Donald supporters like to call themselves "Libertarians"

Donald supporters like to call themselves "Libertarians".

I wonder if they know what that actually means.

Well they aren't open borders pussies so I'm guessing not.

Donald trump supporters are generally morons that don't understand big words.

Just because some retarded german says the_donald is the last bastion of free speech doesn't mean it is

They've always deleted blatant trolling


I banned you for being a twat and a leaf and I've been stroking my boner ever since.

your flags are backwards

I'm a libertarian Trump supporter, AMA

Every libertarian should be supporting Donald Trump simply because of demographics.

Being a libertarian means you're a fucking retard and you support slavery. Libertarians grow out of it.

Libertarians are fucking imbeciles. Just like liberals, they deserve to have their worthless throats slit.

Or we understand that libertarian societies can't function with low IQ populaces. And that Islam is incompatible with our values.

Why? Trump is an economic protectionist who wants to expand the goverment and increase surveillance.

Funny how none of the things in the pic really matter all that much in the grand scheme of things.

O, what happened to you, Europa, that all the west can offer now are tasteless trivial pursuits?

I'm not a libertarian myself, but government will expand much more rapidly under Clinton and you'll also have government surveillance and expect gun rights to be restricted. And the simple fact is that hispanics vote for more government not less.

American sovereignty and liberty from globalism?

works for me.

>Supporting Trump
Not even once. Trumpets are literally too stupid to think for themselves so they want an authoritarian to do all their thinking for them. It's nonsense. And expect this censorship thing to continue. Trump is a thin skinned faggot and he's stated he wants to expand libel laws to prosecute free speech. Nice candidate, retards

Donald is more libertarian than the actual Libertarian candidates.

jesus, the shills are in full force

>going to a website that allows shit mods to ban you for shit things
Honestly, I consider this place to be the last hope of free speech but even then we have mods and janitors that are fucking faggots.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

I wonder if (you) know what that actually means.

Not an argument


okay uh....

>disregard sports
>don't care about consumer brands
>moon landing had marginal to non-existent scientific value
>hollywood kinda shitty
>d-day had beach landings from Birtain and Canada
>patton was given as little control as possible to minimize the impact of his crazy
>5th gen fighter jets when nobody has fought a dogfighting air superiority campaign in over 50 years
>no empirical metric for the university graph
>don't know who the girl is

I'll give you the mars rover.

Considering you just inferred libertarians are Donald supporters, you just proved you have brain damage, leaffaggot.

Some Trump supporters might be ""libertarian,"" but The_Donald is NOT a ""libertarian"" subreddit.


t. average democrat

Nope I'm a National Socialist. Lolbertardians are scum and their blood will run in the street if their candidate negatively effects Trump.

on the day of the rope traitor you will be the 1st to be haged

If only you weren't too autistic to understand the irony. .. here everyone reflexively claims this is the bastion of free speech, and what do people on this board advocate for? By and large, authoritarian government. Because they're autistic man-children.

Unfortunately, the sub has to ban people because it gets constantly brigaded. The same people who spout anti-Trump rhetoric are usually the same that will spam racist things and break the rules of reddit to try and get the sub banned. you're defending yourself by claiming that it's all legit and internally consistent because you're a Nazi.

Not an argument

Oh yeah, I'm real scared of the rise of the autists. whenever you guys are ready, faggot. Better hurry though, you're losing that population edge every day

and your katana will be the one to spill it

>National Socialist
Literally pissed myself

>By and large, authoritarian government
Not really. I'm sure 90% of the board would end welfare if they could.

First day on Sup Forums?

Natsocs are pure nazi Hunnic dogshit.

Small government nationalism is the white man's ideology.

I know. It's fucking bizarre double-think.

These people actually believe that authoritarian isolationist nativism is as 'free' as you can get.

You didn't capitalize his last name. WHAT A MORON.

Jerome pls

>make a post thats 100% namecalling
>someone replies calling you a name
>not an argument

god bless Sup Forums

> authoritarian government

Is that just a code phrase for borders now?

> nativism

Oh, I guess it is.

I would end the welfare state in a heartbeat m8.

No I understand Trump's policy isn't Libertarian, it is economically nationalist which is why I support him, that and his anti-immigration stance.

Libertardians are completely opposed to and the opposite of these positions. No intellectually coherent Libertarian could support him. I would like the Shekelberg capitalists completely eliminated but Trump is the only US politician to make sense my entire life.

They are social libertarians.

They don't give a fuck about abortion, gay marriage, trans basketcases.

They are conservative on all non-social issue.

I'm pretty sure that Trump isn't going to strip during his inauguration and doesn't advocate selling heroin to children so I have no idea where this is coming from.

Are you prepared to give back all your tax deductions and subsidies then? Because that's part of the welfare state.

Payouts don't only go to the poor. I'm sure everyone here has taken money from the government in some form or another.

You autistic retards are the ones who can't think in any terms but the economic. Enjoy you shitskin Libertarian wonderland. Haven't you done enough damage to this country? And yes if it comes to that I support getting rid of you by force.

>tax deductions are welfare

Subsidies technically aren't either, but trust me I don't take any subsidies.

>They are conservative on all non-social issue.

By conservative, you mean free-market? Or protectionist?

Because strictly speaking, protectionism is an inherently leftist policy.

This. Honestly I'm a conservative leaning libertarian and don't give two shits about social issues, not the governments job. But the conservative part comes into play with economics and border control and other non social issues

Small government just like the Shekelbergs like.

We lost the freemarket in 1913; the choice is between Income Tax or Tariff


>tax deductions are welfare

That's exactly what they are.

Every 1st world western country has two welfare systems.

One, which comes in the form of direct grants, food stamps, monthly cheques, and publicly funded aid programs for the disabled, poor, unemployed, etc.

the other, comes in the form of tax expenditures like family income splitting for determining tax brackets, or tax deductions on home improvement expenses, sales tax exemptions on certain goods, or federal subsidies on services that benefit property or small business owners.

One, you can only collect when you're poor enough to qualify. The other you can only collect when you have enough cashflow and income to shoulder the expenditure for the year and then get the money back on your tax return.

Ending the welfare state means ending it all. The middle and upper class take a fuck ton of welfare money. They're better and getting their piece because they can afford accountants to milk every available program.

Ending the welfare state is ending all of it. All of the programs. Even the ones that affect *your* tax bracket.

So which do you support? The one which supports growth and industrial development for the entire human race, or the one where you shake your fist angrily at foreigners?

No that is completely absurd. Getting taxed less is not "welfare." Welfare is receiving government services.

Many are constitutionalists.

Income tax doesn't do the first, and if you eliminate it then the people have more money to spend on your goods even with the tariff.

As well as the Tariff is by choice, you choose to buy that good or not, the government doesn't magically get to dip its hand into my paycheck without my consent.

Plus why the fuck do I care about the entire human race, only about 50 million of them are there for more than turning food and O2 into shit and CO2, the rest are worthless.

We like to call ourselves Americans, fucking leaf.

Not an argument.

this image is bait right?

>I wonder if they know what that actually means.

They don't.

pic-related: the education & intelligence level of your core trump voter; these fucking imbeciles couldn't wear shoes if they weren't velcro strapped

Those are niggers and spics.

>going on reddit
Kill yourself or go back.

>Sup Forums is one person