I liek yoo.
I liek yoo
>tfw no ayy lmao gf
I don't like VHS and the other one isn't as shitty as vhs was but it's still clammy. All in all that's one disturbing looking woman and what it did to his friend still bothers me. She ate the guy.
>write irresistible seductress
>hire hairy scrawny bug eyed fivehead to play role
What did they mean by this
I dunno why anyone would ever turn down a cute vampire.
What scene was this?
>Rami Malek in drag
>no semon demen gf
What does sex feel like, lads?
it gets all tingly in your dingly
Why's he trying to hurt her? I thought he saved her ass.
Watch the fuckin movie, senpai.
She broke into his house a year after their gruesome adventure because she couldn't live without him anymore
>he saved her ass
And she fucked his
He doesn't hurt her. He experiences a moment of panic, because he thinks she will kill his wife, but he then realizes that she's way better than his shitty wife, and flies away with her to become a lifelong sex slave.
succubi are traditionally depicted as being ugly lad
making them irresistible is a modern trend.
How the hell would you know? You ever met one?
Most of the Incubi that've raped me weren't bad looking at all, so it's probably the same for the Succubi.
>swn succ u bi
How does one summon a legitimate Semen Demon?
She wasn't irresistible, she was an awkward shy demon who was willing to try something new.
What kinography is this? Isn't VHS found footage?
It's a different movie based on the VHS "Amateur Night" segment.
i finally summoned a demon gf but the neighbors keep complaining about the smell of sulfur, what do i do?
Used to know a girl that had really pronounced eyes / features, though I'm not sure if it constitutes as ayy lmao tier.
tell your semen demon to murder the neighbors