Vegan Gains

Is Vegan Gains now officially considered the dumbest youtuber?
Here's a video of him harassing a police officer riding a horse, claiming its cruel:

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Poor cop, they're really nice when I was a kid I always asked if I can pet them and they'd always let me.

I mean pet the horse not the cop

They wonder why niggers are getting shot.

What a cringey nigger.

They handled it really well, if I were a cop Id have just found an excuse to arrest him

Nuh huh. We know what youre into now

He sounds like he's about to cry all the time.

I'd be the same way if I couldn't eat meat ever again

What a fucking sperg

Why is it always the blacks that never know when to just walk away from a problem? Even with that faggot on his back he could have easily walked away as that nigger drew near

He was always a fucking retard. He admits to being a sociopatha and that he prefers animals over humans.

He's literally a fucking nutter.

He's not wrong about that, my cat is better than most people I meet.

It says it's a parody video but I'm not sure what it's a parody of.

He's a fucking half breed nigger what did you expect


Your cat is fucking shit compared to my cat m8

fucking vegans

he doesnt look very strong. why does he have his own fitness channel?

i could outlift him desu familiar

No, I raised my cat like a dog everyone's always amazed by him. He listens to me, when I snap my fingers he will run to me, he let's me rub his toes and kiss his belly. I have him sleep next to me at night under the blanket and I fall asleep with my arm around him. Most cats don't even let you touch their toes but I always play with his while he's asleep he loves it

He threatens to kill people and uses the parody as an excuse. He's never given me a reason to suspect this isn't how he truly is.

I forgot to mention we even take a shit together, I've got his litter box next to my toilet and in the morning he will come sit next to me. This cat is real loyal, he never leaves my side. He sits on the counter while I shave, he sits on the edge of the tub when I bathe, he sits with me at the dinner table.

Fucking trashed. What a massive faggot.

Well technically it is.
If someone knowingly puts themselves in harms way it's on them, when someone put someone else in harms way where they don't have foreknowledge and acceptance of it it is unethical from a consistency stance

That said Fuck that kid he has no integrity,
the cop is wrong just for having a Job where it is impossible for him to keep his oath, as this country is corrupt and unlawful,
That's worse than the horse bit.

>torture device

I literally can't tell if he's a troll or not.

Reminder that VegaNoGains has been lifting over 8 years and struggles on a 185 bench, a 185 squat, and basically his nutrient deficient diet cannot sustain training in compound barbell lifts so he focuses on the smallest glamour muscles in the body (arms and delts)

8 years lifting for this

I have underestimated your cat
What colour is your cat? Tortie master race reporting in. Really tiny, permanent kitten mode and super friendly.

>8 years
Fucking lmao. Anyone with half a brain could achieve that trash build in 6 months TOPS. Why do people watch this faggot's videos?

This guy should be in jail.
There are hours of footage of him saying he'll kill people, slit their throats, he describes in great detail how every time he sees a mother with a baby minding her own business he wants to snatch the baby and bash it's head against the concrete.
This guy should be in jail. He's giving off all the red flags there are.

While he's always banging on about animal rights I can promise you that in secret this guy is torturing little animals to get some pleasure out of it. He already admits that he enjoys hurting people, where do you think he releases his psychotic feelings?

If that's yours, good job making it for how small you are.

Mine is the best

>pic unrelated
He is the father of Alexander Dumas

Hes a tabby
Cute cat

lets be honest who doesnt enjoy hurting people

>this guy didn't pet cops as a kid
They love it when you scratch them behind the ears and feed them donuts.

lol at owning a fucking cat

.. is that in kilograms or is he 13 years old?

Your cats are rubbish.

Pretty good cats guys

Itt our cats

Whats wrong with animal? I prefer animal over peopele.

>that feel

Real talk are the bits (I assume the part in the horse's mouth) actually bad for the horse or is this guy throwing a bitchfit over nothing? I could see them being painful if you're jerking the horse around like an ADHD autismo but I don't really have any experience with these animals.

That's a cute cat
I had a cat kind of like this but it was a light grey and not as much orange

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