Subvert Islam

I think it's time pol took a look at how to actually deal with the Islam problem.
As much as I like to daydream about crusades and annihilating my enemies I am not so delusional as to believe that will ever actually happen in exactly that manner.
So, while brainstorming with a few similar minded friends we came up with a concept that I haven't seen put forward before.

To preface, let's look at what our objections to Islam actually are. As a western culture aside from the obvious race mixing and mass immigration we currently face we are being forced to cope with Islam. An ideology that is diametrically opposed to western values at almost every level. So to be blunt, it's my belief that if we are going to protect Western values and culture our priority should be undermining Islamic dogma. The racial aspects of middle eastern influx are far less threatening than the ideology that they're bringing with them. The religion of Islam is 10 times the enemy their skin is.

My proposition is this: in the United States, and I am sure it is similar in Europe the ideological left has been subverting our children from an early age by controlling the educational systems. We have essentially lost the culture war and it is the educational system that is to blame. Islam holds such powerful sway in its home countries because it is the only ideology permitted to exist. We need to subvert it. We need to take what we have learned from the left's subversion of traditional western values and weaponize it for the right. We need to undermine Islam at the childhood level. Take the lessons we've learned from Yuri Bezmenov and apply them. We need to make Islam absolutely unpalatable to the youth of the middle east. Theoretically this should already be happening to Muslims who immigrate to western nations. Due to their refusal to integrate and the formation of Muslim ghettos they are effectively preventing it. [1/2]

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I don't exactly know how we do it, but we need to start sewing the seeds of doubt in their children. It may take 4, 5, or even 10 generations, but if done effectively we might be able to initiate the downfall of Islam. [2/2]

>The religion of Islam is 10 times the enemy their skin is
Confirmed not white. Disregard op completely

Europe will be white and we will kill all who think like op

Also this is about the stupidest shit I've ever heard

You should be ashamed at how disgustingly stupid you've shown yourself to be


this is what the US should have been doing to fight ISIS and radical islam all along. just counter the propaganda with our own propaganda. like we did with the soviets.

the problem is that the administration doesnt want to admit that Islam is the problem at all, and instead shifts the blame for terrorism on guns or the individual(s) as being "unstable" or crazy. they think that just bombing isis will eventually make them go away, when that only breeds even more contempt

you have to hit them so hard they become neutral, like switzerland

Dont bite the meme that feeds you

Here's the thing - The left is utterly fucking up. They're allowing Muslims to continue to be Muslims.

They need to do to western Muslims what we did to Christians. Dilute it, co-opt it, wear it down.

Their tolerance is only emboldening it's worst aspects.

You don't know anything about Islam, and that makes this thread a waste of time. Plus the only way to fight a religion is with another religion.

In hoc signo vinces

No matter what you cant have as much influence as the parents have. The current propaganda is widespread because it paid to be widespread. We dont really need to do anything. Islam & the entire left has proven itself to be incompetent, and normies are on board with us now because the climate of leftist insanity has committed an outrageous level of hypocrisy

we need to simply kill all arabs. and all niggers and jews.

we need to do whatever is necessary to make that possible.

but first, we need to kill the elites. find their names. find their location. take them out. locate where their bunkers are first, so that if they instigate a period of chaos or nuclear war, we can find where they hide and rape, torture, kill them and their families.

the people in power are in power because they did all this. until we do all that, we will continue to lose.

>The religion of Islam is 10 times the enemy their skin is.

>implying race is skin color
>implying anyone cares about people's melanin levels in their epidermis
>implying Europeans don't turn just as brown when exposed to a lot of sunlight

Before trying to subvert entire ideologies with 1.5 billion followers, perhaps you should first take care of your own indoctrination issues.


you can also fight religions with weaponized giant boars

Fuck off Mohammed

I'm German you stupid leaf.

>Arabia is WHIIIITE

He was obviously giving you a message to pass along to your bull

Have any of you considered that it's not US that's fighting, it's the memes themselves?

The leftist liberal memes have discovered a great deal of power (ie reproductive ability) through brainwashing and denial of reality. A lot of other memes manage to spread this way, but they usually die out once reality (natural selection, environmental pressures) reveals their falsity and their biological vehicles destroy themselves.

The islamic meme is as successful as it is because it promotes strength, power, and comraderie while denying and opposing the western liberal memes and their denial of truth. The islamic meme supports reveling in falsity all the same, but gives something back to the hosts for it, whereas liberal memes destroy the host.

We need our own memes that reflect the realities of reality, yet simultaneously do not destroy the host, and preferentially help the individual figure out paths to success. It's obvious that a successful host can more successfully propagate a meme and the memes of the successful will survive better.

I'm not sure we need to explicitly target people, but it's obvious that both the liberal and islamic memes are deathly afraid of what our memes represent and are capable of.

There was a time were liberal memes used to be good. All of that is now concentrated on alt-right memes.

The only way to subvert any Abrahamic religion is to show where it came from and isolate the holy book, The holy bible, the Talmud, the Quran are just books written by men, this is critical because some people actually believe it was written by god.

White girls deserve rape

The official position of the Catholic Church is that the Bible was written by the hands of men (because it was, and we know when exactly it was).

Go back to r eddit with your r atheism memes and your ignorance in general

>didn't read
the solution is simple
>fuck the women
>raise the kids
>kill the men
in small doses of course

Genocide IS an option

I'm actually ok with this solution. I just don't think we can get enough support to execute it.

>>Go back to r eddit with your r atheism memes and your ignorance in general

Lol, liberal memes were pretty effective back then. You forget Sup Forums used to be mainly liberal during the Bush years.