Uh guys...

Apparently ISIS attacked a small town, Magaville (lel) in France today.

>ISIS agent stabs 42-y.o. police officer, kills him
>Takes wife and son hostage in his own house
>Frog police arrive on the scene, ISIS terrorist kills the wife
>Police kill the terrorist
>ISIS savage might have filmed the entire ordeal and sent the video to Syria



Clearly not a true Muslim, as they are peaceful people.


Can't wait for the video

>Terrorize a place called MAGAville
>kill count only 2

The guy was French. He talked to a lot of French people on social media and he apparently was a regular there.

A french man with a beret said they were friends.


I call bullshit. Post source. Meme magic isn't real.

It's Magnaville.

I guess the terrorist has no name, you know it is Islamic since they are waiting so long.

Magnanville. Meme magic is fake.

This means he was probably algerian

(It's "Magnanville," but that's close enough)

praise KEK

Reckon he was another example of heteronormativity? :^)

I was referring to the bullshit buzz around Omar.

post what that boy looks like when he grows up


So apparently not having guns is not the answer to Islamic violence. Who would have guessed.



the meme magic is real. this kek is no joke.

praise kek.


Let's get Donald to fund this kids life


Come on Guys this was clearly a false flag to take knifes away from the french, Wake up sheeple!!!

Tanned Frenchman it seems.


Wait a minute..

let's hope



First thing I thought.

Killed the father, then the mother, but not the kid. I imagine he left him alive on purpose. Sick fucks.

>monsieur please open the door
>no aloha cnackbar
>but monsieur this is police
>fuck off dirty kafir

>did you ask him to open the door
>yes mon commissaire
>and he doesn't open
>no commissaire
>are you was politely
>yes mon commissaire gendarmerie
>and he doesn't open?
>he doesn't
>it's sadly

I fear for him and I wish him the best.

Make America Great Never Again Niggers - ville

Select all images with a store front.

>I'm a white male, and I apologize for that.





What was the meme that did this?


>what country does America have ground troops (looks like one in the pic) where isis is beheading people?


We had like 4 threads for this in the day since tva initialed reported it

No cigarettes, no alcohol, no drugs.

>Takes wife and wife's son hostage

Next level shit

>The terrorist has no name



>magnanville in the link

Dude. Aren't there some prophecies out there that talk about a French monarch restoring Christendom? What if this kid is it? He could be the real life Batman.

That changes things

Like any other liberal retard, he will be told that muslims don't have any guilt and his parent's deaths was an accident of a merely misunderstood man with problems. Otherwise he will be a racist

we draw ever closer to the arab genocide within Europe by ultra-nationalists

Going after a cop's family is a seriously bad move.
If the police aren't willing to stop mobs from killing shitskins, the race war will happen a lot sooner than expected.


>Wife's son

This can't be happening, memes are becoming more real.

Holy fuck lmao

eternal darkness lies ahead.

>tfw three ISIS attacks within two days.
>one in the US and two in France.

wew lads

>two in France

Do I have short-term memory loss? What was the other one?

I honestly wouldn't be surprised.
