security company and had all the legal papers.
He could have acquired this guns even when joe six pack where banned from buying guns.

Thats why the whole "we need to ban guns for civilians" would have meant jackshit for this scenario.

>Ban assault rifles

Done and done. Automatic weapons are banned from civilian ownership unless you have special permission from the ATF.

>can't buy full auto and burst fire weapons
Up until very recently I haven't really cared about owning a gun, despite some training(naturalized immigrant here)
I wonder how difficult would it be to manufacture a full auto triggergroup using a home cnc mill.

Apparently that was redacted that Orlando Mass Killer purchased them illegally.

However, there is no concrete information on how he was able to purchase them short of "he was allowed to purchase them."

No indication if the dealership falsified the background check, but no indication it was properly waved.

His background information was flagged. If the dealership did a proper background check they would've seen the flag.

Flag or not, the dealer still sold him weapons.

shell nut bee in fringe.

those faggots?

fuck them, good luck with your unconstitutional bullshit, I think whats happening here is top oligarchs are scared of Trump so this is their last ditch effort to seize control of the nation before Trump comes in and blows their federal reserve crime syndicate out of the water

the appropriate response to this is to laugh and stand at attention locked and loaded.

you also didn't find any information why he was able to legally purchase them

The original statement was redacted after "someone official" claimed they were purchased legally.

>private security firm
>legal papers

i'll hold my breath. His background check was flagged and he's known to have bipolar tendencies by his family, so obviously his medical exam was falsified.

but this move is always BS that attempts to get people to act rashly without thinking, same bullshit they pulled on the jonestown people, that was basically early research for this nonsense

just do what they say, buy more guns and bury some in the woods, hide weapons and ammo everywhere until your fucking left scrotum hair has it's own weapon I guess

Cause SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. GTFO if you don't like it cuck.

>His background check was flagged

None of the FBI flags would have shown up during a background check because those investigations were closed. He was never charged with anything. I will remind you that felons are already barred from buying guns, and that you can't buy guns if you are a fugitive or have a restraining order out on you. You also can't buy guns if you've ever been found mentally unfit by a court of law or some kind of medical authority - his family "knowing that he has bipolar tendencies" isn't legally sufficient to bar him from purchasing a weapon

kys baka

Using his family member's weapons without being permitted by them is as good as stealing them, which is SURPRISE SURPRISE illegal

Repeal all gun control. None of it works. If you want to decrease crime, stop importing criminals from other countries (muslims and hispanics), and start policing niggers.

Explain to me what exactly and "assault rifle" is.

You can't. I win. Bye you fucking braindead liberal.

>can't own chemical weapons
>can't own bombs
>can't own military vehicles

Seems pretty infringed to me.

>assault rifle
Pick one, then go back to r/nogunscauseimanautist



>>But the agency has not released details on where Mateen obtained the guns.

So there's still no proof Mateen legally purchased the guns.

This is THE SAME THING that happened with the radicals that shot up the no-guns veteran center.

They claimed they purchased them legally, then a week later, they found out the guy lied.

It's too early to say anything. However, it's not too early to say his background check was falsified, namely medical exam.

I'm not sure where you're getting that info from. It's well known that he purchased the weapons himself. He was also a licensed security guard and had obtained firearms endorsements so that he could have a gun on him while working

1. Wrong. You can buy ammonia and bleach.
2. Wrong. You can mail order tannerite.
3. Wrong. You can buy tanks on the surplus market.

You can even buy cannons:


If you believe that, then you have a very idiosyncratic interpretation of the law.

>So there's still no proof Mateen legally purchased the guns.

There is proof everywhere. If you don't want to believe it that's on you.

You got it,chief.

that black gun is super scary looking


no .. no that wont do




Oh I see, I wasn't following the conversation properly. You were referring to Lanza

whats the source for this?
I believe it I'd just like to have it on hand

All of a sudden I want to buy a tank AND A CANNON!

my theory is that he bought the gun legally on purpose to make America ban guns, thus making it easier for terrorists to shoot defenseless victims.

Also think his wife supported him and is lying to make it look like mental illness proving that guns are too easy to get.

Background checks without private sale loopholes are equivalent to gun registration which will inevitably lead to a grab. Background checks with loopholes don't stop anyone. (Even gun bans wouldn't stop determined criminals)

The impossibility of forcing compliance with a gun grab prevents them being enacted in reaction to news events such as the most recent one.


>glock 40
>shows a high point

wew lad

Is everyone in here retarded? Last year here were like 200 total people killed with rifles. That's not even just ARs and AKs, that's any long gun. Fucking 250 people, that's it

I don't need any information on how our why.
American citizen who passed a background check. Worked for a multi national security firm that had government contracts.


Your tin foil theories hold no water compared to facts.

I would show you how wrong you are if I were back home. If you can't do it, you aren't using big enough pockets!

assault rifles made after a certain date are already unavailable for civilian purchase.

160 hours of work and about 800 bucks of steel. Mostly because you are gonna fuck up the first few times.

its a meme i picked up, if you want shocking numbers proving more guns equal less crime search here.

>Red Pill Me. Why shouldn't we ban assault riffles in America?
how well did that work for France?

No regulations are needed. Concealed carry needs to be legalized nationally and the public's reaction to mass shootings needs to be to demand to be allowed to keep and bear arms to protect themselves wherever they may be.

If arms were ubiquitous, nobody would succeed in killing mass numbers of people with guns

first we would have to make them legal because they got banned in 1986

>>Stubbornly upholds a 220 year old erroneous principle, that does not grant you rights to use any "arms" of your choice anyway, over the lives of many and future born.

The red pill is that we should ban them.

The guy was a security guard meaning he had better access than a random civilian

This feels like a swedish proxy.

Hey user, ever notice how all of the mass shootings in the USA happen at "gun free zones"?


Also guns and crime have an inverse relationship. The swiss have everyone with a gun and they have the lowest crime rate in the world.

We don't have a gun problem, we have a nigger problem.

>a fucking leaf whose nation has literally never been relevant despite being next to America

>whose nation has literally never been relevant despite being next to America

We're the main reason for Trump's campaign coming to life and we're going to help build the greatest wall in history you crumpet eating faggot.

Dubs wasted on a pathetic leaf.... sad really

>We're the main reason for Trump's campaign coming to life
No, that's meme magic.

>we're going to help build the greatest wall in history
The only help you'll give are your taxes - the actual labour will be done by American workers.

>implying we won't be working together to build the wall while the illegal fucking shits get deported to the Gulf of Mexico
Go lose another territory Ahmed

Because no government seizes power in singularly momentuous movements, but in gradual shifts of power. Everyone has a pistol, the people would never stand for that kind of loss. But as the people become less and less familiar with rifles and begin to perceive AR's as "assault weapons," then it become easier to use it as a sort of foot in the door.