Drumpf supporter cringe thread
Drumpf supporter cringe thread
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This is now a Canada hate thread.
>Drumpf supporter cringe thread
We already have a Trump General thread, though.
What a dumb bastard
Fucking leaves are bullshit for voting him in office.
OP trying to save his/her/its thread
No way in hell those kids are old enough to vote.
w-where c-can I buy that big booty, fat pussy sex toy?
Your liberal meme is shit.
thye look like theyre 14-15
Awww...I love the Eggman!
samefagging this hard
remember that one time ole turddy beat up a woman in parliament just for being in his way?
Leafs are savages.
Wouldn't have a beer with you
If that actually happens I'll make it my number one priority to move as far away from canada as possible because the entire country will probably be renamed to Pozville
The conservatives were going to lose no matter what, too many scandals, too many ongoing police investigations, and under their watch we saw cost of living skyrocket while wages were depressed, and job number floundered. There was no chance they were going to win another election after such a shitty performance. Literally the entire country suffered so Alberta could thrive, then Alberta crashed with oil.
Ok so we're left with the choice of;
A) Liberals - center-right party that pays lip service to leftists with hollow platitudes and pro-SJW language (with cabinet advisory committees stacked with businessmen and experts in their fields) .
B) NDP - an actual socialist party who's MPs are actual SJWs.
Pretty fucking easy choice. And yes the language Trudeau uses is fucking infuriating, but it's carefully crafted to appease the rabid left wing in Canada, who's support they need to keep government.
By the looks of things the Conservatives are reorganizing around elements of the old Progressive Conservative wing; and keeping the young-earth creationists out of the way. They'll likely form our next government. It needed to happen, the old Con party was rotting from within.
friendly reminder that OPs can't bump their own threads
would desu senpai
Is that the aunt from Kanon? Pretty good taste.
More like envy.
> $312
I'll wait till black Friday
This isn't cringe, my dick got a bit stiff
Are older women degeneracy?
Could go for a cheaper model
>cringing about shit on Sup Forums
hello plebbit
who it be?
wow really makes you blink
Literally newborn sized.
I'll pass.
Where's the cringe? It's just a skinny guy in Trump gear. No anime, no acne, no body pillow..
Oh, you're trying too hard.
well it looks like the bernie bros are switching over to trump after all
>not going loli
If those were gators, he'd have my vote.
There's loli, then there's fresh out of the womb
Knew a guy in this pos'ish. Girlfriend sounds kinda weird to me above 40 but this dude had this chick buyin' him Audis.
Was finna bang their daughter but she was stuckup as fuck.
>average Drumpf supporters
Sorry for posting your pic without permission
one day i hope to find my picture here
Drumpf itself is a cringeworthy unfunny forced meme. If there was ever someone who just looked like cuck, it'd be John Oliver.
that dude is my friend on FB he is awesome go away leaf
but why drumpf?
you faggots really are too much these days.
>literally only purpose is to deliver syrup to neighboring country
fucking leafs
o for fuck sake whats this? what did the leaf do now?
God damnit, thats not the same thing. You guys always get them confused. The thing in OP's pic is like $1000 and is shaped totally differently.
Its sold at midnight candyshop, called the 25 inch fantasia
they look like a group of fine gentlemen to me.
found the weeb faggot
>drumpf supporters are experts on artificial female body parts
not really surprised
does he at least want to make an alliance with russia just like his father?
Friendly reminder
this leaf prlly trolls around facebook making bad arguments about Trump then calls his opposition racist and pretends he won
Can't take Canadians seriously anymore since oral bestiality is now legal in their country.
it's amazing how cucks can be so proud of themselves for their cuckoldry
>If you elbow a enemy, they win
Retarded leftist leaf logic
you're not going to get aids
since blood is tested as pools they will simply throw out more good blood if more aids-positive blood is in the donor system
so youll probably bleed out because they are throwing away good blood, but you're not getting aids through the blood donation system
thanks senpai
time to start saving up my allowance
leftists =/= liberals
>spends $1000 each on two giant rubber asses
>can't fork over the money for a genuine trump hat
fuck this nigger, I called him out for it on /jp/ when he first posted that pic, and it STILL makes me mad
You are mistaken in one thing: HIV is not detectable on the first 3 months after infection
>this is the average harper voter
sage the tumorous leaf
all look like upstanding young men
not an argument, leafcuck
Found the gay faggot
a nigress
I have never even seen faggots sit this much like a faggot
I bet this is an apology for manspreading
>thinking that his ancestors' surname from over 100 years ago is an insult
And my favourite:
There's a lot more videos of retarded anti-Trump voters on The Alex Jones Channel on YouTube if you want to see more.
>tfw have the same fuck toy
what, this can't be real is it?
Your thread sucks as much dick as your PM.
Yeah good one. Tell me more about FEMA camps and the water filters, Alex
Disgusting faggot face. Hopefully, he got gunned down by that slime.
Ignore this leaf. Sage in options
You could always get it used.
post more fat silicon vagina.
Fuck this thread