What does this mean? This guy is usually funny but I don't speak Jewish
What does this mean? This guy is usually funny but I don't speak Jewish
Ashkenazis are non-semitic Jews.
I wouldn't say they are entirely non-semitic, they are just more diluted.
This guy is an Iranian jew who looks like a Russian
Anyway what does it have to do with muslims?
Isn't it obvious what it's trying to say?
The jews used to living with muslims think the jews who live with white people and love muslims are full of shit
What does that have to do with Netanyahu?
that the browner, more middle eastern jews find it ridiculous that their whiter, more europeanized counterparts sympathize with SJW bullshit and give muslims a free pass to be savages while blaming everything on themselves, and actual whites.
He just has good facial expressions
In other words, the more semitic Jews who've had to live near and among Arabs find it ridiculous when wealthy, white, leftist immigrant Jews try to apologize and Leftsplain for Islamic terrorism.
"Mizrahim" means "my face when" in this context.
He's the jew that lives with the muslims.
basically this
He said the Mizrahim Jews, as an opposing group to Ashkenazi leftists, consider it a ridicule statement when the latter says "Muslims can't be terrorists and the white man is the enemy."
Mizrahim (ME/NA) and Sephardic (Iberian/South American) Jews in Israel are generally based.
Does that mean the semetic jews are technically "renegade jews"?
it's just a fitting reaction image
Netanyahu is the father of modern terrorism and the principal architect of 9/11
I've realized I really like Sephartic Jews. Very sweet, genuine people in my experience and very redpilled. I have a lot of sympathy for them.
Ashkenazi... I'm wondering if they lost their status as God's chosen people for mixing with Europeans (Jews were strictly prohibited from mixing in the Torah)
Mizrahim are jews descended from Middle Eastern countries. Ashkenazi are jews are descended from European countries. Mizrahim hate Muslims because they have to actually live with them. Ashkenazi are more often the liberal Western Jews who promote anti-white / pro-muslim cultural marxism. The picture is of Benjamin Netanyahu, the extremely hawkish prime minister of Israel. He's looking smug to convey his firsthand knowledge of how cancerous Muslims are and how benign whites are and his amusement at liberal Western Jews over their complete disconnect with reality.
Big Ben is pretty awesome for a Jew.
Because sephardim/mizrahim aren't white ie they are immune to bluepilled leftist cuckoldry.
Meh. Not like Mizrahim are human anyways.
Honestly I would be very pleased if Benjamin Netanyahu or someone like him were President of the United States. Instead of getting a cuck speech from the current chimp commander, we'd get same day air strikes on US mosques.
>not human
You're thinking of ethiopian jews.
More conservative Sephardim/Mizrahim communities don't consider the Ashkenazim do be part of the group, they're the cancer of modern Jewry and most of them don't even look Jewish to begin with. The Sephardim often participate cultural events involving Muslims and Oriental Christians. The Middle Eastern community as a whole is very united where I live.
The Sephardim are also PURELY Semitic traditionally: our music, our literature, art, religious beliefs and our in-group preference revolves all around Semitism, rather than Europeanism like the Ashkenazim do. There's nothing Semitic about them at all.
And I was raised Messianic Sephardic (although my maternal side has some Ashkenazim), the thing with being "chosen" isn't about being The Chosen Ones, but the chosen people to receive the words of God, and we believe Europeans were responsible to deliver it through Yeshua.
So the only duty of Jewish people was to receive the world of God, the duty of European people was to deliver it throughout the world through Yeshua.
they have anywhere from 20% to 80% semite blood depending on the aske
So why are Jews sabotaging Europe?
I am ashkenazi, though i am conservative.
Still have right of return tho :3
Aren't they most of Israel?
White supremacists adopted the same "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" shit that drives the left to ally with muslims just as it did with them even though Muslims values and beliefs will be at total odds with both groups. That's why you will see so much cognitive dissonance here. White supremacists have been aiding and supporting muslims, especially the palestinians, for ages. Now suddenly their ally is the ally of their hated leftists and is attacking them. This is what happens when you choose your friends out of spite rather than shared values.
I can't speak for trusting a yid but I can speak this;
>Trusting a fucking muslim
Asked for it.
Yes, but it's only a 60/40 split, there are plenty of both.
Well that's not correct. It doesn't really matter which racial group you belong to as long as you are OBSERVANT and ORTHODOX.
The problem is reform and conservative cuck Jews, they are extreme leftists and wish to DESTROY Jewry. They are our joint enemy!
Pls respond
They're also non-white Europeans, what's your point?
Look up Reform Judaism to find your answer
T. Kike
>mizrahim I'm full into jewish memespeak now
Oy vey for once a jew-bait OP I cannot disagree with.
Watch a video called "When Israel is Mighty".
It will answer your question.
Enjoy burning in hell with the faggot YAHWEH.
What religion do you represent? Shane on you.
>I am ashkenazi, though i am conservative.
So you support the conservation of majority white countries?
>More conservative Sephardim/Mizrahim communities don't consider the Ashkenazim do be part of the group
Until your lazy gibsmedat asses need our taxpayer money so you can stay on welfare and whime about muh oppression, muh camps, muh ashkenazi white priviledge, muh diversity, and WE WUZ AID TO THE SOOLTAN N SHIEET
I am also ashkenazi and conservative. I do support it yes, just like I support Israel as a Jewish state
Oh it's you again, secular Haredim hater. Go fuck yourself.
Yeah, my interpretation of the duty/role of the Jews as 'chosen people'... as the lineage through which God's book, and finally Yeshua, came. I've noticed that Sephardism/Mizrahim is still often deeply religious, whereas for whatever reason Ashkenazi sometimes seems to be the most devotedly atheistic group out there, not sure why.
And Messianic Sephardic? It's nice to see people of your lineage embrace Christ, that makes me really glad for you. I was hoping there were more, always find it sad that the people that Christ arrived through so often reject Him. Although I have met others... my first serious girlfriend was a Messianic Jew.
Not talking about Haredim, though they are also subhuman. I'm talking about Mizrahim.
Damn this is some total ignorance towards the ashkenazi orthodoxy.
Mizrahim are middle eastern jews and jews from muslim countries. Ashkenazim are European jews and are also the ones that advance all the degeneracy and western civilization wrecking things generally associated with jews.
You are subhuman, secularism kills countries. Haredim are keeping Israel Jewish.
Haredim are worse than niggers. At least a certain percent of niggers do work.
Yeah, I know it's out there, it's just out in California I think the one religious Jew I've ever met (and I've know a LOT, always tend to make friends with them) was Messianic. Very secular out here.
They are the most admiral of people. They live for God and relentlessly study Torah. They are shining stars amongst a crumbling world. You are the problem, shame on you.
Ashkenazim are generally more to the left, nad therefore more pro-Muslim
Ashkenazi fake-jew detected. Stop calling yourself jewish, because you definitely aren't, Herschel.
I'm glad we can all agree, white skinned people are always more successful in every region of the world the live. Then the ugly darkies resent and attack.
Envy is a sin. The world envies my blue eyes.
Oh fuck off. If any of the god shit were true (yes, that includes your god Crossfaggot) they're doing a perfectly reasonable thing; trying to understand and honor him to the best of their ability.
Sure, someone has to work, but simultaneously you would want a caste of learned men to study god.
I don't call myself Jewish, you Buzaglo worshipping cuck.
I am simply human (unlike Arabs and Mizrahim, not that there is a difference between the two)
Sup Forums look at all the jew flags in here.
Wtf is going on.
JIDF meeting place. Not a single merchant here. Actual political/social discussion habbening.
Sup Forums is for goy tracking
I don't know what the situation in Israel is but my friend is like a typical rich persian and really smart. Didn't know he was jewish until recently.
Then GTFO of Eretz Yisrael.
Wtf does this white privilege shit exist in israel too????
>IImplying I'm a Jew worshipping Christcuck for not sucking the cock of welfare leeches
I bet you are not only a nigger, but a member of that WE WUZ THE REAL JOOZ cult
Yes, and it's the right wingers who promote it here. It's hard to believe, but conservative religious people tell the white liberal seculars to check their privileges and apologize for the "attrocities" our grandparents did to their grandparents (putting them in government funded migrant camps for a few years when they first came to Israel and not believing they were kangs n shieet)
The memes have gone too far...
Just kidding, I'm not even jewish. Just bustin' your Israeli chops.
I represent self preservation of Europe, and that means you Jews all have to burn.
Every single last one of you, I don't care if you're right wing, I don't care if you're left wing, you are Europe's arch enemy and historic allies with Muslims.
You've all got to die, to ensure that none of you can cause chaos again.
Nothing personal.
oh god haha
Look up a typical Israeli woman and then look up your favorite British woman and see if you still feel that way.
We need a Jewish civil war. Crush leftism!
>Until your lazy gibsmedat
Said the Ashkenazi thief. The Sepharadim and Mizrahim (non-Ethiopian/Yemeni) are hardworking people and no different than the average Christian, unlike you speculation rats who steal from the native population. The Sepharadim are the actual merchants, you're not a merchant, you're a thief. And what's worse is that even you Aliyah rats are still stealing from Europeans. "Remote thievery".
>muh oppression, muh camps, muh ashkenazi white priviledge
I don't consider the Yemeni/Ethiopians to be Jewish, but you pseudo-intellectual Ashkenazim can't seem differentiate a Mizrahim from a non-Jew: maybe cause you're not Jewish yourself.
Muslims loved Sephardic Jews and that's something we're proud of cause that's the core evidence that Muslims and Jews lived peacefully throughout History until the Ashkenazim vermin crawled out of its wormhole.
And not only Ottomanic sultans, but Al-Andalusian Muslims also respected us and considered us to be citizens just like them.
But in your case, you're the vermin who got banned from EVERY SINGLE COUNTRY you ever set a foot in. How come? How is that the Sephardim were respected even by Muslims but the Ashkenazim were rejected by every single Christian nation and are ALSO rejected by the Sephardim and Mizrahim?
The only reason the Sephardim were banned from the Iberian Peninsula was because we were not Christians, and even the kings later realized it was a bad idea to deport us to North Africa, because we exerted important political roles and many of us were experienced merchants, therefore the reason why we were also given the chance to convert to Christianity so we could stay, and many of us, in fact, did.
You deserved to persecuted and hunted down like the vermin you are. I giggle every time I hear you crying "MUH 6 GORILLION" and "MUH SHOAH" and other fabricated lies you invented to destroy Europeans. Typical Ashkenazim cancerous mindset.
Sambakikes are the best kikes!
You clearly explained something I was confusely trying to get answers about in the "Ask a jew" thread, earlier today.
You like Rafina Bastos?
I'll explain to you how it started and how it's going to end:
>It all started when the first Jews to arrive in Europe were ostracized by the Christian population. Fairly reasonable, no problem with that, that's how people used to be at the time. Perfectly normal.
>And at that time, the Ashkenazim were no different than your average Christian: religious, and fond of basic manual labor.
>Due to being ostracized, they couldn't purchase land and work for the Christians, so they started lending them money, that's the very moment in History when the Ashkenazim learned to manipulate their beloved goyim.
>So they learned to work with money, to later develop into banking.
>Then the Ashkenazim learned about the media, and how they could use it as a tool to shape the goyim's mindset to their needs.
>Europeans leaders were fully aware of this problem and the Ashkenazim were banned from every country in Europe they ever settled. They were literally categorized as thieves and liars.
>Hitler eventually purged the Ashkenazim vermin from Germany, freeing it from the Ashkenazi influence, leading the German people to become powerful, proud of their heritage, and advancing in all fields of science like no other people.
>The Ashkenazim eventually formed a coalition with their beloved goyim to destroy their former slaves: the German people. And they unfortunately succeeded.
>But this led the surviving Ashkenazim to develop a far more destructive plan...
>Years have passed, and the Ashkenazim are still very angry with the bad goyim... what do?
>"Let's spread chaos throughout the Middle East, and use the goyim as our weapon! GO THERE MY ANGLO SERVANT! TAKE THEM!"
>And the state of Israel was created.
But Israel would be a shithole without Jews. Hmmmm... how could the Ashkenazim bring ALL the Ashkenazim to Israel? Hmmmmmmm... really makes you think, doesn't it?
>"How about flooding Europe with Muslims and incite anti-semitism under the Israeli banner?"
>Yes, yes! The goyim is going to hate us! Go, white pride, goyim! Yes, hate the Jew! Attack the Jew! Make the Jew move to Israel! YES!
>Yes Muslims! Attack them too! Ally yourself with the goyim and kick the Jew out of Europe, let them all come to Israel!
And what's better for the Ashkenazim than having the goyim murdering themselves? Does the modern Western-Muslim conflict reminds you of something? Something like WW1, or WW2? Millions of non-Jewish people killing each other, while the eternal Ashkenazi watches and laughs at the bloody spectacle from afar.
And so the Ashkenazim succeeded at strengthening Israel, destroying the Middle East while also destroying their arch-nemesis: the European people.
We from the Sephardic community are fully aware of what they did and what they're currently doing, we're no fools to the Ashkenazi vermin, and that's the main reason they put us in the same category of their bad goyim.
This is a big reason why everything is so fucked in the world. You don't know something and instead of trying to figure it out on your own first, you go the co-dependent route, seeking your answers from others. I don't understand how people can recognize to use an internet search engine, but not recognize WHEN to use one. All you had to do was search the term Mizrahim and Ashkenazi, combined with what you --should-- already know about the state of the world, and you wouldn't have even had to make this thread.
Dubs proves it.
Check 'em