>this entire season
This entire season
>the season is done after 10 episodes
I havnt watched anything beyond season 13, dont even think I could recall a single epidode from beyond 11. I got sick of it being so political rather than a collection of film and tv refrences like seasons 2-9. Is any of the new shit worth watching?
It was nice to see Gerald get the focus over Randy.
You do know that they were dealing with topical stuff since season 1, don't you? And that they never stopped doing that?
Yeah it's shit. Tbh they fucked up for assuming Shillary was going to win the elections
They abandoned so many plots. In episode whatever, Kyle and Ike escape home and Sheila ends the episode screaming "what what what". In the next episode, without any scene of explanation, Kyle and Ike are back home. Where did they go? How did they were catch? What the fuck?
>watching south park post season 6
South park has been shit for longer than its been good
These last 2 seasons have sucked super ass though
Fuck off.
Yeah its super crappy writing
>not getting the point
The season was about trolls so it was bad on purpose to troll the viewers.
Get it now retard???
i liked the two previous serial seasons, but this one had no jokes (or rather, the same jokes over and over again) and no payoff
the only memorable part in the 'Memberberries, only because they are easy to exploit as an annoying meme to shitpost with
I don't fucking get it. Is there anything easier to satire than Donald Trump?
There's so many different ways they could write a hilarious episode with him, and they keep fucking it up.
>Garrison desperately trying to get himself impeached, but everything he does just backfires and makes himself even more popular
>his old class gets to tour the white house, cartman calls obama a nigger or defecates on a bust/picture of him and the media catches him
Remember when they acted like actual children? Remember when it was funny?
Good thing about this season...
>Occasionally trolls and danish
Bad things about this season...
>everything else
South Park has been absolutely terrible for these last couple of seasons, but normies end up eating this shit up. I can't believe the writing has become first page of Reddit from something original with recent news not being pushed completely in your face. They seriously need to drop this continued story line shit it's so hit or miss.
I got an amazing feeling about this season from watching the first couple of episodes. Yeah it was lacking a bit here and there, but the whole skankhunt42 thing had me in stitches. Then they started to gradually JUST shit up for themselves with the election not going as expected, they just completely abandoned the shitty memberberries for some reason, brought them back, and then abandoned them again, Garrisons portrait of Trump is fucking pathetic at this point (why couldn't he just have been Mr. Garrison as president instead?), Randy has gone completely missing, Stan is barely even there, Cartman and Butters' substory is fucking moronic and I could go on and on and on.
They seem to be completely in over their heads at this stage, and if they want to come back from this they need to go back to just being a cartoon. One episode at a time, not this whole story line bullshit they have been pushing these last seasons.
The season was sacrificed so Matt and Trey could concentrate on the new SP game.
this actually makes perfect sense
I'm still over this show though
Like people ITT have already said. It's pretty clear that they expected the election to go differently, and it probably killed a lot of their season-plots when it didn't do so.
I'm not excusing it though. The show has become a long, dragged-out political satire with some """vague""" hidden messages about morality.
I member.
I really wish Stan, Kyle, Eric and Kenny would just go back to school.
I'm okay with this.
Stick of Truth was fucking hilarious
How to drag out one episode into ten: The Season
It's my favourite show, but this has been THE worst so far. I have a feeling they know it and they're giving up the format - ep10 was called "an end to serialization everywhere". I think they realised it doesn't work for a show like SP.
Am I missing something - where the FUCK was Kenny?
Then I am completely honest when I say: fuck the show.
Exactly. South Park is best in nice, easy-consumed and unrelated episodes.
If they REALLY have to, they can have a two-parter, but three or more is officially a let-down.
Gerald getting pissed on was the funniest shit I've seen on TV in a while.
Too bad that's about it.
>respec mah authoritah xd xd
Early South Park had its moments but it was mostly shit.
The new more topical and serialised format is much better, even with all the plot holes.
>ooh membah xd xd
>women are funny, get over it xd xd
>dude rickroll lmao
See, I can do it too.
The difference is that the old episodes had actual jokes to carry the story instead of repeating the same shit over and over again.
his poor, he can't afford internet
don't think I've ever watched so many consecutive soutpark shows without laughing
this, let them fuck up a couple of seasons aslong as i get another "Alien nazis" moment.
Just finished it, that was really bad, last season way okay, this was shit.
Think about what you just typed. You fucking retard.
they just need to make each episode an unique story.
if they realize this, there will be hope
What they need to do is put more jokes in it. The only lol I remember was cutting back to Gerald instructing Ike, "Now open her mouth. Now put the sausage in there, quick Ike, quick!"
>Watching any episode of south park after Issac Hayes left
You deserve your disappointment