TFW you realize a vote for Trump is just a vote for Clinton

TFW you realize a vote for Trump is just a vote for Clinton.

TFW i saged.

Hope that red pill wasn't too high a dosage for you user.


Hillary = neocon.
Trump = semi-isolationist.

wow really makes me think

Jeb was the last hope of america


I don't see any kind of doctoring or differences between this photo and any other of Beautiful Zionist Drumpf


If you vote against your enemies, they win.

Looks like Weedman also

fuck, i'm a cruzmissile now

> blackfish ftw


TFW you realize that if you kill your enemies they win

No, it can't be. That's impossible!

Absolutely right OP. I personally am extremely mad that Trump has the exact same supreme court picks as Hillary, the exact same foreign policy of start WW3 with Russia and fund terrorists to fight irrelevant third world dictators, and the exact same social justice agenda.


Hold up shouldn't you have a leaf somewhere on your flag?

Gary is the only option for those with self-respect.

>when you realize OP is a shil
made me think quite honestly

This may be the most retarded thing I've heard all day, and I've been browsing twitter.