Why do liberals hate America?

Why do liberals hate America?

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They hate the world. You can see it. "We're all connected just LOVE".

That will never happen and they know it deep down. It's why they're so neurotic.

because they are too soft for this world. swine being fattened for the slaughter.

>tell them to leave if they hate it so much

I don't understand


>America was never great

It was great from the beggining to about the 60s

They fell for the "we are all the same" meme.

great post OP no input of your own yet you scoured the internet for one liberal post with 36 likes, lets wait until this one hits 100+ replies

theyre eternally teenagers who are angry at their dads and want to do things that will make their parents pay attention to them

thats why they want a more authoritarian government. their fantasy is to be like the baby boomers in the 60s and fight an evil goverment. if the government isnt going to do it, they will MAKE them do it by passing authoritarian laws to fight against

Butthurt liberal detected

not even a liberal this thread is a literal strawman and a circlejerk for anyone who hates liberals ie. newbies on Sup Forums , as evident by you responding to me accusing me as a liberal

>not even a liberal
>gets butthurt at a thread making fun of them for hating their own country (which most of them do)
Don't you have a TRUMP BTFO thread to make

They are 100% hippies of the 2010s. Also

>We're all interconnected
Ergo we're all filth.

Also these fucking soft idiots think that the rest of the world can be like their suburban upbringing. Life isn't a Disney musical where peace and love and happiness is enough.

Fucking gaiaist "life-stream mannn"

Thats a bit of a broad term, if anything Liberal is more of a taxonomical order Hipsters are more the evolutionary successors of the hippies, but more technological and less environmentally friendly.

that tweet is so mean. its lgbtqmop+

>gets butthurt at a thread making fun of them for hating their own country (which most of them do)
how many times has this thread been made with nothing accomplished or anything done other than whining about liberals, not butthurt just annoyed at the sheer repetitiveness the posts have been lately?

like yours "why do liberals hate america". It's not adding anything to the table its just some buzzword to rile up the people on this board, its not informative its a literal circlejerk and i wish more people saw it that way.

by the way im glad you didn't shitpost and run

this is the right's equivalent to "BTFO" threads, who are most likely shitposters, because it's accomplishing the same exact thing. notthing but the same old things being said over and over

Just read Ted Kaczynski's psychological profile of liberals.

Conservatives are the one that think that America isn't great and change needs to happen for it to be great again.

>America was never great
>refuses to live anywhere else except America
These retarded faggots are a dime-a-dozen

Okay, I get it. I fucking get it, you love Reddit, whoopty fucking doo, but let me set one rule here. You are not a fucking redditor, you're an user. Your autism and cuckolding is long from gone, heh... there was once a time when I thought myself as a redditor, I normally shared posts with my wife's 23 year old son. Come to think of it, she was only in her early 30s, no idea how but I think she was culturally enriched, aside from that though.You SHED THE TITLE OF REDDITOR, no more memes, we want real memes. REAL MEMES, do you fucking understand? I'M SO SICK AND TIRED OF ALL THESE AUTISTS SAYING HAHAHHAA "MUH TOKEN BLACK MAN LOLOLO I'M SO FUNNY HERE HAVE A GOLD" I JUST WANT YOU TO STOP JUST FUCKING STOP I HATE REDDIT EVERYTIME I GO ON THERE ALL I WANT TO DO IS TAKE SOME MORE OF MY DEPRESSION PILLS AND END IT ALL, YOU ARE FUCKING PIECES OF SHIT. COMMIT SUICIDE OR I WILL. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

very nice wall of text


Gavin sums it up here. Leftists think they're intelligent for hating America and in a broader sense the west.

I fucking hate globalists like that Cortes fuck.

Yup, pretty much. The supposed utopia they're hoping for pretty much involves Kikes at the top of the government and the rest of us fighting for the scraps. Cortes types never seem to understand that the only global equality that we're ever getting is the equality of mediocrity.

>nothing accomplished or anything done other than whining about liberals, not butthurt

Motherfucker you're butt hurt as fuck. Do you not understand where we're at? This is Sup Forums, of course nothing is getting accomplished. That's never the point of this place, we're not (social justice) warriors with a purpose or any of that bullshit. Most of us just come here to shit post.

We sure have a lot of normie fags here today.

>Most of us just come here to shit post.
>We sure have a lot of normie fags here today.
you are the cancer and the summerfag