All this libertarian garbage on Sup Forums right now

>all this libertarian garbage on Sup Forums right now
>you shouldn't take guns because people will get guns anway!!!!!1!!!!!

So we should get rid of immigration laws, after all people are going to break the law and come here anyway right? XD

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What are you talking about? shouting other peoples is a human right.

Hello newfriend, gun laws don't do anything. They're a waste of time and resources. Please enjoy your time here in Sup Forums.

>Hello newfriend, gun laws don't do anything. They're a waste of time and resources. Please enjoy your time here in Sup Forums.

Hello newfriend, immigration laws don't do anything. They're a waste of time and resources. Please enjoy your time here in Sup Forums.

MVP of Sup Forums

[citation needed] I'm not even sure what metrics to use but if you have some ideas I'd love to make a chart about the efficacy of immigration policy.

Nigger please.

>I'm not even sure what metrics to use but if you have some ideas I'd love to make a chart about the efficacy of immigration policy.

I know for a fact guns laws do in fact work. I can give you a bunch of statistics if you would like you fucking loser.

>Premise for gun control is that killing people is bad
>Government has no problem killing people on a daily basis, to serve its jewish masters.
You're a funny one, user. Do you intentionally ignore the obvious in front of you?

They won't if we build a wall

Occupy democrats.
into the trash it goes

There's a difference between riding a statistical trend towards lower homicide and decreasing homicide. Welcome to Sup Forums where we trade charts and graphs about gun policy every night.

Actually immigration laws and a closed border do work to an extent. Your example is invalid.

>Actually immigration laws and a closed border do work to an extent.

So do gun laws. It doesn't work 100%, but neither do immigration laws. Using your "logic" if something doesn't work 100% of the time, we should go full Mad Max on everything.

>I know for a fact guns laws do in fact work.

I guess it depends on which side of 'gun control' you're on, doesn't it?

Please don't blame all firearms for the misuse of a few.
Guns are a tool of peace and this rhetoric only triggers nonviolent weapons

>I guess it depends on which side of 'gun control' you're on, doesn't it?

I don't care. Governments kill people, with or without legal access to guns. You see drone strikes in the middle east, where are all you gun fags doing to prevent that?

I'm not in the middle east bro.

Are we graced by Him, ken m?

The math suggests that gun laws have no measurable effect on homicide.

>So we should get rid of immigration laws, after all people are going to break the law and come here anyway right? XD

owning a gun isn't illegal

killing people is

what else do you want


>The math suggests that gun laws have no measurable effect on homicide.

The same day of Sandy Hook, some gun in China stabbed a bunch of people. Guess what? None of them died.

Really makes you think doesn't it.

>The math suggests that gun laws have no measurable effect on homicide.

Not sure that's true senor.

Yeah the US has sure subdued a lot insurgencies with it's drone strikes. Randomly blowing up children has really stopped people from wanting to do harm to the US government.

How come Liberals are so hell bent on promoting pic related?

>Cambodia is the same as USA


see chart in
Where are your scatter plots, newfriend?

Libertarians would probably advocate for open borders, if there was no welfare state.

>my "logic"

WTF are your rambling about? Google strawman argument before trying to talk with the adults.

>Borders don't work so get rid of them
>gun laws don't work so get rid of them

Is that the point your trying to make?

> So we should get rid of immigration laws, after all people are going to break the law and come here anyway right? XD

Serious answer... Yeah... Because that's the libertarian position. Or have you become confused and started to think that Trump/Alt-Right is libertarian?

Our government has an obligation to protect its borders. But Libertarians tend to believe that immigrating to this country should be very easy.

Er, to clarify, "Get rid of" is not the language I would use. But the point is that the process should be made much simpler.

I particularly dislike the H1B system. I think if you can get an H1B you should be able to get citizenship immediately. We're talking about people with graduate degrees, who probably have been in the US for 5+ years for education.

(What possible reason is there to prevent someone with a graduate degree, who can find work, from coming to the USA? People with graduate degrees can work anywhere, they might as well be working for American companies and paying American taxes and buying American homes and having their kids in American schools and retiring in American communities.)

Just bought a 5 year NRA subscription

Suck it gun grabbers

I guess he googled strawman


You know what the sad thing is? He still probably thinks what he thinks.

>So we should get rid of immigration laws, after all people are going to break the law and come here anyway right?
This is actually in line with mainstream libertarianism

But immigration laws aren't followed, there are tons of undocumented spics here that the government refuses to deport, they are protesting in public to get amnesty. The laws are clearly ineffective at dealing with the problem, and it only disadvantages responsible people who try to enter the country legally.

See where I'm going with this?

>the government trying to confiscate half a billion firearms
>in the United States

Yeah, that would be a piece of cake. I'm sure all those right wing LE personnel and active duty military will be happy to confiscate guns from their neighbors and family to support a liberal globalist agenda.

SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. It's not just a fucking meme, it's in the Bill of Rights. Completely subverting the second amendment would literally start a civil war, and all of the guns are in the hands of the right.

Punishing the majority of gun owners for the act of a relative few is fucking ludicrous.

Gun control laws have no meaningful impact on homicide rates, never have they ever in any case in history. If you're trying to prevent people from dying with this legislation it's a battle you've already lost.

We shouldn't get rid of them immediately and unilaterally, no.

But we should make laws simple, reasonable, and easy to comply with. If we can't do that, we can't justify being strict with those who break the law, and if we cannot do that, well we know how that can cause problems.

Long term, in an ideal world, we would need much less border control. Perhaps as little as a large, legible, noticeboard of our laws. But that world is far away for the moment, unfortunately.

As to firearms, victim disarmament is not the answer.