So my Facebook is a cesspit of politically correct garbage. Most notably, this bullshit video that went viral. This woman actually states that we should "listen" to terrorists. She also says that we would "do the same if we were in their shoes." It is absolutely disgusting. People are agreeing with this shit.
Apologetic Bullshit
>This woman actually states that we should "listen" to terrorists.
She's actually right about this. If you don't understand your enemy, you'll never win.
Pic related. This guy knows what's up.
We should listen to Muslims.
And when they say they want to kill us, we should believe them.
And kill them first.
What am I listening for? An allahu ackbar, or?
>Using Facebook
> crying about it here
That place is more heavily edited than reddit. I have no sympathy for you.
lisa ann was cia?
where is video?
>Be America
>Get attacked on 9/11
>Majority of attackers are from Saudi Arabia, with suspected mid-level involvement from Saudi officials, and certain involvement of very rich Saudis.
>Invade Afghanistan and Iraq instead.
>Destabilize Iraq to depose the dictator whom you used to support.
>Sectarian violence spreads out of control because no plan for occupation exists.
>ISIS comes from the chaos.
I'm all for kebab removal, but you burgers really fucked up royally.
You're retarded.
you were with us literally every step of the way
When we didn't participate in Iraq?
Also, America's hat here, not like we have much choice anyway.
I just hope Justine doesn't fuck up our relations when God Emperor Trump gets elected.
We do listen to Muslims. All they scream about is how much they want to kill us. Then you have the ones who use taqiyya to pretend like that's only a small part.
You can never trust a group of people who have an inset requirement of lying, stealing, raping, murdering, and covering up to spread their religion further. They will perform any subterfuge, say any lie, to get you to drop your guard and believe them so they can strike, then pretend it was just minority extremists.
Getting really tired of this. Actually, incendiary is a better word.
>Females talking politics
Did you see the univision story where they bill the terrorist scum as the HERO in this story? Don't read it or you'll be fucking fuming like I am. Liberals are LITERALLY traitors. They are a domestic threat. They are no longer just people with a different viewpoint. They are the ENEMY.
fuck who is or isnt the good guy..only your own nations interests come 1st
morality is a spook
What story?
All I heard was death to America and holy war. Maybe they didn't hear Nuclear is not off the table.
>cia officer
This is why our society is fucked. They should never be in these positions
Liberals should be hanged. They're traitors not just to America but to all Britain, France, Germany and the whole of western civilization.
fucking post the video, m8
To be fair, Muslims were content to just blow each other up in their desert shitholes for a long time. It was American/eurotrash overreach and propping up/colluding with Saudis that made them venture out into the West. Since the Jews did 9/11 they have moved away from false flags and into creating financial incentives for terrorist groups to attack the West while also encouraging stupid invasions that rile up the population and give more populist credibility to attacking Western countries.
Can you say HONEYPOT?
Holy shit Kek be with this great man.
>To be fair,
When will this meme end?
Yeah Osama is just laughing right now seeing how he predicted how this would happen years back. It's very easy to subserve the American people plus they have a weak will to finish the war and because of this reason terrorist groups will survive and then they'll flourish.
Link to the video?
Not normally a conspirafag, but this is the sort of shit that makes me not use facebook, and actually actively dislike it. There's no free speech, and there's too many suspicious trends. Besides- It doesn't matter how many shares you get, how many views you have, how many people "like" it, it's not true. The truth is above a fascist social media site.
50 people are never coming back, and they're telling us it's not a black and white issue about who's the good guy, and who's the bad guy.
I'm sure the bad guy is proud of videos like this, though.
Good thing nobody outside the CIA takes the CIA seriously.
i was on there for 10 min today and it was enough for me to lose hope. I used to want society to turn around and the degenerates to lose. now i don't care. i don't care if Hillary wins or if Fema camps are real or any of that. The West deserves what's going to happen to it. Shit ISIS could send planes over NYC TONIGHT and drop bombs and 60% of the country would blame blue eyed christians and het cis white males for "inventing planes"
Fuck it. I'm going full hermit mode.
>So my Facebook
it's your own fault.
"Never trust an OP who doesn't respond to his thread"
>"An Al-Qaeda fighter made a point once during a debriefing... to us, to the rest of the world, you are the Empire, we are Luke and Han."
I'm gonna stop you right there, my Al-Qaeda friend, and remind you that Luke and Han weren't setting women on fire for trying to get an education. Or throwing homosexuals off of buildings. Or executing Atheists.
So I don't feel bad for you.
But what the terrorists are saying is that they're Muslims and we all know that's not true because real Muslims are peaceful amiright
No it was because hardly any Muslims existed in Western countries.
The Muslims that did exist usually were hand picked as doctors and the best from those countries and did not have radical support groups and tried to assimilate.
The 1965 immigration act deeply changed America, it only took another generation and a bit more time of Islamic immigration for the Western world to start to accept the downsides of Islamic culture and terrorism.
she should move to canada
>not taking Langley, seat of the military arm of the global shadow government, seriously
goddamn fucking foliage
This. That someone considers himself the protagonist of his own personal novel -- especially when everybody does -- is not an argument, a compelling fact or a meaningful observation.
Though it is interesting that what the CIA has to chip in with is a plea to see alQaeda-ISIS-alNusra as human beings.
Where do they call him a hero?
>The 1965 immigration act deeply changed America, it only took another generation and a bit more time of Islamic immigration for the Western world to start to accept the downsides of Islamic culture and terrorism.
1998 was some kind of Golden Age of anti-political correctness. There's practically a water mark left high up on the FREEDOM meter from before it all started rolling back.
This just confirms that leftism is secular Christianity, with the same 'love your enemies' bullshit. Times like these are very useful, because they show just how suicidal endless forgiveness is
She's right though.
And if some power-mad creepy country invaded ours, we would fight back.
Very true. Anyone who thinks they are 'red-pilled' on this and hasn't listened to the terrorists is a bloody idiot.
>>Majority of attackers are from Saudi Arabia, with suspected mid-level involvement from Saudi officials, and certain involvement of very rich Saudis.
>Invade Afghanistan and Iraq instead.
They were trained in Afghanistan, supported by them, and housed by the Taliban. Bin Laden and his Wahabbi buddies had enough money between them to do whatever the fuck they wanted.
What you're essentially doing here is like saying
>we should LISTEN and BELIEVE the ducking CIA
Normies are the cancer that will unhinge the world.
>that fucking image
Holy shit yeah, so sick of radical Tea Party Americans suicide bombing and gun massacring innocent people.
No, wait
based old man please teach us how to not be cucks
reminds me that yesterday i was redpilling some spic on muslims, but he deleted the Koran versus i posted.
#notallmuslims is a meme used by people who haven't read the koran.
>ISIS wanting to create a caliphate which was foretold in a 2thousand year old book happened because of the US