Why is she not the queen of Sup Forums?

>is based
>has successful youtube channel
>redpills normies every day
>is white
>have last name be "white"
>is a q t 3.1415926535 trap
>is a Sup Forumsack
>BTFO's sjw's and liberals regularly
>is pro trump
>hates mudslimes
>feminine penis

why is she not already the queen of Sup Forums?

inb4 ">feminine penis"
inb4 "trannies are degenerate"

pic is screenshot from her snapchat

Sup Forums is a republic

we are such a horrible state that we just have to accept that we need to be pragmatic.

too many stormniggers think we are just going to chimp out our way out of world jewry's hands...

>a woman should have royal authority over Sup Forums


>Make a woman a leader
Has Merkel taught you nothing?

>feminine penis


Pick one

Canada shilling for a trap, surprise, surprise
>fuck off milo
>fuck off traps
>fuck off FAGS
Or get ratatatatatatatat skrr skrrrrr again

well about the woman thing...

We must take in more Reddit refugees. :(

OP here, i forgot to mention she also is getting a computer science degree, so certified non-degenerate

People like her and Milo are great for us because LGBTXMENBBQ are the left's territory. They basically see them like the Institute sees their androids and react the same when one goes rogue.

this and ffs stop trying to make this Sup Forums

The.truth.will.live is hotter

well its a tranny, sooo, i dont think it counts?

Its a dude LARPing as a woman

Please leave this hemisphere

I am seriously thinking of going tranny at this point so I can get fired and sue my employer.

Sup Forums only selects confirmed coal burners and traps as their "queen".

remember the cotton stuffed bra

>feminine penis
trannys are degenerate. also, learn to inb4.

this. Sup Forumslocks only fap to coalburning traps.