>Grenade and bombs
Banned - "It's ok, They are very dangerous, I can accept this"
> Assault rifle
Why americans are this retarded?
>Grenade and bombs
Banned - "It's ok, They are very dangerous, I can accept this"
> Assault rifle
Why americans are this retarded?
Funny how the bad guys still manage to get their hands on bombs despite them still being illegal huh?
A person can own grenades and bombs. There's a license for it.
t. monkey
Fuck outta my country, commie faggot
Agreed. Grenades, bombs, napalm, etc. should all be legal for private citizens.
"The moment the government forbids the citizenry to acquire the very weapons that it arms itself with, then you have tyranny."
Fuck you there should be no bans unless its universally banned like non existant .if some government or cop hs it i have a right to it too.
This is a get thread now
I was going to say this.
Our legal philosophy is that the government justifies itself to us, not the other way around. The living symbol of that is accepting armed citizens.
>Shitposting from faggot in nation where police regularly round up and shoot homeless street children. Also has many areas that even the police are too afraid to enter for being shot. Complains about Americans and guns while living in an ultra-violent 3rd world shithole where mosquito bites give you mutant babies.
Keep on doing what you do, Brazil.
Nice friend
Please observe mine
I can just buy some gasoline and a match if I want to explode something.
Otherwise, assault rifles are useful for personal defense against criminals and a potentially tryannical government. Grenades are less important for these things.
You can own grenades and bombs in the US. It's also hard as hell to get a registered assault rifle unless you have tens of thousands of dollars to burn.
>thinks banning something stops criminals from using it
How's the drug war going, dipshit?
>Grenade and bombs
Nigga we have an entire fucking holiday coming up where we celebrate by giving explosives to children.
You third-worlders literally cannot comprehend this level of freedom.
Fuck off, you're the reason why this shithole nigger country will never stop having 50k homicides per year, you vile dirty filthy nigger
Explain what an "assault rifle" is user and how its different from the millions of semi automatic rifles that have been sold in this country since fucking 1906.
Go ahead, I always love hearing how poorly informed you foreign devils are about firearms.
I am a big fan of these dubs
grenade isn't a gun and it isn't protected by 2A
I get it, you're more comfortable under the boot of a nobleman or aristocrat than you are under the open sky.
I wish I had an assault rifle so I could end my life and stop sharing the same country as you
It says arms, not guns.
Every weapon in our arsenal can be acquired by private citizens. Even nukes and bio/chemical weapons.
Armaments =/= Ordinance
Hey I heard Brazil can't into Olympics.
Confirm / deny?
Every athlete is going to die to either a superbacteria or getting shot by favela niggers
That's the retardation.
>Banned - "It's ok, They are very dangerous, I can accept this"
No, not banned. Any US citizen can own grenades or bombs with the proper licenses.
You are now aware that the orlando club shooting, the deadliest shooting in USA history, had less killed than the happyland club fire.
That was a guy murdering 87 people with a can of gasoline because his girlfriend broke up with him.
The deadliest terrorist attack in the states was done by some guys with box cutters and the next deadliest was fertilizer and diesel fuel. All of those can be purchased by anyone without the hassle that one goes through to buy a gun.
From the assault weapons ban expiring in 2004 to 2014 (the most recent fbi numbers) homicide has dropped over 18% in the USA. it has dropped 56% from its peak in 1980. Homicide rates in the USA are at a 50 year low, and honestly the lowest since before the start of accurate records.
Why are people so intent on stripping away rights and creating a fear culture? You can't legislate away violent acts from people who rightly or wrongly (more often wrongly imo) feel marginalized. Safe spaces don't exist in reality.
>Banned - "It's ok, They are very dangerous, I can accept this"
I don't accept that at all.
I need those grenades.
Mao de Deus
>If i can't have it, no one else can
So in america children can have weapons?
>So in america children can have weapons?
I fired my first gun when I was five.
my theory is that he bought the gun legally on purpose to make America ban guns, thus making it easier for terrorists to shoot defenseless victims. I Also think his wife supported him and is lying to make it look like mental illness proving that guns are too easy to get.
Anyone can own any kind of weapons in Brazil with the proper license.
Fuck off with your equivocation. If there was a special license in order to be allowed to buy ammo, everyone would be up in arms (metaphorically, because when it comes time to act, very few Americans are actually willing to use their 2nd Amendment for its intended purpose) about muh shall not be infringed. Licensing for "ordnance" and NFA shit is a gross violation of the right to bear arms, and any gun owner who thinks these are "reasonable restrictions" is a cuck of the highest order.
Lmao the name of the gif is pure genious.
That wasn't the point dipshit. The point is, they're legal to own. Nothing in America is actually banned.
Grenades are not banned you literal niggerfaggot, you can get licences to own them.
Children as in mental age
How are assault rifles dangerous vs any other gun?
Hell the AR-15s people get worked up about were originally designed 56 years ago and sporting semi-auto models have been on sale for 53 years. That's right. 50 years ago a person in the USA could have one of the rifles they most want to ban now mailed right to their door without any background check. This isn't some new and novel hazard to our safety.
>non-military people may not possess them
Well that wasn't hard to prove wrong.
A bomb has no defensive capability. You can't use it without fucking up the whole house. With a gun, it's much neater.
By this logic, guns are not banned in Brazil. You just need a ''licence''.
Assault rifles don't legally exist for civilians unless they were pre-ban and they're fucking expensive now so I assume you mean AR-15, but I can buy both of those legally within 2 weeks and illegally within 2 hours and have them shipped directly to my front door.
>Banned - "It's ok, They are very dangerous, I can accept this"
Shows how much you know, they arent banned you dumb hue.
You can't kill 50 peoples for once with a pistol.
That's what basement labs are for. Licenses are expensive.
You can kill them just as quickly with a handgun as you can a rifle.
Listen man can you please go away and stop giving us monkeys a worse rep than we've already got, i don't feel like becoming the next Turkey
>Nothing in America is actually banned
Great, that applies to literally every country. If you get special government permission in, say, Bongland, you can literally own any weapon ever created. Shit, we can "legally" carry a suppressed automatic rifle with underslung grenade launcher if we have the right license and authorizations. The thing is, it's effectively impossible to obtain them.
That's why your own Supreme Court ruled that de-facto bans through overly prohibitive licensing schemes is a violation of the 2nd. Saying
>but it's legal, you just need to jump through legal hoops and ask the government for permission first
means those arms are not in the same protected legal category as normal firearms.
Holy fuck you still have Internet in that shithole lol are you alright man? Must suck not having supersonic flight and nuclear energy.
>A bomb has no defensive capability. You can't use it without fucking up the whole house. With a gun, it's much neater.
We have both of those, although we did buy our supersonic planes from Sweden
>We have both of those, although we did buy our supersonic planes from Sweden
Gay Airplanes?
Why can't civilians own machine guns? You used to be able to buy those over the mail back in the 1930's and on one ever went on a shooting spree besides mobsters at cops. Hell, a machine gun would make a terrible weapon for a mass murder since you would end up wasting most of your ammo anyway.
>what is new year's eve in phils
>The 2nd Amendment is about gun-based self defense against individual attackers
Give me your citizenship, you don't deserve it.
Why can't civilians own grenades?
We made them pretty gay ourselves
>new years eve
Stay cucked subhuman
grenades and bombs aren't banned
>machine gun would make a terrible weapon for a mass murder
Nah, it would be pretty effective. You get a nice firing position, make sure you have a few belts handy, and let loose into a crowd.
That's no reason to restrict their sale in any way, mind you.
There's certain environmental factors that come into play when nukes and biological agents are involved. I'm fine with those being restricted. And that's what they are, restricted. Everything in our arsenal can, and is currently, owned in the private sector.
That's not gay, that's pretty cool. It's
What country is this?
New years eve here is pretty cool when you don't get pickpocketed
These guys are straight up fucking know nothing assholes. There's guys in the Rocky Mountain states who make a decent living with arial bombs and cannons.
who the fuck tries to rob a place wearing sandals and swim trunks?
Pretty sure the webm is in a slum in either Recife or Rio de Janeiro
Assault rifle = what CNN says
Assault rifle = intermediate caliber rifle with bayonet, detachable magazine and most importantly a selector switch for full auto or burst fire.
> pick one
>I'm fine with those being restricted.
>Everything in our arsenal can, and is currently, owned in the private sector
Imagine a country where regular firearms are "owned in the private sector" in the same way as CBRN weapons. The country you are thinking of is called Japan. Guns aren't illegal, they're just restricted! They're totally free, guise!
Good shooting by those cops. Dirty thieving cucks.
imo grenades being not available is pretty good
too much risk for accidental explosions imo
>assault rifles
>the liberals still cannot distinguish between a deadly ass salt clip and a semi-automagic AR-15 Homocauster
Is it the stock? We never hear bitching about wood stock rifles, it's only the modern 'military' style stocks libtards bitch about.
Consider it a not-a-nigger license. I'm fine with niggers owning Glocks. I'm not fine with niggers owning nukes. South Africa did the right thing.
>Sup Forums hates libertarians
>goes full libertarian on guns
Explain this shit?
Unfortunately the rest of the world isn't smart enough for freedom. Maybe next time you'll research assault weapons and realize they're already banned from new manufacture, the old ones cost more money than you'll ever see in your life.
Nah nigga, invisible planes!
Our cops are big guys
Firebombing a favela in São Paulo best day of my life
>Unfortunately the rest of the world isn't smart enough for freedom.
Yemen's got plenty of guns. Look how that's going for them.
They go in order of scaryness. Get rid of black salt rifles, and they'll be after grandpappy's wood stocked high-powered sniper rifle next. The antigun mentality doesn't stop until they're all gone.
the 2nd amendment says right to bear arms, not armaments, the founders were actually careful with their wording, why is this so hard for progressives to understand?
>the 2nd amendment says right to bear arms, not armaments,
Or bullets for that matter.
Assault rifles are banned here faggot, I dare you to come and try to buy a rifle capable of select fire and see how far you get with your monopoly dollars.
hello HUEzil
>Sup Forums is one person
I know this one!
Libertarians are completely cucked. Gary johnson wants to force businesses to do services they don't want to, the exact opposite of libertarianism.
They haven't got any brains though.
In what universe do you think niggers will be able to afford nukes? There is a reason they roll around with Hi-Points even though they could easily buy better guns. You're justifying a solution in search of a problem.
>implying that the government doesn't consider every citizen a nigger when it comes to possessing weapons that threaten its dominance
Making your own bombs and setting them off for non-violent non-commercial purposes is totally legal in the US and hardest part is mixing two powders together in the correct ratio.
Literally our colony that went downhill after we let you go, and the most pro-American nation on Earth.
I hate this argument. Children aren't included in people/persons in the Constitution. Children are essentially property. Those of adult age are persons under common law
>Libertarians are completely cucked.
And how are whatever you guys are any better? Fascism is just as cancerous. Fuck you and Drumpf