no mental illness, no muslims = no mass shootings
No one is acting. It's quite deliberate
check your calendar
tell me what year it is
For one moment imagine you are in Star Trek
Admiral ackbar creates the beta Borg from a cube, they muslimimate all those in thier path.
Welcome to true stories bro.
>I watch too much merchant news: The post
"why is everyone..."
stop talking like pol is facebook or twitter
bc ITS 2 0 1 6
Compromise. No Muslims allowed guns.
maybe because there have been more shootings than days in your shithole of a country
They're both the problem faggot.
The guy had been under FBI investigation, was mentally ill, and told his co-workers about how he wanted to murder people. Yeah, sounds like someone who should have unlimited 2nd amendment rights.
the attacks keep happening, but everyone closes their eyes...
Youre just jealous your nanny state wont let you own an AR
What we're experiencing is a siege of HillaryArtillery.
Islam is the problem. It was started by a wannabe war lord.
There is really no honest way to read it's origins and texts as anything other than an expansionist religion that wants to ultimately btfo everything that isn't a fellow Muslim.
Wow guys just wow. If we were all put into padded cells and given straight jackets then we could end the hate and crime! You don't want more people to DIE, do you?
The jews are scared. Seems they are pushing all for disarmament asap. Which is a huge miscalculation.
No one is. It's a Shillary paid raid.
can't blame them if they're not a fucking white male
Because liberals can't form a logical argument based on facts and statistics.
Instead of refuting a Conservative point (Islam is a problem) they immediately try to change the argument completely so they don't even have to deal with it. It's classic misdirection. I think on some unconscious level the libshits realize they are completely and utterly full of shit.
A funny thing is that both Islam and Judiasm have much more in common than either does with Christianity. All the bloodthirsty parts of the bible are old testament.
Really makes you think.
How did he get the gun?
See this Muzzies are gonna muzz, but you idiots give them the opportunity to do so constantly. You guys always talk about how shitskins are retarded and whites are mentally superior, so this falls on you guys for allowing idiots to do this shit.
but user... guns are the problem
They've been so indoctrinated that they have no critical thinking skills to speak of. It's best to ignore them and get your ass to the voting booth in November.
Shit mean to link this
Because a Muslim Democrat killed the most people on US soil in one sitting since 9/11 and the victims were all gay.
Now sit down and process just how many leftist narratives that violated. Of course they'll try to spin it into "gun violence".
because rich oligarch jews named soros and rothschild want your guns so they can prance around here like faggots and force you to lick their boots clean by pointing a rifle at your head
Just like planes were the problem with 9/11 right?
Stop being a fucking retard for once, Muslims will find a way to kill you with fucking sticks and rocks, banning shit will solve nothing.
> Islam is a religion of peace
There's no such thing as a religion of peace. All religions, from Christianity to Judaism to Buddhism, have all had violent moments and peaceful moments in histories. ISIS and other terrorists are assholes, nothing more. They use Islam as an excuse to kill, whereas the vast majority of Muslims are not radical like this and in fact hate terrorists for making their religion look so bad.
Islam is not the problem. Guns are not the problem. Assholes are the problem.
Don't forget that he was a closeted homosexual and he killed people on "Latino night"
Nigga are you retarded? Most of the Islamic world agrees with this shit.
If they disarm white men then they can slaughter us all. Islam is designed to do this. Once white Americans lose their guns the west will fall like dominoes.
Sharia law isn't the same as radical Islamic terrorism. Not even close.
It's pretty bad desu
>maybe because there have been more shootings than days
Did you see that post on Facebook or something?
Oh, the shitpost makes sense now
I really could not care less
Because God forbid the cucks criticize Islam or realize it's wholly incompatible with western values. They're even trying to spin it so it's Christians who are at fault. My church held a somber service and organized a blood drive but no; the shooter pledged allegiance to Isis but no it's us evil Christians and white males.
Brap brap, rap also likes to drop bombs something is wrapped round a Muslims head, anthrax napkin? Isis gon get u
sivan 5776
its anything other than islam
Jew here. The boomer jews will die soon. We have them as our parents. We went to Temple with them. We know first-hand how narcissistic, sheltered, and spoiled they are. We have different ideas as 20 and 30 something kids of theirs how to run this country when we get power. Things will change. But not guns.