Are phobias degenerate? I have a crippling phobia of bees

Are phobias degenerate? I have a crippling phobia of bees.

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Nah, it's rational. I have one of anything with an arsedagger because they can kill me

Islamophobia is peak degeneracy.

How does this make you feel?

Forgot my pic

Bee stings are painful. Ain't nothing irrational about tha.

Same here.

Have thrown friends and family in between me and bees so I can escape.

Bees are bro tier. One sat on my hand last week and ate the salt from my sweat, and them flew off to polinate some flowers. It's wasps you should fear. They are the niggers of the insect kingdom.

Waspocaust when

I'm not afraid of bees, but wasps hurt so I always wear a hoodie, gloves, and pants, and bring a can of RAID when I go looking for them.

Beekeeper here. There's nothing to bee afraid of

You've got that right.

>American who says "arse"
>Is terrified of insects

Yeah, sounds about right. Freaking out atound bees probably the second worst thing you can do if a biological poison dart starts buzzing around your face.

Depends on the phobia a fear of heights is not necessarily (There's that buzz word getting thrown again out of context) "Degenerate" but ones like being afraid of pigeons or stupid shit is not degenerate your just being a pussy.
Mine is Spiders though which is a real shame for where I live

Bathrooms and mail boxes are my enemies

I don't have a phobia of them, but I have an extreme uncalled for hatred of slugs. I've seen slugs before and went apeshit. They're like niggers, only I have a reason to hate niggers. Seriously, fuck slugs, disgusting pieces of shit.

>all these fucking beeshills coming out with the "it's just the wasps that are bad" meme
You are like SJWs that say that we shouldn't fear Muslims, but only the radicals.

Fuck your "moderate beeslam" bullshit, OP is 100% right. Fuck bees.

Story time, faggots!

>be 10
>running with my dog
>run over nest of ground hornets
>hear buzzing
>dog snapping at the air
>hear yelps
>stung again
>and again
>and again
>still running
>dog yelping, but still by my side
>was far, but made it back to house
>mom wattering garden
>sees me flailing and sprays us both down with hose
>hornets disperse
>feel sick as fuck
>dad calls old as fuck cowboy neighbor for advice
>"chawin' bacce"
>neighbor shows up 10 minutes later with a stack of Copenhagen cans
>dad and neighbor start chewing, sticking slimy wet pinches of chew on my welts
>counted almost 150 stings, they went through 2 cans each

Apparently, it draws out the poison from the stings. I was covered; arms, legs, neck, face, even my scalp.
Still can't stand the smell of chew today.

Weed grower detected

Being stung in the bum by a dude is also painful.
Homophobia is real

I don't even have a garden, I just fucking hate slugs. I don't want to torture them, but I wish the worst death to them all. Sometimes I look for slug porn just to piss myself off enough to get off my ass and stop procrastinating. It works.

I have a phobia of bees mainly because when I was 3 I somehow managed to get one to sting my tongue. Had to lick ice lollies the entire day and now I get triggered when I hear buzzing even if I know it's a fly and I usually run out of the room if I see one and spray the entire room from a distance. Also petrified to death of mosquitoes and wasps and I hate insects/spiders in general.

I like to capture bees and hold them in my hand

>Japanese hornets
>larger than your thumb
>able to kill people when enough gather together
>can spit a corrosive acid
>said acid also acts as a pheromone to call more hornets to attack
>on top of that, the fuckers can fly
Japanese Hornets are my proof that God doesn't exist.

I'm afraid of bullets flying at me.

I'm horrified of raisins

No they're natural obstacles to overcome in order to make life interesting. Being fearless is liberating.

>Several friends stung by bees
>They always talk about the stings
>Gigantic mega bees are common around here
>They don't fucking leave
I can't even get close to these fuckers without breaking down


>Apis cerana japonica is a subspecies of the Eastern honeybee native to Japan. It is commonly known as the Japanese honeybee (ニホンミツバチ Nihon mitsubachi?).

>Beekeepers in Japan attempted to introduce European honey bees (Apis mellifera) for the sake of their high productivity. However, European honeybees have no innate defense against Japanese giant hornets, which can rapidly destroy their colonies.

>Although a handful of Asian giant hornets can easily defeat the uncoordinated defenses of a honey bee colony, the Japanese honey bee (Apis cerana japonica) has an effective strategy.

>As a hornet enters the hive, a mob of hundreds of honey bees surrounds it in a ball, completely covering it and preventing it from reacting effectively. The bees violently vibrate their flight muscles in much the same way as they do to heat the hive in cold conditions. This raises the temperature in the ball to the critical temperature of 46 °C (115 °F). In addition, the exertions of the honey bees raise the level of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the ball. At that concentration of CO2, the honey bees can tolerate up to 50 °C (122 °F), but the hornet cannot survive the combination of a temperature of 46 °C (115 °F) and high carbon dioxide level.[6][7] Some bees do die along with the intruder, much as happens when they attack other intruders with their stings, but by killing the hornet scout they prevent it from summoning reinforcements that would wipe out the entire colony.

Evil is made to make us stronger, user. see:

When I was a weeaboo teenager, I wanted to go to Japan at least once, then saw what a Japanese Giant Hornet could do and stopped wanting to go.

>The Japanese giant hornet is large and can be very aggressive if provoked. Its venom, which is injected by the 6.25 mm-long stinger, attacks the nervous system and damages the tissue of its victims.
>. Asian giant hornet stings can cause anaphylactic shock in allergic people but can still be lethal to people who are not allergic
>The stings can also cause renal failure.
>Thirty to forty people die in Japan every year after having been stung by the Japanese hornet

Spawns of the Devil right here

Bees are fine.

Wasps and hornets on the other hand...

Well memed, friend.

I dunno but I run from anything larger than a dime and buzzing through the air.

Fear of heights is one of the faggiest phobias

Who wouldn't get hard at the thought of dropping hot sticky loads on disgusting foreigners from high altitudes?

Arachnophobia is another one because spiders and other arachnids are qt, even the big hairy ones

"chawin' bacce" is such a nostalgic smell for me, reminds me of my late granddad.

Fuck hornets though.

Not memeing. Bees are shit.

Fuck off, jew. Bees sting only when the hive is threatened and then they fucking die like noble warriors. Wasps just attack and destroy everything they come in contact with. I'm sure you can relate.


Even japanese bees are redpilled, the euro ones prob let hornets in because they were both bugs and multiculturalism

Yea pretty much this

Islamaphobia, as well as homophobia are in fact degenerate.

How big are his balls?

This (((poster))) seems trustworthy

Obviously shopped, so nothing. Even if it was real I've seen more painful things since I've come to Sup Forums.




"Never trust an OP who doesn't respond to his thread"

Guess you never saw this one, "mexican intellectual"

everywhere near my backyard around this time of year a bunch of carpenter bees come out of the woodwork and just do nothing but be huge and intimidating

>Fear of heights
maybe its just ledges because i get lightheaded from looking down but roller coasters are a breeze

i have a phobia of all anthropods.

seriously look how huge these fuckers are

carpenters are chill though. they jst want to make little bee houses

no they're fucking feisty they fight all the time and go everywhere, they're huge and nasty

Bees only sting when attached and they are useful by pollinating flowers and trees

Wasps are a fucking useless burden like mudslimes

They're fucking abhorrent. We had a nest on the property right next to mine. That property was owned by the BLM, and we weren't certain if we could do anything to the land without being fined or something. Stingy little jerks (the wasps).

Are you sure you are not just a bee in denial?

that joke stung