Recently get a job in insurance

>Recently get a job in insurance
>Wake up 6:30am
>Go to work 8am
>Work 9am-6:30pm
>Gym/hang out with friends/eat dinner/do everything I want to do from 7:30-10:30pm
>Bed at 11pm

Is this it? Is this what my life will be like for the next 40+ years? 3 hours of shitty free time a day and that's it?

I want off this shitty ride asap. Maybe in a few years ill just pack it all in and move to Pattaya.

Well, welcome to adult life, most of the cases is like that
In México there are a lot of chinese guys owning restaurants and livings like lords over here, you ahve your answer, amigo

No this isn't it. You'll get married and have kids AND THEN have even less time. Say goodbye to your weekends and most of the time after work on weekdays.

Just wait for a promotion or two, I don't even have kids and I would lill for 3 hours after work before bed. I'm lucky to get 1-2. Half the time I just take off my work clothes and lie down in bed.

early retirement bro

live like a rat for 5-10 years, save enough money so you can retire and either live off investments or get a part time job

Im white. I can barely cook, let alone cook Chinese food.

wake me up from this bad dream

please someone tell me this is just a sick joke

How much you make per year?

>fell for the STEM meme

no, there's also shit posting

HK$28,000-32,000 a month.

3 hours of free time is a lot. Stop being a pussy.

>just started a fulltime job
>recently figured this out

I think that's how it works, OP. I liked it better when I was a NEET.

Yes, work is supposed to be your life. That's why many people are so obsessed with careers. They want to do something they actually enjoy, and not simply work a job in order to get paid.

Welcome to the real world, friend. Trust me when I say that there is nothing more soul crushing than sitting in a cubicle for 8hrs a day. You will eventually start fantasizing about killing yourself just so you can free yourself from the shackles of modern society.

It is the beginning of the end for you. Enjoy

>take hour and a half to get ready
>your commute is 1 hour
there's your fucking problem

That's exactly what I do, except I get off at 5 p.m., which isn't too bad.

It's is old, though. Very old.


sorry op but that's it, if you ain't a resourceful guy, have some special type of talent or born already rich that means that you're an average guy and you know what average guys do?

they die doing what they don't love, just wait till machines take over and socialism is finally implemented you'll work way less I promised

Holy shit you're dumb

Well, honestly is not that much but if you save for some time you can start a bussines, a friend of mine opened a sushi restaurant, he hired people to cook and everything and he is making 7,000 dolars at month, which is a lot in México considering that he only needs 2,400 to run the place.

if you don't want the office life start saving and put a bussines, you don't need to know how to do it, you hire people to do that.

>Work 6:30a.m-12:45a.m
>Rest of the day to myself
God I love being ATC :^)

I'm retarded

But how am I gonna gym 5 times a week now and still see my friends? Not to mention the 'optional' but in reality mandatory dinners and drinks with the higher ups.

>and people make fun of NEET masterrace

Peace out at 5. You won't regret it. You re not making enough to work til 630.

I did insurance for 1 year and got out. It's the worst (especially in call center settings). If you don't have a wife and/or kids at this point in your life, get out and find something else or you will be there forever once you get comfortable.

>born already rich

I was, then my parents cut me off so now I have to work.

The trick is to get as many hours in the day as possible and maximize degeneracy.

I wake up at 8:55am and out the door by 9am. Get to work at 9:45 am. Do real work, and then start drinking air plane bottles of liquor at 11:30am. Take a 1.5 hour break and go to the strip club while I drink more air planes. Come back and do more work. Drink myself retarded the rest of the afternoon/night and rinse/repeat.....this isn't remotely a fucking joke.

Sounds like a bunch of fags making you wine and dine to get paid scratch. Just get a better paying job.

don't worry, in the next year or so they'll make it so you have even less free time or job security

its only going to get worse

You could always have some kids so you don't have the temptation to pack it all up

That fucking STEM meme pushed by autistic betas is fucking cringe. Get a mid tier job in marketing, at least you'll meet stupid women you can bone.

ATC fucking sucks where I'm flying. You fuckers can't give clear direction when you're on ground with nothing else going on but get mad when I'm flying a jet at 300 kts and didn't catch the last radio transmission and trying to repeat everything back to you. No fucking awareness how much more difficult it is to fly and copy shit down than when you're sitting comfortably.

>he thinks he will actually get a job that's related to his degree


These fuckers put my buddies into CFIT

this is why so many young people just stick with low-wage jobs. Sure, money is tight but at least you keep your free time

Literally nothing wrong with being a NEET.

I was wondering what he was talking about. I did a shitty History degree lol.

The only reason I'm alive is so I can pay off my student loans and my family doesn't inherit them.

Once I have no more debt I'm out of here. The only thing you fucks will get out of me is a vote or Trump.

You a freightdog or pax?

quit the job then dont be a pussy
bum it on someones couch and sell drugs or something

This guy gets it

Being a slave 4 da jews, there is no honor in that...

I'm a recently graduated USAF UPT pilot going to fly F-15E strike eagles.

Thankfully my parents paid for my flat so no rent. I don't know what's keeping me in this job desu, just the promise of more money in the next 2-3 years.

¿Cuántas copas tenés? Digo, ¿Cuántas minas te has tirado en marketing? (Yo también trabajo en el área de marketing)

Should have been a NEET. Its the perfect life and triggers wagecucks so hard that they can only resort to "m-muh contributions..."

This is why I refuse to work anywhere that isn't relatively closeby. Commuting time is work related time, and you don't get paid for it. Such bullshit.

I know some people *have* to commute because there's no jobs near them, but damn. It's such a waste of time when the day is already too short.

Oh shit, military then. Nice man, my dad's used to be a pilot for one of the airlines here (Cathay Pacific).

I start a new 8-5 job tomorrow

Worried they're gonna drug test me. LOTS of marijuana in my system. I'm in California and have a legal prescription but I really need money so I hope they don't drug test. They're running a background check on me but I've been a good boy

I understand why you drink like that, but living that way is almost guaranteed to give you a midlife crisis. One day you wake up and feel you were cheated out of 30 years.

Oh fuck off, I'm on day 8 of a 15 day run including on call overnights every 3 days. Get on a medfag level and learn to love it.

>3 hours of shitty free time a day and that's it?
I'm not a union guy, but at least unions in the west have institutionalized a day being:

8 hours of work
8 hours of recreation (foot and entertainment)
8 hours of rest / sleep

If it doesn't feel like that, then you should do something about it.

how you havent been fired yet?

Why dude? Isn't having a good time the purpose of life?

do you have any kind of special talent, OP

From what I have gathered from friends you get used to it, and then fluctuate between hating your life and having enough going on in the rest of your life for it to be okay.

I'm finishing up my grad course this year and am waiting on some jobs for next year. They are all great jobs and I've been working more hours per week lately due to interning+uni+part time work but I'm afraid I won't cope once I realise it's the rest of my life.

then dont complain like a bitch

I work

12 hours
3 days
3 nights
3 off

For about $1800 a month

>8 hours of recreation (foot and entertainment)

translation: 1/3 of your life is your own.
2/3 is spent preparing for or being at your job.

What a bargain. Capitalism is fucking sweeeet

Most jobs explicitly tell you if they plan to drug test.

If they run a background though there's a good chance they will do a drug though.

He's not having a good time. He is drinking like that to cope. I am 33 years old so maybe my perspective is different. I could be wrong.

>I understand why you drink like that, but living that way is almost guaranteed to give you a midlife crisis. One day you wake up and feel you were cheated out of 30 years.

Drinking this much, docs told me ill be dead right about 32

>how you havent been fired yet?

I'm a software engineer that is very good at their job who works will others who are terrible. In about 4 hours of real work each week, I complete 40-50 hours of what other people do at my current location.

For example, I haven't written a single line of code in two weeks; and the last day i actually wrote code, I've been slowly showing off the results and am clear until Thursday on actually having to code again....

I like to take a shit before I leave. I won't use public bathrooms

Hey OP I wish I had your life. I got fucking fired and shit. Stop complaining and join a club or something on the weekends.

>wake up 7
>shower, walk pupper, leave for work 7:45
>walk 20 minutes to work
>8:05-4pm job
>Get home 4:30ish
>walk and feed pupper
>do whatever I want from 5-12
>make 75k/USD year, app dev
Life's pretty good desu

What job bro?

can confirm. ive been doing insurance in a call center setting for 13 years. i sold from 2003-2005, management from 05-09, sold from 09-11 and ive been doing management since then again. its pretty much 6 days a week, but im making like 75 grand a year so i cant really complain

>wake up at 8
>leave house at 9
>work from 930-730
>shit post on Sup Forums from 8-midnight

rinse and repeat

Security, that's what I get for joining the Army instead of going to Uni

Yeah, the thing is though I'm constantly having to talk to my colleagues and clients so if I was pissed I'd be found out pretty quickly.

Hey man I drank that much and was addicted to pills. I'm clean several years from pills and three months from the booze. I get it, I really do.

At least you were honest with your doctor. Most people lie and act surprised when their liver enzymes come back through the roof.

Hang in there. Once civil unrest crosses a certain threshold, white collar jobs will be the first to go before the war.

>wake up 1:30 PM, shower
>grab coffee go for a walk
>3:30 PM, mturk
>9 PM - 4 AM, shitpost until I fall asleep


You need to find a job you enjoy, its not a meme, if you do sth that you actually are interested in doing you feel very good

Of course not all of us have talents for our dreams, so the best next option is having your own fucking business
Its also good for the economy and stuff
Best choice is bar/restaurant of course, cause food is nice

So, save money, don't spend in frivolities, buy a place and make it grow little by little

so you're a functioning alcoholic

do you even get a buzz?

you want to die of liver failure? my uncle was an alcoholic like that, gatorade and vodka all day, died of liver failure in the most painful and terrible way

>shit post on Sup Forums from 8-midnight

Don't you gym or have any friends/hobbies?

This nigga gets it. 12 hour shifts are god tier.

>wake up in the morning around 9 am >do whatever for a few hours
>work 1p-1a
>come home and shitpost or do whatever for a few hours
>wake up at noon
>do whatever until 2am the next day

And I do it for $2600+ a month while still living at home.

>2/3 is spent preparing for or being at your job.
>What a bargain. Capitalism is fucking sweeeet
Then make half of that 2/3 be more enjoyable, or get another job that is. Remember, work is a four letter word.

oof. See above

>At least you were honest with your doctor.
I'm brutally honest with my doctor. I've never understood iditos who lie. On the small chance I don't decide to drink myself to death; I want a full and accurate medical history to treat me.

>Once civil unrest crosses a certain threshold, white collar jobs will be the first to go before the war.

I fucking hope so. I used to be a tradesman, then decided to get a b.s. and m.s. in Physics and enter the pro STEM world.....I miss making 10 bucks an hour as a handyman. Much more happy than now making well over 100k......I am the epitome of first world problem faggotry; a pussy like me deserves death


>Is this it?
No user, this is not it and you must continue your wage slave life for a while (assuming your job pays decently), until you can invest and live smartly (I suggest real estate). I currently own houses in three continents which I rent most of the year, and can enjoy spending time with family and working on a low stress research job which I enjoy.

I was like you in your early twenties, questioning my life although I quit my actuary job in one of Geneva's top insurance firms, to experience life and find truth or whatever. Okay I ended up spiritually enlightened and fucked a bunch of skanks in the process, but it made me lose 3-4 years to achieving my potential.
Also don't go to Pattaya, it's trash. Go to Indonesia instead.

So negotiate other workhours? Instead of waiting out life and destroying your body.

>The only thing you fucks will get out of me is a vote or Trump.

Thank you for your service.

I don't have paid work because I have two pensions; one from the military and one I paid into. Also disability coin from the government.
My injuries are not life threatening. I can't turn my head because my neck is full of metal - screws and plates. My kids are well looked after and content.

Everything I get is from systems that I've paid into. I'm a single dad as my wife died. So I get tax credits and child benefit.
I do voluntary work. I help sorting food out for homeless people.

My neck and shoulders cause me a lot of pain. But pain is part of the human condition.
We must tolerate it.

how much of that 100k gets eaten by taxes?

>so you're a functioning alcoholic

>do you even get a buzz?
Yeah, I've measured myself extensively. I can get up to about 0.15 before people notice....and this is from trusted friends I've asked to monitor me while I am doing breathalyzer every hour

>you want to die of liver failure? my uncle was an alcoholic like that, gatorade and vodka all day, died of liver failure in the most painful and terrible way

All my family for nearly 150 years has died like this, my twin is currently dying like this....ill eat the bullet first

Your life is like a contemporary Wong Kar Wai film, I'm jellyaftbhfam

>App dev
Live it up now. Software developers don't have a long industry lifespan. Software companies are always hiring fresh new cheap labor straight out of college and laying off older, less flexible workers. You only have a chance to stay in the industry when you're older is when you specialize or always pick up the newest things (but even then, it's not really).
From your salary range, you're probably about working 3-5 years out of college. Not to mention an app developer, the lowest of the software developers. You'll get replaced and unwanted before you hit 40 (MAXIMUM), guaranteed.

Source: I'm a REAL software developer.

>spiritually enlightened
>fucked a bunch of skanks

I empathize with your pain, brother. I know its cliche but please try to hang in there. I find that shooting firearms on the weekend relaxes me because one cannot be an accurate marksman without being relaxed, so it forces me to relax. I hope you find relief.

I made 120K last year, and "only" paid 30k. I'm having an account refile for me because that seemed like I got away w/o paying enough....i did my takes drunk as fuck

What's mturk, bruh?

Pilot too. Help train other pilots. ATC are bros man, chill out. Copy shit down? Thats what the other guy/autopilot is for. They make you read it back because too many pilots just say roger and do whatever the fuck they want. Cocks up everything. Don't be such a pussy, ATC is awesome. Unless you live in some shit tier third world dump..


Think of the positives, at least you have a job. At least you are being paid well (assuming you are). At least you have weekends. [spoiler]At least you have friends.[/spoiler]

My company is known for retirement. It's a health insurance company.

I'm 25, youngest coworker is 45. People come here to retire and it pays well. Everyone working with me has been here for 15+ years. Job security is the main reason I'm still here. And the exceptional benefits.

Not exactly. You have to be outgoing and muscular to get a wife. Shy and average guys usually remain confirmed bachelors.

>I find that shooting firearms on the weekend relaxes me because one cannot be an accurate marksman without being relaxed

I buried all my firearms on my property one night because how often I had them in my mouth.....I pulled the trigger one night and the round didn't go off because I hadn't cocked it back.....decided guns shouldn't be around me

wow dude must suck to be you
i work like 20 hours a week, sell weed, and live in an apartment with some friends(split rent)
sucks to suck

And in reality:

6-8 hours of sleep
8-12 hours of work
2 hours of preparing for/relaxing from or traveling to work
4 hours of free time during which you must finish all household responsibilities such as cooking and cleaning

1-2 hours of actual relaxation, if you're not doing a 10 or 12 hour shift.

Don't kid yourself. Having a job feels like being a slave. People love weekends because it's the first time each week they can ease off a bit from the grindstone and take a breather and relax for real.

But forget even thinking about long-term plans, studies, projects or whatever. Work interrupts it all.

The wagecuck life is fucking awful and nobody likes it, everyone is sick of it.

Hey man good on you for being a good father and for volunteering.

Yes, if you're a wagie your role on Earth is to serve the NEET master race while they lounge about in pajamas and spiritually connect with Kek.

you program in assembler or raw 0 and 1s?