What does Sup Forums think of Phil Schneider?

What does Sup Forums think of Phil Schneider?

>Gave talks at preparedness/survival events around the U.S. in the mid 90s
>Claimed governments regularly work with alien Greys in underground/underwater bases around the world
>Claimed he was a geologist who had helped construct some of these bases, particularly in Dulce, New Mexico
>Many black-budget projects involving reverse-engineering alien technology, adapting it for secret stealth aircraft and other applications
>Presented metals to audiences, claimed they were engineered in the confines of outer space
>Had various notes and photographs, was working on a book which would show the exact coordinates of every underground base in the U.S.
>Ended up dead in his apartment only a few months after his last talk, all his notes and "metals" now missing
>Death ruled a suicide
>Owned guns and various kinds of medication which he could have used to kill himself, instead supposedly wrapped medical tubing around his own neck even though he had various physical disabilities which would have made it impossible

Other urls found in this thread:


Finally a good oldfag thread on this left leaning basket weaving forum

>Phil was based
>Father was ex Nazi brought to the US and knew Von Braun
>Did not an hero, was killed but also all his evidence stolen and sent back to Los Alamos

Phil the Red Pill Schneider?

>Death was ruled a suicide
Remember actually they ruled it heart problems and THEN switched it to suicide when they figured yeah cathitor wrapped around your neck won't work with heart failure

One of the only figures in that entire field of phenomenon that I completely believe.

100% murdered and an apparent patriot.

Nothing to see here earthling.

Just go away.

What's the name of the base where he saw a battle between the ayylmaos and gov?

That was Dulce

He certainly knew something. Can't say for certain about aliens, but he did know the dirtt laundry about the government.

That's it.

It's only left right now because reddit is invading

Okay, I'm intrigued.

There are several videos on YT and I'm gonna check out this one (since OP provided no links):


Pic related, it's the /x/-tier intro from the video. Weird stuff...

%90 true story and he will be remembered for generations to come.


The dude was based.
It's such a shame no one talks about him. Even if you don't believe everything he said, you can't question that the way he was found dead proves he knew something that someone didn't want him to expose. Spooky shit man.

After you are done watching those videos look up Richard Sauder on youtube. He will explain exactly how the government gets the money to fund these black projects.

>He will explain exactly how the government gets the money to fund these black projects.
And how is that? Because the nearest explanation I have is at the end of WWII when the dept of war was changed to the dept of defense and the CIA was created they utilized a majority of the seized axis loot to fund their black projects while also entering into the world of high finance to make this initial cash injection grow.

If he doesnt say something like this he is wrong.

Native American trust funds that never get delivered. Slush funds from corporate interests.

>Native American trust funds that never get delivered. Slush funds from corporate interests.
Yeah so the dude is retarded? Look at Kin no yuri, where do you think all of that gold went? Straight to the CIA.

I assume a large part of the black budget is from drug money.

That too, there really is a ton of ways to get this money

I really have no idea what this even has to do with you asking me about Richard Sauder and I REALLY have no idea why you are all pissed off. Shitty life maybe?

It is now, when it first started most all of it was axis loot that was taken into the western intelligence services pockets.

>I really have no idea what this even has to do with you asking me about Richard Sauder
The point is that if he neglects to even consider the stolen axis loot that he is a fraud who is ignoring the start in favor of the drug/gun running they do today.

So you dont know what Kin no yuri is and you call yourself aware?

did he really kill some ayy lmaos?

those fuckers looks really intimidating

I wonder of the Trump will have the balls to tell us about what is really going on, in relation to E.T.'s.

He wont have the need to know.

Mamy Presidents have wanted to.

They are simply not allowed.

Maybe we can pressure him to find out, I think he might be the only president to do so because he's telling everyone in the government currently to fuck off.... And he also has been know to throw around some X idea's like (obama birth certificate).

I wish you Farquaads would stay in /x/

He is almost certainly on the NWO's/whoeveryouwanttocallthem's side, I don't know why people have so much faith in him. If he truly were a threat to the overlords he would have been killed by now.

It would make sense, they already recruited many of the Nazis under Operation Paperclip. They would have no problem taking their loot too.


Okay, I'm 26 minutes into this video and so far Phil has said:

>he accidentally drilled into an underground alien base and shot two greys with a handgun
>the greys smelled like rotting garbage (lol)
>one grey burned off Phil's fingers with a blue beam
>the government has known about aliens since U.S. Calvary discovered a base in 1909
>there has been a constant underground alien/human war since 1979
>aliens carry diseases which are harmful to humans

This is pretty wacky shit. I'm not so sure "based" is the right word for this guy... it feels like he's just making up sci-fi on the fly.

I think you Fartriips

Not necessarily.


what the fuck dude

Interesting as fuck. Schneider and Bill Cooper were both interesting terrifying people.

Phil Schneider said that pic related was an alien working for the us military. He doesn't even remotely look like alien or whatever the fuck he's talking about.

except Bill Cooper got his shit together, gave up on the whole ayy lmao theory (which is govt psy-op for a socialist NWO as he claims, and to my opinion is more plausible) and also predicted 9/11. Shortly after was shot by a sheriff


He said they are welcome, but only if they come here legally.

Why the discoloration?

Phil is convincing. I stock his claims in my undecided folder. I await more follow up evidence to attach before I buy in.

It really does sound like scifi ramblings. He explains it all like he is just remembering it clumsily.

Then again, none of those points are contradictory.

>I'm not so sure "based" is the right word for this guy
he exposed information about secret underground military bases, he is quite literally based

thats the homie Val Valiant Thor

Is that Jeremy Renner in the bottom right of that picture?


alright this seemed plausible to me til he got to the point why Aliens abduct millions of people a year

-adrenal glands
-they get high off our adrenal glands

now if these Aliens are so far advance why can't they make synthetic compound that we produce in our own andrendal glands??

if they can't why don't they just grow human beings like cattle by the billions and harvest the glands that way??

shit is too ayy lmao for me

maybe its like weed and synthentic weed, its just not the same. the aliens just want to do dabs of authentic human adrenal dank

Maybe we are their cattle, we just don't know it.

Like a fish in an aquamarine, the fish doesn't realize he's in an aquamarine.

Billy Cooper and Phill shinder are 100% truthers reliables


There's no reason they can't synthesize adrenaline but like you said with weed, weed isn't just THC. There are other cannabinoids that change the high and chemicals called terpenes that change the flavor (and the high, to a lesser extent).

Synthesizing THC is relatively easy. Synthesizing a cannabis concentrate that is a faithful imitation of the actual plant would be far more difficult.

Human biochemistry is far more complex than plant biochemistry. If we assume that aliens are getting high off of adrenal glands, it's a reasonable assumption that the real thing is a better high than whatever they can synthesize cheaply.

Why they don't just come to us and offer us tech in exchange for the adrenal glands of our recently deceased I will never understand. Hell, the chinese would happily supply them with thousands of times more live political prisoners than they could ever abduct without people noticing.

AYYYS if you're listening, let me be humanity's drug dealer to the stars.

Lol, if it were sci-fi it would include planet-invasions and shit like that, the fact that it has a confined location for happening makes it more plausible

when did they let steven avery out of prison