Damn, never thought about it like that

Damn, never thought about it like that

It really helps they were not overwhelmingly white in my grieving . Almost over it already

At least she admits that "queer/transgender Black/Latinx/Indigenous people" aren't real Americans.

If I was a Muslim and I saw my young people being drawn to a degenerate empire and contorted into these mutated neon freaks like her I'd want to shoot up a gay club too.

What's Latinx?

That's because it was a Latin night club you dumb bitch. Or, eh, bastard. Whatever the fuck you are.

>They/them pronouns
>Mum to kitty

So which is it, they or she?

Dad's can be mothers you bigot

I'm glad that my university has been trying to ditch the NUS ever since they decided to kick out gay male student reps


50 isn't enough

I demand more



HAHAHAHAHA her parents must hate her.

Another one for the wall, m8s.

>the left say we're all equal and race is a social construct
>won't allow white gays to feel affected as much because they're not the same race

This is what Hitler was trying to prevent.

Really makes your mind go places

Is it like American History X? I'd love to curb stop some spics in San Diego.

It looks like all these "people" try to be whatever appeases everyone to get likes and followers to feel accepted.


1st post kek

not sure if trying to be edgy as fuck or is just naturally edgy as fuck

>trans and a feminist
pick one

Poor cat

Haha this is hilarious if you have anymore please that would be great

Rillyy maeddddd me dinkkkkkk :D:D:D



-x is in place of -a and -o, so instead of having to say latinas and latinos, you just say latinx. I think. That's my guess.

i'd never ran across that shit either, saw a video earlier about mexican trannies explaining how this was the fault of whites and guns. Seems its in use with the mexican lbgtbbq crowd. Spanish a/o endings can denote gender, x therefore would a way to keep things "gender fluid" as the kids say nowadays

The shooter was a closet faggot, it was no longer a hate crime
Islam would eant nothung to do with a faggot so its no longer a religious crime
Killer was a sand nigger killing south americans
Just a faggot killing other faggots with an assault rifle
Im actually surprised this got any news coverage

>internal consistency
Pick one.

He was plenty out of the closet sucking dick behind that very same club on occasion.

Gay guy here. When I was a kid I thought it was annoying that so called "allies" aka straight women who wanted gay friends as accessories ran our LGBT group. I guess I knew what Transgender meant, but it mostly sprang across as a very small minority of cross-dressing gay males, rather than the media-hyped occurrence it is now (you would think trans are half of the gay rights movement from just reading the papers. LGBT rights are about anti-discrimination and equal rights, and this oppression olympics stuff trivializes real suffering endured by LGBT folks historically.

Do these people not realize this is as stupid as saying you're a Jewish Nazi?

>1 post by this ID

>2800 white people dead
>200 others
>we never bitched out it affected us unequally