Trump takeover of Reddit

Looks like Donald Trump has taken over Reddit.

How does this make you feel?

le really makes you le think

They are so dead.

Reddit admins are gonna destroy that entire board.

You have to go back, OP.


>using reddit


r/The_Donald is pretty based. So was r/GreatApes back when it existed.

This. There's a reason everyone here says leddit is shit. It's a privately owned company, and they can't afford to allow free speech. The Donald subreddit will be quarantined within two weeks.


redditors are all sheep whether they want to be or not, simply because of the way their website works

make a reddit page with no upvoting or downvoting mechanic, and all posters are anonymous, and you may be onto something

T. Rex on American Ninja Warrior

you have to go back

They steal everything else from us, why not our presidential candidate?

I feel like we're about to get a lot of refugees

Admin anouncement says they're going to tweak the /r/all algorithm to 'show more varied content on the front page'

SO expect much less donald in the future

>inb4 r/Jailbait was the last good board




It's pretty funny. That site has been an echo chamber since its inception and people are finally starting to realize it.


>claims to be bastion of open discussion and free exchange of ideas
>deletes things they dont agree with

Wew lads, i for one welcome their eventual self

I wishni was smart enough to open a alternative without moderation

all it took was a bunch of fags getting blasted and muslim cock sucking cuckolds to cover it up for them to realize it. no hope for humanity.

same thing happned with fatpeoplehate and they banned it

Reddit was much more benign when it was a Slashdot-esque tech site.

can't wait for them to ban the donald, that'll be the moment that leftist hellhole cracks

If you think reddit is for normal fags you are retarded. Reddit is full of SJW autist neckbeards. Facefuck is more for normies.

Just like most Internet related things, it's great till the normies ruin it


It'll be interesting if this happens and r/politics gets an influx of refugees

fuck OFF reddit

here's an analogy you can understand: YOU ARE FUCKING MEXICO


I actually disagree. If anything, they are immunizing themselves. If they get quarantined now the admins just look petty.

Check out that t-rex vid tho. Its hilarious.

You do know that they have targeted posting right? I check reddit everyday and see zero Trump on the front page.

They're very salty about it too. SRS will never recover.

And also link to that shitpost thing. what's that about

The front page only shows submissions from subreddits you scribe to. r/all shows the top posts from all subreddits.

Is there any website that functions like that? It would be nice to have access to a news aggregating website that didn't have an agenda to push.

The admins are freaking the fuck out and are about to go into full blown melt down mode. It's beautiful. Sup Forums always told me to stay away from Reddit, but burning it down is extremely fun. Been going for a couple weeks now.

It's like Sup Forums has taken over.

Does this mean Sup Forums has actually taken over or has the ideology spread like wildfire?

>r/The_Donald is pretty based
milo shills and faggots gtfo

The specific word used was more 'diverse' content

They also mentioned "diversity"

Which similar to what it means in western countries in Reddit speak just means less Trump.

I feel like r/politics could be completely subverted with ~25 shit posters

Feelings are for liberals.

No one cares what happens to that shithole.

Let's be honest, we all use Reddit.

>How does this make you feel?

Wonderful...we will force a reaction from the admin cucks.

Either they they let this continue and our colony takes over reddit and we win, or they ban the_Donald and create a public relations disaster for reddit and...we still win.

What you're seeing here is basic economics:
One firm (r_news and r_politics) can't compete with another (/r/the_donald) so they are using the government (Reddit Admins) to create artificial barriers (bullshit rules like the one ITT) to remain competitive.
Little do they know that this just makes their customers (Reddit's userbase) angrier.
No wonder these people are socialists, they don't understand economics!

Speak for yourself faggot

The lot of you should be gassed

>this is what the redditor tells himself so he can sleep at night

We're gonna build a new site, and Reddit is going to pay for it! The shitposts just got 10 pages longer!

>Check out that t-rex vid tho. Its hilarious.

I found it incredibly frustrating. It was almost there.

Politics is just one big assblast.

Not that I know of. How would you rank the posts? The ranking will be abused and manipulated by people so you need an algorithm in place to fight that.

I use /r/gundeals because hundreds of autistic people obsessively checking gun websites is more effective than I could ever be
>mfw I missed the $685 PTR91 by 2 hours

I dont

You have to go back


I used to like 8 years ago though

I agree with this.

I've been meme'ing on Sup Forums since about 2008. Back then, nobody ever talked about reddit, and I don't think it was even a notable website back then.
A few years ago, people hated reddit, and would tell redditors to fuck off in complete unison.
In more recent years, they started coming in greater numbers and started to get themselves accepted by a non-zero amount of people, and some of us were concerned about an eventual take over by them.
Now, we've fired back and have taken over reddit in one election cycle.

I love how we, Sup Forums, has always had such a disproportionately large amount of influence given the actual size of ou userbase. From creating nearly all of the internet's memes for over a decade, to getting talk on Oprah "over 9000 penises", to "some of you are alright, don't go to X tomorrow", to taking over reddit, to helping the takeover of the GOP, to eventually helping take over the presidency, we are truly a magical group of people.

We are the very illuminati jews we hate, we just have less money.

This is why Sup Forums is great. We're active people who create a lot of content, and our results show that hard work really does pay off. I love you guys. Let's Make America Great Again.

Sup Forums here is privately owned too.

In public, yes. Not some degenerate who lets porn, or worse, anime, pop up on my phone where other people might be. Otherwise it's a quick once over to make sure I don't miss the latest news and back to other shit.

>hurr durr the only website I go to is this mainstream one, if you go to another mainstream one you are a such such such a normie not me haha pure 100% stay on this mainstream website not that one

I don't go to reddit, can anyone tell me what the drama or whatever is?

the_donald is definitely oberstein

i get it

Does anyone here actually give a fuck about censorship on reddit?


Reddit is owned by a corporation called Conde Naste who bought the website to turn it profitable

Sup Forums doesn't make any money

Here we have the freedom to go after the Jews using the same shifty measures.

Let's make Reddit less shit for once

I think they want to get banned. They'll start shitposting all over the place when that happens.

I loved watching that little blemish on their porcelain skin grow and take over that website.

Trump is the only one who will make reddit great again

if they try to stifle /the donald now it'll fracture their website. This isnt some small sub reddit. They fucked up. The r/news shit is shameful, mods literally deleting comments that mentioned the shooter done it in the name of ISIS and islam. It redpilled a ton of regular normie people as they saw censorship so blatantly done.

>turn it profitable

AKA praying to god a bigger company buys it.

>Sup Forums shits on redditors
>go there
>try it
>forced memes everywhere
>tired, dead memes that were being posted in 2009, were still posted then, and are still being posted today
>any opposing comments are deleted or down voted into oblivion
>comment threads deleted because 'off topic' means 'off liberal narrative'
>shadow banning
>safe space mentality

Yeah, nah. I tried to use it was something I could browse on my phone on the shitter but it's not even good enough for that.

reddit tried to cover up the shooter being a muslim just like they cover up the gang rapes and crime in europe from immigrants. the whole site turned on them and is voting trump subreddit to the front page because they were the only ones covering the story.

>not r/deadkids

>Bernie board dominates reddit for months, news and politics boards are very liberal and pro-Bernie, front page gets clogged up with dozens of threads for every little thing Bernie does or says
>Trump board gets created and quickly picks up steam; now at tens of thousands of active users at any given time, 50 million pageviews per month
>liberal parts of reddit do everything they can to try to quell it; upvote all the liberla things on their own board to dominate the front page, have bots downvoting everything on the Trump board, admins wouldn't do anything about it
>the levee breaks and the Trump board becomes the second most active board on the entire site with several threads on the front page all day every day, the first most active is paid shilling to interact with celebrities in Q&As
>Orlando shooting happens
>liberal news and politics boards try to bury the story and any mentions of it having anything to do with Islam
>Trump board quickly becomes the go-to board on reddit for news regarding it, including stickies with information on how to help by donating blood
>only a day or two later reddit admins suddenly come out with statement about they're going to be changing the "algorithm" for the front page so more "diverse" content is displayed (they didn't care when it was all Bernie shit), changing how stickies work to spite the Trump board which smartly used them as a way to get pertinent information immediately to the top of their own page without taking hours to get upvoted there
tl;dr reddit admins beings cucks and trying to subvert the Trump board as much as possible for their own leftist agenda, without outright deleting it because it's become a significant source of ad revenue for them.

i seriously have never been on reddit before, it looks so god damn confusing,

I spend most of my time here but browse reddit during work since it's less of a social stigma (inb4 faggot/go back/etc).

For those of you that don't know, there was active censorship of the default news subreddit r/news, enough that the user base noticed and took offense. Such "problematic" comments included "Here's where to donate blood" and "The shooter was Islamic".

Understandably, the users lost their shit, and the mods responded with "kill yourself". (Literal quote from one mod to a user - said mod has not and will not receive punishment)

The admin of reddit made an open forum post to talk about Orlando, when he actually meant to talk about the shit storm.

Zero accountability, non transparent investigation, shifted the blame onto users.

The Donald subreddit had a spike in active users because they were the only ones publishing and allowing up to date information and discussion on the tragedy.

My point? Reddit is going about business as usual, but this time their users are waking up.

Feed this Sup Forums. Don't bring them here, but we can destroy reddit if we make this a bigger issue.

who cares? its fucking reddit

So question: How can the board with only 155k subscribers be that much more active and get that many more actual front page stuff than the boards with 8 times the numbers?

It really is a fucking disgusting place.
I can't fucking stand it at all, but I still go there every day and upboat all the shit from the trump sub so I can fuck with SJWs and hopefully force them to see some shit they didn't want to.

High energy, you fucking idiot

Fair enough.

Why should we give a single fuck about reddit?

The boards with millions of subscribers are "defaults" which are subscribed to by default by every new account created, and their moderators are far more accountable to reddit's administrators (most non-defaults can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't break the global rules).

The Trump board just has a lot of people who subscribed to it because they're actually interested in it and actively use it, it's also only a few months old so it doesn't have a bunch of years-old inactive accounts subscribed to it.

Dial again faggot. I read for fun, not go to numerous internet bulletin boards. I barely come to Sup Forums unless its election season or I've relapsed into anime.

No love for coontown or fatpeoplehate?

Who gives a shit

it's amazing that's how far they're going to protect islam

Here's the cuck-mod of /r/news: /u/suspiciousspecialist

Nicholas LaGrassa

facebook nlagrassa

This, r/politics and r/news are practically ours now, I'm hoping we can provoke something like the r/fatpeoplehate banning but on a wider scale, or at least get the site owners to rethink their retarded downvote mechanics.

The shit that gets churned out on here is regurgitated over there for normal people to then consume. Because they aren't Sup Forums people are much more willing to listen to them.

Legacy subreddit subscriptions vs fresh upvoting meat.

I day we send in the Canadians. That place would be toast in a week.

Fuck you Google, that's the last webm I will ever click on.

Fucking trick ass bitch.

>Sup Forums doesn't make any money

I think moot got dozens... nay tens of dollars net profit from his time here. gook is looking to get in on that sweet sweet admin money too.

Do the people who use this sub seriously just lurk Sup Forums to steal our dank threads just so they can repost them for pretend Internet points? It seriously took hours after the fact for news to report about Paris today after Sup Forums had a happening thread

Get Twitter stuff trending and make memes so they spread them

I'll admit I go (went) over there onto the Bernie sub after every primary he lost just to watch the meltdown, it was hilarious. Never posted.

All the default subs are huge but they don't have much user activity, a lot of people just lurk and never post.

the_donald has a riotous, irreverent atmosphere and allows anything even tangentially related to Trump so there is a lot to do and users visit frequently to see what's going on. I have no doubt that a significant portion of the sub is just there for the laughs and to partake in the mischief.

No. You have to go back.

Fight the good fight over there but you are too tainted to remain here.